Make A Burn Injury Claim

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How Much Is My Burn Injury Claim Worth?

By Danielle Jordan. Last Updated 20th June 2024. Burn injuries can vary widely in severity and occur in a variety of different circumstances. As well the physical scarring, burns can also cause significant psychological effects. This guide examines when you may be eligible to make a burn injury claim in more detail.

You will see information on the duties of care owed by different third parties, and how breaches of these duties can result in an accident. We have also provided a burn injury compensation table with an explanation of how these figures are calculated to aid your understanding.

Towards the bottom of this guide we look at how one of our highly experienced personal injury solicitors could help you claim compensation for burns with a specific type of No Win No Fee contract.

For more information on how to claim compensation for burns or a free assessment of your eligibility to begin a claim, contact our advisors today using the following contact information:

  • Call 0800 073 8804
  • Fill out our ‘claim online’ form for a call back.
  • Ask your question in our live webchat.

How much is my burn claim worth

Select a Section

  1. How Much Is My Burn Claim Worth?
  2. Can I Make A Burn Injury Claim?
  3. Do I Need Evidence To Make A Burn Compensation Claim?
  4. How Could You Suffer A Burn Injury?
  5. Claim Burn Injury Compensation With A No Win No Fee Solicitor

How Much Is My Burn Claim Worth?

Compensation for burns can comprise up to two heads of claim. This first is known as general damages. This compensates you for the pain and suffering your burn injuries have caused you.

When a legal professional is valuing this head of your claim, they may refer to the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This publication provides compensation guidelines for a variety of injuries. In the table below you can find some of the amounts listed in the 16th edition of the JCG, except for the first entry. Please only use this as a guide. The first entry is not taken from the JCG.

Guideline Compensation Brackets

Type of InjurySeverityCompensation Amounts
Multiple Very Serious Injuries Plus Special DamagesVery SeriousUp to £300,000+
Severe burn injuryLikely to exceed £127,930
Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderSevere (a)£59,860 to £100,670
Moderately Severe (b)£23,150 to £59,860
Facial DisfigurementVery Severe (a)£36,340 to £118,790
Less Severe Scarring (b)£21,920 to £59,090
Significant Scaring (c)£11,120 to £36,720
Less Significant Scarring (d)£4,820 to £16,770
Hair Damage Defective Permanent Waving or Tinting (a)£8,960 to £13,450

What Are Special Damages?

Burn injury settlements may also include special damages. This head of claim compensates you for the financial losses you have suffered due to your injuries.

Some examples of the costs that could be compensated for in burn injury claims include:

  • Loss of earnings (if, for instance, your burn injuries have caused you to take unpaid time off work).
  • Travel costs you’ve had to pay for travel to and from medical appointments.
  • Medical expenses, such as prescription costs.

To get more advice on what burn injury settlements can include, you’re welcome to contact our advisors for free today.

Can I Include The Cost Of Private Medical Treatment In My Burn Injury Claim?

Yes, even if your treatment is available on the NHS, you can include the cost of private treatment in your burn injury claim.

For example, if you need surgeries to treat your burns, you might be put on an NHS waiting list. In this case, your claim can cover the cost of having these surgeries privately, as well as any extra treatments or prescriptions you need to recover.

Our team of advisors can give you more information on the kinds of costs that could be covered by your burn injury claim. Get in touch today to start your free consultation, or keep reading to learn more about how we could help.

Can I Make A Burn Injury Claim?

You are owed a duty of care in various situations. These include:

  • If you go to a public place, the organisation or individual in control of that space owes you a duty of care. This is set under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 and means that they must ensure your reasonable safety while you are in that space.
  • Your employer must take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees. This is their duty of care as set out in the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (HASAWA).
  • While using the roads, all road users must navigate in a way that prevents damage and injury from occurring to themselves and to others. This is their duty of care. Road users should also comply with the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Highway Code to uphold their duty of care.

All burn injury claims need to satisfy the eligibility requirements. This means that in order to have good grounds to make a personal injury claim, you must prove that:

  • A liable party owed you a duty of care.
  • There was a breach in this duty.
  • You suffered injuries because of this breach.

If you have any questions such as ‘How much is my burn claim worth?’, speak with one of the advisors from our team. They can also assess whether you may  be eligible to make a claim for burn compensation.

How Long Do I Have To Make A Burn Injury Compensation Claim?

We know from the Limitation Act 1980 that the general time limit is 3 years from the date of the injury. However, there are two exceptions to this:

  • Injured children – For any injured parties under 18, their time limit only begins on their 18th birthday. Whilst a claim can be made before this time, it cannot be made by the child themselves. Instead, a litigation friend must be appointed to claim on their behalf.
  • Those who lack the mental capacity to claim – Injured parties in this category also must have a litigation friend appointed in order to claim and their time limit is suspended. Should the injured party ever be deemed capable of making their own claim, then the 3-year time limit would begin.

Reach out today if you have any questions on burn injury compensation claims and their time limits.

Do I Need Evidence To Make A Burn Compensation Claim?

In order to form the basis of a valid burn compensation claim, it’s up to you to prove that your injuries were caused by a relevant third party’s negligent actions. To do this, you must ensure that you have the right evidence to build a strong case.

Evidence can help prove the extent of your burn injuries, as well as how they occurred and who is liable. Some examples of evidence that you could use to build your case include:

  • Photographs: Photographs of the accident site as well as your injuries can help support your case by illustrating the extent of the harm you have suffered.
  • CCTV footage: CCTV footage of the accident can help demonstrate how you were burned, and who is responsible.
  • Medical records: Medical records can help illustrate the severity of your injuries and the treatment you required.
  • Witness contact details: Taking the contact details of potential witnesses means that their statements can be taken by a professional at a later date.

When you choose to work with a solicitor on your burn claim, they can help you collect evidence for your claim and can help ensure that all areas of your case are covered. To find out if you could be eligible to work with one of our solicitors, contact our team.

How Could You Suffer A Burn Injury?

There are many different ways that a burn injury could occur. For example, you could experience a burn injury:

  • At work: Part of your job duties involve you handling dangerous chemicals. However, your employer failed to provide you with sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE), and as a result, you suffered a chemical burn injury.
  • On the roads: Another driver fails to come to a stop at a red light, causing them to crash into your car. This causes you to suffer a burn injury to your face when the airbag deploys.
  • In a public place: A hotel failed to regularly maintain a radiator in a hotel room or install a heat-protection guard over the radiator. Due to this, you suffer a burn injury to your arm when you go to turn the radiator down. 
  • Beauty Treatments: You could suffer the likes of a laser hair removal burn injury which could cause blistering and scarring.

These are only a few examples of how you could suffer burns. To learn more about burn injury claims, contact our team of expert advisors. They can offer more information and can help you get started with making a burn injury compensation claim.

Claim Burn Injury Compensation With A No Win No Fee Solicitor

If you meet the eligibility criteria to make a personal injury claim for burn compensation, one of our solicitors may be able to assist you. Our solicitors have experience in a wide range of personal injury claims, and they could offer to work on your claim under a Conditional Fee Agreement.

This is a type of No Win No Fee arrangement. It means you do not have to pay your solicitor for their work upfront or throughout the process of your claim. Furthermore, if your claim does not result in compensation, you would not have to pay them for their services.

Alternatively, if your claim does succeed, you will pay your solicitor a success fee. The percentage that your solicitor can take as this success fee is legally capped.

Contact Us

To see if you could be eligible to work with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors for your burn compensation claim, you can contact our advisors. They can also offer you free advice and help answer any of the questions you may have. To connect with an advisor today, you can

If you still have any questions about making a burn injury claim, you can contact us today.

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