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How Much Can I Claim For Laceration And Scarring?

By Cat Way. Last Updated 15th November 2023. In this guide, we’ll explain the eligibility requirements for making laceration and scarring claims. We’ll also talk about the claims process and potential compensation amounts for successful claims.

A cut or laceration accident or injury can happen anywhere at any time, whether you are at work or slipped and fell in a public place that resulted in a nasty laceration injury. You could also potentially suffer a laceration as a result of clinical negligence. At Legal Expert, our team can advise you on the process of filing for laceration compensation and/or scarring compensation.

To find out more, please read on. Alternatively, if you’d like to speak to someone about making a claim, then you can call us on 0800 073 8804 for more information. You can also speak to us about your claim online.

laceration and scarring claims

Laceration and scarring claims guide

Select A Section

  1. Compensation For Laceration And Scarring Claims
  2. Laceration and Scar Compensation Claiming Criteria
  3. How To Prove A Laceration Injury Claim
  4. No Win No Fee Laceration And Scarring Claims
  5. Useful Links

Compensation For Laceration And Scarring Claims

If a laceration injury is caused by someone else’s negligence, you might be eligible to claim damages. There are two heads of claim that may be included in a personal injury claim.

General damages are awarded to cover any pain or suffering caused by your injuries. Any loss of amenity is also factored into this head of claim, which considers if your deep laceration injuries have meant you can no longer participate in activities you normally would. Additionally, any psychological injuries may be included in general damages.

The amounts listed in the table below have been taken from the 16th edition of the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). The JCG is a document that is used by many legal professionals to help them value claims. This is because the JCG lists compensation brackets for various injuries, and the figures are based on previous successful claims.

We cannot provide you with the average compensation for a soft tissue injury, laceration or scar. This is because compensation is awarded on a case-by-case basis, and the amount you could receive could be affected by the factors of your claim. Therefore, you should only use the following table as a guide.

Type of injury Notes Compensation bracket
Multiple Serious Injuries Multiple serious injuries along with lost earnings, pension contributions, and other financial losses. Up to £150,000
Scarring to Other Parts of the Body This bracket applies to scars caused by significant burns that cover more than 40% of the body. Likely to exceed £104,830
Scarring to Other Parts of the Body A singular disfiguring scar or multiple noticeable laceration scars to the back/chest/hands/arms/legs. £7,830 to £22,730
Facial Disfigurement – Scarring – Very Severe This level is awarded to very young claimants (teens to early 30s) where there’s a severe psychological reaction and a very disfiguring cosmetic effect. £29,780 to £97,330
Facial Disfigurement – Scarring – Less Severe In these cases, the disfigurement is still considered substantial and there is a significant impact on the injured person’s mental state. £17,960 to £48,420
Facial Disfigurement – Scarring – Significant This bracket applies to cases where plastic surgery helps to reduce the most severe effects. Some cosmetic disability and psychological damage will remain, however. £9,110 to £30,090
Facial Disfigurement – Scarring – Less Significant This bracket may apply to cases where there is one scar that can be camouflaged or when there are a numerous very small scars, the overall effect does not significantly affect the injured person’s appearance. £3,950 to £13,740
Hand Injury – Moderate Deep lacerations, penetrating wounds or soft tissue/crush injuries. £5,720 to £13,280
Digestive System (a)(iii) Industrial lacerations, penetrating stab wounds or serious seat-belt pressure injuries. £6,610 to £12,590

Secondly, you could be awarded special damages for any out-of-pocket expenses or financial losses you have incurred as a result of your injuries. For example, if you have a significant injury that causes you to take time off work, you might suffer a loss of earnings.

Do not hesitate to contact one of our advisors today if you wish to discuss your claim. Our team is available 24/7 and can offer you free legal advice regarding your potential claim. They could also answer any of the questions that you may have about starting a personal injury claim.

Laceration and Scar Compensation Claiming Criteria

When seeking laceration or scar compensation, you’ll need to determine if you meet the eligibility requirements. As with any type of valid personal injury claim, your injuries must have been caused by a relevant third party breaching their duty of care.

There are various situations where you are owed a duty of care, such as:

  • In the workplace: Per the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, your employer must do what is reasonably practicable to ensure your safety and well-being while in the workplace and working. This is the duty of care they owe you.
  • In a public place: Those in control of public spaces have a duty of care to ensure visitors are reasonably safe whilst using their premises for its intended purposes under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957.
  • On the road: Road users are expected to abide by the rules and regulations set out in the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code. Per their duty of care, they must also navigate the roads in a way that prevents injury to themselves and others.

If any of these parties breach their duty of care and this causes you to suffer a laceration or permanent scar, a compensation claim could arise.

Continue reading to find out the time limit for starting a personal injury claim and gathering supporting evidence for your case. Alternatively, if you want to know how much compensation per stitch is in the UK, you can contact our advisory team.

Time Limit For Scarring And Laceration Injury Claims

If you are eligible to make a personal injury claim for a scarring or laceration injury, you should be aware of the relevant time limit to start proceedings. The Limitation Act 1980 establishes that there’s generally a three-year time limit for starting a personal injury claim. This time limit applies from the date your injuries occurred.

This time limit has certain exceptions in place. For example, if a child has suffered a laceration or scarring injury, then the time limit is paused until the day of their 18th birthday. A claim could be made on the child’s behalf by a court-appointed litigation friend before this day comes. If this does not happen, the injured party will have three years to start their own claim once they turn 18.

If someone lacks the required mental capacity to make their own claim, the time limit will be suspended permanently. A claim could be made for them via a litigation friend. However, if they later regain the required mental capacity and a litigation friend hasn’t made a claim on their behalf, then the time limit will apply from the date of recovery.

To learn more about the time limits or other aspects of laceration and scarring claims, contact our advisors today.

How To Prove A Laceration Injury Claim

Following a laceration injury caused by the negligence of someone else, if you seek to make a claim, it’s important to gather supporting evidence. If you cannot provide evidence that negligence occurred and you subsequently suffered harm, you will likely struggle to claim personal injury compensation.

To give you an idea of what evidence to gather, we’ve included some examples below:

  • Your medical records can prove that you have suffered injuries such as an arm laceration.
  • An independent medical expert can offer insight into the extent of the harm you have suffered through a medical assessment.
  • Take photographs of your injuries. A photograph can show how severe an injury such as a foot laceration is.
  • Request the contact details of any witnesses to your accident. They can offer a statement later on in the personal injury claims process.
  • Proof of financial losses. For example, you could use a wage slip to show any loss of earnings you might have suffered.

There may be other forms of evidence you could collect. However, you can speak to our advisors at any time to discuss other examples of evidence. Furthermore, they could connect you with one of our experienced personal injury solicitors who can help you obtain supporting evidence.

No Win No Fee Laceration And Scarring Claims

Now that you know more about laceration and scarring claims, you may be interested in finding a solicitor to help you with your specific case. Our solicitors are experts in personal injury law and may be able to help you under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).

A CFA is a kind of No Win No Fee agreement. Under this type of arrangement, you don’t have to pay any upfront fees in order for your solicitor to start working on your claim, nor do you pay any ongoing fees for their continued services. Similarly, if your claim doesn’t succeed, you won’t pay any fees for your solicitor’s work on your case.

However, if your laceration injury compensation claim does succeed, then your solicitor will take a success fee. This fee is taken directly from your compensation as a small percentage, though this amount is limited by a legal cap. This helps to make sure that the larger share of what you receive stays with you.

To find out if one of our expert solicitors could help you claim personal injury compensation, contact our team of advisors today. They can evaluate your claim for free and answer any questions you might have about the personal injury claims process. To get started:

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