Medical Negligence Solicitors For West Bromwich Claims

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West Bromwich Medical Negligence Solicitors No Win No Fee

Are you looking for a medical negligence solicitor for a West Bromwich based claim? We can provide you with a medical negligence solicitor in West Bromwich, or who covers the West Bromwich area, with the right expertise and experience to win your compensation claim.

solicitors West BromwichWhat is medical negligence? Medical negligence (also known as clinical negligence) is defined as when a patient receives substandard care from a medical professional. This could be the incorrect treatment, a medical or surgical error, or a misdiagnosis. As a result of the practitioners negligent action or inactions, the patient is injured, made ill, or their existing medical condition worsens. If you have experienced medical negligence in West Bromwich or elsewhere, you may be legally entitled to make a medical negligence claim for compensation, from the organisation involved. You could be owed thousands of pounds in compensation.

Call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 for your free consultation. One of our friendly advisors will be happy to help.

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When Can I Make A Medical Negligence Claim?

If you are going to make a medical negligence claim, you there are three points of evidence that you must be able to prove.

  1. That you the Claimant were owed a duty of care by the medical provider the Defendant (i.e. that you were their patient),
  2. That the Defendant breached the duty of care through negligent actions or inactions
  3. That this negligent action caused you to suffer an avoidable accident which caused you an injury or illness, or worsened an existing condition.

Your medical negligence solicitor will be able to help you gather the information you need to prove these points.

This medical negligence solicitors guide has been written with Claimants based in West Bromwich in mind. If you live elsewhere in the country then Legal Expert can also provide you with an expert clinical negligence solicitor who covers your area.

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Medical Negligence Solicitor For West Bromwich Based Claims

How do you choose the best medical negligence solicitor in West Bromwich to deal with the particular circumstances of your case? You may want to speak to your family and friends who have been through a similar ordeal, to see if there is a solicitor they would recommend. You can also read solicitor reviews online, to get some insight into what previous medical negligence compensation Claimants have thought of their solicitor.

Alternatively, get in contact with Legal Expert. Our advisors can offer a free consultation, and may be able to connect you with a solicitor for West Bromwich based claims. 

Do I Need To Use A Medical Negligence Solicitor In West Bromwich?

It’s a common misconception that if you live and have an experienced medical negligence in West Bromwich that you have to use a medical negligence solicitor in West Bromwich to claim medical negligence compensation. In this day and age, digital communications services like mobile phones, email, and Skype mean that you can use a medical negligence solicitor elsewhere in the country if you are provided with a solicitor based elsewhere.

What Kind Of Medical Negligence Claims Can Legal Expert Help Me With?

Legal Expert’s top solicitors cover all sorts of medical negligence claims. These can include cancer negligence claims, birth negligence claims, or claims for medical negligence that happened at a hospital, dental practice, GP’s surgery or a nursing home in West Bromwich. We cover NHS medical negligence claims and private healthcare medical negligence claims. Here are just a few medical negligence examples, to give you an idea of what sort of injuries people victims claim compensation for.

Cases of Hospital Negligence

Have you suffered NHS medical negligence or private healthcare medical negligence at a hospital in West Bromwich? If it resulted in a significant injury or the worsening of an existing medical condition you could be owed a medical negligence compensation sum. Let us refer you to a top medical negligence solicitor who covers the West Bromwich area.

Claims For Dental Negligence

Have you experienced medical negligence that happened in West Bromwich, whilst having cosmetic or medical dental treatment? Whether it was your dentist, orthodontist, dental nurse or oral hygienist who made the medical mistake you can make a claim for dental negligence in West Bromwich.

Compensation For Negligent Treatment By Your GP

Have you been mistreated by your GP and been injured, made ill, or had a medical condition worsened as a result? Maybe your GP failed to spot the signs of a serious medical condition which delayed you getting the treatment you needed? Call Legal Expert and if you have a valid case, we will provide you with a medical negligence solicitor who covers the West Bromwich area.

Cases Of Negligent Cancer Treatment

Have you suffered from cancer, or are you still suffering from cancer? If you experienced a cancer misdiagnosis this was a very serious mistake on the part of your doctor, as it could have delayed you receiving the treatment you need. In some cases, it can mean the difference between life and death, as the earlier that cancer is caught and the easier it is to treat. If you, or your now deceased next of kin have experienced a cancer misdiagnosis and you can prove it caused harm, you may be owed tens of thousands of pounds in cancer negligence compensation. Call Legal Expert today for your free consultation and we can provide you with an expert cancer negligence lawyer who covers the West Bromwich area.

Nursing Home Compensation Cases

Care homes and nursing homes in Bromwich provide shelter and support to some of the most vulnerable people in society, such as the elderly, severely disabled and mentally incapacitated. Therefore, they play a trusted role, so when they act negligently or abusively, the results can be devastating for all involved. If you, or your next of kin who is now deceased or incapacitated has suffered care home negligence in West Bromwich, which caused injuries, then you can claim care home or nursing home compensation. Our medical negligence solicitors in West Bromwich can help you win your claim.

Birth Injury Compensation Claims

Have you experienced medical negligence during childbirth in a hospital in West Bromwich, which caused you or your child lasting injuries? Then you may be able to make a medical negligence birth injury compensation claim. What actions of medical negligence can cause birth injuries? Doctors and nurses failing to recognise distress in the infant, or using the wrong tools, are some of the common errors that cause birth injuries. Birth injuries that can leave children with lasting illnesses or disabilities include: the breaking of bones, hypoxia (where the infant is deprived of oxygen, which can cause cerebral palsy) and the transmission of infections. Other injuries can harm the mother. If you have experienced medical negligence during childbirth in a hospital in West Bromwich then contact us today.

No Win No Fee Clinical Negligence Solicitors For West Bromwich

As previously discussed, when you are pursuing a claim for medical negligence, you are not limited to working with solicitors in West Bromwich. You could have the support of one of our solicitors for your claim. They have vast experience working on medical negligence claims.

One of our solicitors may offer their services under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). This is a type of No Win No Fee agreement.

A No Win No Fee solicitor won’t charge for their services upfront or if the claim does not succeed. However, if your medical negligence claim is successful, they will take a success fee from your award. The percentage that they can take is limited by the law.

To discuss the potential of your clinical negligence claim, get in touch with our advisors. In addition to free advice, they could connect you to one of our solicitors. If one of our solicitors for West Bromwich takes your case, they will offer services on a No Win No Fee basis.

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Useful Links

The NHS Constitution of England

An NHS guide to patient’s rights

How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims?

Further Medical Negligence Guides:

Thank you for reading our guide on medical negligence solicitors in West Bromwich.

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    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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