Make A Nerve Damage Claim

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No Win No Fee Nerve Damage Claims | How To Get Compensation

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 14th June 2024. Suffering a nerve damage injury can cause significant pain and disruption in a person’s life. If you’ve been impacted by such harm, you may wish to know if you can make a personal injury claim for compensation.

Below, we discuss all aspects of nerve damage claims. We explore the ways that these injuries can happen (such as in car accidents), how to make a claim and the evidence you may need.

We also offer some compensation examples for nerve damage and explain how our No Win No Fee solicitors can help you.

If you’d rather chat with us now to get some specialist legal advice, you can use the contact information below. We offer a free case check to everyone who gets in touch and if you did wish to make a claim, we can connect you with our personal injury solicitors who’ll get to work on your case right away.

You can reach us by:

  • Calling 0800 073 8804
  • You can also use the pop-up live chat box to speak to a member of our team
  • Or you can see if you have a claim online by filling out the form on our website.

A man gripping at his hand that hurts due to nerve damage.

Browse Our Guide

  1. Could I Make A Nerve Damage Claim?
  2. Proving Nerve Damage Claims
  3. Nerve Damage Compensation Amount
  4. What Is The Process Like For Claiming Nerve Damage Compensation?
  5. Make A No Win No Fee Nerve Damage Claim Today
  6. Learn More About Personal Injury Claims

Could I Make A Nerve Damage Claim?

There are many different scenarios in which you may be owed a duty of care, which means someone else is responsible for your health and safety. 

For example, while you are working, your employer owes you a duty of care. This is outlined in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA), which states that they must take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure your safety while working.

Similarly, while you are using the roads, you owe others and are owed by others a duty of care. This means that you need to take steps to prevent harm and damage from coming to yourself and others. In order to uphold this duty, all road users are expected to comply with the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code.

You are also owed a duty of care while in a public space by the party in control of that space under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957. Per their duty of care, they must take steps that help to ensure your reasonable safety while you are visiting that public place for its intended purpose.

You might be wondering if you are eligible to claim nerve damage compensation if you were to suffer an injury in one of these places. In order to form the basis of a valid claim, your case must meet three basic criteria:

  • Someone must have owed you a duty of care.
  • They must have breached this duty.
  • As a result, you must have been injured.

To learn more about when you could have a valid personal injury claim, contact our team of advisors today. Or, read on to learn more about claiming nerve damage injury compensation.

A woman holds her lower back in pain after suffering a nerve injury

How Long Do I Have To Claim Nerve Damage Compensation?

There’s also another piece of criteria when it comes to nerve damage claims and that’s the personal injury time limit.

There is a typical 3-year time limit to start a claim. The Limitation Act 1980 sets this as the time limit for personal injury and medical negligence claims. You could start your claim within three years of the date of the incident, or three years from the date of knowledge. Date of knowledge is the date you became aware your injuries were connected to negligence.

However, there are circumstances in which the injured party cannot start a claim for themselves. These suspend the limitation period. They include:

  • The time limit is suspended until the date of their 18th birthday. This means that they have three years from turning 18 to start a claim. However, a litigation friend could start legal proceedings on their behalf at any time during the suspension.
  • Those who lack the mental capacity to start a claim will see the time limit suspended indefinitely. Should they regain capacity, the limitation period starts from that date, giving them three years to start a claim. However, as with children, a litigation friend could begin legal proceedings on their behalf at any time during the suspension.

If you have any queries about nerve damage compensation or the limitation period, call our advisors. They can assess the chances of your claim succeeding and could put you in touch with our solicitors.

Proving Nerve Damage Claims

You can choose to pursue a nerve damage compensation claim either on your own or potentially with the support of a solicitor. If you have evidence to potentially support a claim, we highly recommend hiring a solicitor who has handled such cases before, like ourselves.

When you contact us, we can help answer questions about your potential case. And if you have strong grounds to make a claim, we may also be able to offer you direct support from one of our solicitors.

If one of our solicitors does support your claim, they may extend the fact-finding process to take in as much information to support your case as possible. This could include attempting to gain access to CCTV footage and other evidence, for example.

We have included a few examples of key pieces of evidence that can be helpful to acquire:

  • CCTV footage – It’s possible that the incident that caused nerve damage may have been caught on a surveillance system such as CCTV. If you appear in the footage, you have the right to request a copy.
  • Medical evidence – Following treatment, your medical records will contain important information relating to your injuries and their severity. This can also assist in the process of valuing your claim.
  • Witness contact details – If there were others who saw how you were injured, it can be very useful for you to have a way to contact them so a legal professional can later collect their statement.

Get in touch if you want to know more about the average payout for nerve damage. Or, you can head to our nerve damage compensation calculator for an estimation of your claim.

Nerve Damage Compensation Amount 

If you make a successful claim for nerve damage compensation, your settlement could consist of two parts (also called ‘heads of claim’). These are general and special damages.

General damages compensate for your physical pain and mental suffering caused by the accident. When valuing this part of your nerve damage compensation amount, those who do so, such as a personal injury solicitor or other legal professional, may use the guideline compensation brackets from the Judicial College (known as the ‘JCG’). The JCG is a list of various injuries in differing severities alongside potential compensation for each one.

In the top row, we look at a figure to demonstrate how you could be awarded for multiple injuries and your related expenses. The following rows look at figures that could be relevant to nerve damage from the JCG. Please note that the top figure was not taken from the JCG.

As all nerve damage claims are different, the table is only to be used as guidance.

Multiple Severe Injuries + Special DamagesSevereUp to £250,000+
Back InjurySevere (i)£111,150 to £196,450
Back InjurySevere (ii)£90,510 to £107,910
Leg InjuryLess Serious (i)£21,920 to £33,880
Skeletal InjuryFractures of Nose or Nasal Complex (i)£12,990 to £28,220
Hand InjurySerious Thumb Injury£15,370
to £20,460
Hand InjuryModerate Thumb Injury£11,800
to £15,370

In addition to general damages, in a successful personal injury claim, your nerve damage compensation amount may also include special damages. This part of your settlement compensates for the financial losses caused by your injury. It may include compensation for:

  • Loss of earnings.
  • Mobility aids, such as a wheelchair.
  • Physical therapy.
  • Home help, such as a cleaner.
  • Amongst other items related to nerve damage.

As part of the personal injury claims process, you will need to prove your expenses. You could save your payslips, receipts and invoices to submit as part of your nerve injury claim.

If you would like a free valuation of your nerve damage compensation amount, speak to an advisor from our team.

A stack of money sits beside a calculator


What Is The Process Like For Claiming Nerve Damage Compensation?

If you have suffered nerve damage because another party breached the duty of care they owed you, then you should first make sure you get the medical treatment you require. If you wish to pursue starting a claim, then you should start gathering evidence for your case as soon as you can after receiving treatment.

You can also choose to get help from a personal injury solicitor. A solicitor could review the details of your case by asking you questions and determining what evidence could be acquired. If they determine you have a valid claim, they may then offer to help you under a signed agreement. If you contact our advisors, they could review your case and may connect you with one of our experienced solicitors.

If a solicitor agrees to support your nerve damage compensation claim, they can guide you through the next steps of the process. A solicitor can also assist with gathering evidence and calculating the value of your claim. When these steps are done, your solicitor can then contact the party you’re claiming against to discuss reaching a settlement. Your solicitor can work on getting a payout agreement before any court proceedings become necessary.

You can contact our advisors for free today to ask them questions about the process of claiming or other matters, such as the average payout for nerve damage.

A woman holds her neck in pain after suffering a nerve injury

Make A No Win No Fee Nerve Damage Claim Today

Beginning a nerve damage compensation claim can seem complicated, and you might not know where to start, but one of our solicitors may be able to help. With years of experience in personal injury law, they can help you support your claim and ensure that all areas of your claim are fully considered. This includes the likes of accurately calculating special damages like loss of earnings, and properly accounting for the psychological injuries you may suffer alongside the physical injuries.

Alongside these benefits, our solicitors offer their assistance on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that, through a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), they will begin work on your claim without asking for any upfront fees, and you won’t pay a fee to retain their services. Plus, if your claim does not succeed, then you won’t pay a fee to your solicitor for the work they put into your case.

However, if your nerve damage claim succeeds, your solicitor will take a success fee from the compensation awarded to you. This is a small, legally-capped percentage and is taken straight from your compensation. The legal cap is in place to help ensure that you keep the majority of what you receive.

Start A Nerve Damage Claim

Our team of advisors can help you identify whether you have a valid claim, and may be able to connect you with one of our solicitors. Get in touch today to find out if you could be eligible to claim compensation for nerve damage:

A nerve damage claims solicitor sits at a desk with a wooden gavel and golden scales

Learn More About Personal Injury Claims

If you’d like to learn more about personal injury claims, especially those relating to nerve damage, we’ve included some useful information below:

If you’d like more information and advice on nerve damage claims, contact us at Legal Expert. No question is too big or small.

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    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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