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Crawley Personal Injury Solicitors

Whether you’re crossing the road in Crawley, attending an appointment at an office, at work or on the roads yourself as a driver, every activity we do carries an element of risk. What can make this risk larger, however, is if people don’t take the responsibilities they should do to keep others safe.

Accidents happen every day, but if they are preventable, and the person that caused them were supposed to have a duty to ensure these accidents didn’t happen, then this might lead to someone seeking Crawley personal injury solicitors, or indeed, solicitors that cover this area of the UK.

We know only too well how confusing the world of personal injury can be for people who have not had any experience of injury law before, so we have produced guidance for those seeking assistance with personal injury claims, whether that is a car crash claim, or medical malpractice case. Whether you choose to ring us on 0800 073 8804 or read the guidance below, we are here to help you understand how, when and why you might want to make a No Win No Fee claim with an accident specialist covering the Crawley area. We can even provide experienced No Win No Fee Crawley personal injury solicitors to help you.

How we can help you after an accident which was not your fault in Crawley

Legislation is usually put in place to help and protect people, and the personal injury legislation is there to help victims of accidents that they did not cause themselves. It is important to remember though, that there are limitations to this legislation so it would be wise to seek the services of Crawley personal injury solicitors or solicitors that can conduct claims from outside the area as soon as possible after your accident, as three years is the usual limit for accidents causing injuries.

Crawley personal injury solicitors

As with many facets of the law though, there are exceptions, and if you’re claiming as an adult for an accident you had when a child, or when an illness has developed over time, such as industrial disease, or where diagnosis was years after the event, there are different rules, which one of our friendly and experienced personnel would be happy to go over with you. Obviously the earlier you start your claim, the easier it will be for evidence to be gathered.

When are you eligible to make a personal injury claim?

In order to have an injury claim that is valid, not only does your claim need to be within the required time limit, but it also needs to show that there was a person/entity responsible for your safety, they did not fulfill their obligations and your injury/illness was a direct result of this. For example, if a road user ignored the rules of the road and ran a red light and hit your car, they would be seen as at fault and you could make a claim.

Why having the best legal team is crucial to making a successful claim

With the development of the world wide web, it has never been easier to find Crawley personal injury solicitors, but finding the best personal injury solicitor for you might be slightly more complex than a simple Google search. With every website giving almost the same information, and all solicitors held to the regulations of the SRA, how are you to differentiate between them all? It’s not easy, and what often helps is to thoroughly research the solicitors in question, and speak to them over the phone. After all, some complex cases can take years to sort out and you will need to know you have a solicitor that you can communicate with effectively over a long period of time.

Should I read reviews of solicitors in my area?

Personal injury solicitor reviews are great for learning more about solicitors but they don’t always show the full story. It is important to keep this in mind when choosing the right one for your case. Take a look at the percentage of compensation used for legal bills for example. For a leg injury or injuries that were said to be severe, a payment of £93,956 would result in varying levels of compensation actually received by the claimant after legal bills were deducted, from £79,862 down to £56,373 in some cases. At Legal Expert, we are able to furnish callers with more information than can often be found online about the solicitors we can provide, which might help to make your decision on who to use much easier.

Do I have to work with a solicitor who is based locally?

You might be surprised to hear this, but it’s not necessary to look for Crawley personal injury solicitors that are based in the area. You can have the luxury of choosing a solicitor that matches your needs that is based anywhere in the UK. While it used to be the case that people only used their local solicitor, with the internet, ability to send documents remotely, as well as the improvements in communication systems over the years, you could use a solicitor based in the North, South, East or West, or anywhere in between for your claim. Here at Legal Expert, we are best placed to find you a solicitor that has the right experience to take on your case, wherever it is that you’ve had your accident.

Common claims which our personal injury claims team help victims to make

When you look at the huge variety in terms of types of cases of personal injury, you might notice that some common types of cases come up again and again. This is because these are the cases that happen most often and that we see regularly. While we can handle any type of personal injury case, the more common types of claims we handle are listed below. Don’t hesitate to get in touch to talk about your claim, whether it is a common or uncommon one – we are here to help.

Compensation for an industrial disease

Sadly, there are many people in the UK whose place of work or type of work has caused them to suffer an industrial disease. While there are laws in place in terms of Health and Safety to ensure our safety, work-related sicknesses do happen, whether lung disease, asbestosis or hand arm vibration. Even skin conditions caused by work can be classed as industrial diseases, as can some cases of hearing loss. We can help with all of these and more.

Compensation for instances of medical negligence

Whilst many of us seek medical treatment without incident, sadly, sometimes things go a little awry and this can have a long-term effect on our health both in the present and into the future. If you have suffered medical negligence, then it is important that you get the compensation you deserve for the trauma you have been through. Whether it is a surgical error, a late diagnosis, a missed diagnosis, blood transfusion claims or even dental negligence, we can assist; by providing a solicitor with experience in this complex part of personal injury law.

Work accident claims in Crawley

Whether you work in a supermarket, office, on a construction site or in a restaurant, accidents can and do happen. What makes the difference in an accident that leads to a work accident claim and one that would not is whether your employer did everything they could to minimise the risk of an accident happening to you at work. For example, did they provide you with personal protective equipment? Did they ensure you were trained fully? Did they risk assess your workplace? Was the machinery you were due to use maintained properly? If the answer is no, then they may be held liable for any illness/injury you suffered because of this.

We can help people take action against their employer, all while keeping their job. There is significant legislation in place to protect those making claims against an employer from being treated any differently because of their case.

Numbers of people injured at work in the Crawley area

HSE reported work accidents in Crawley Local Authority 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
Not defined 39 36 30
Shock (Electric) 1 0 1
Machinery 8 4 4
Fire 0 2 0
Substances (Harmful) 2 2 4
Fallen from a height 21 20 24
Animal Injuries 6 1 1
Lifting/Handling 152 80 90
Attacks 17 10 7
Falls on a level 122 101 79
Striking against an object 9 12 7
Vehicle collisions 9 5 3
Falling Object 46 31 43
Trapped 0 0 1

Compensation for trips and falls

Falling over your own feet is often embarrassing and a little painful, but falling or slipping over when it could have been prevented, causing you injury and suffering is a completely different thing. Falls from height can cause untold injuries, and even slips on spillages in supermarkets can cause injuries that can thwart your usual activities for some time. Simply put, if you’ve tripped on a broken pavement that was not signposted or fixed, tripped over a wire at work that should have been secured, or fallen from height because of a broken railing, then you have every right to look into making a claim. Our staff can help make the process easier for you, so you can carry on with your recovery without the stress of having to do everything yourself.

Compensation for serious injuries

Serious or catastrophic injuries can affect more than just the immediate aftermath of an accident. In some cases, claimants might need significant help at home in the long-term, which makes this type of claim a little more complex than some. This is where you need the services of a highly experienced serious injury lawyer who will know what the effects are, and what assistance you will need, now and into the future. We can help provide you with just such a solicitor, who will consider all aspects of your recovery and future prognosis when seeking compensation on your behalf.

Car crash and other road traffic accident claims

Collisions on British roads are common and Crawley is no exception. There are a huge number of different types of road accident, and they can come with varying degrees of injury, anything from a few cuts and bruises to a life changing injury.

Here at Legal Expert, we know gaining compensation for whiplash, cuts and bruises, mental trauma and severe injuries requires a solicitor experienced in the types of RTA that can happen, and we can provide such a lawyer to you.

Examples of RTAs leading to claims can include:

  • Being rear ended at lights
  • Merge Accidents
  • Being hit as a pedestrian by a car
  • Head on collision
  • Being knocked off a motorcycle
  • And many more.

Whatever road traffic accident you’ve had, speak to our team and we’ll give you no-obligation advice so you can make a decision on what action to take.

Deaths and serious casualties on the road in Crawley

The Department for Transport (DfT) regularly submits updates on road casualties within Great Britain. The organisation’s provisional results report for 2020 included the following findings:

  • There were 1,472 reported road deaths across the UK in 2020.
  • There were as many as 23,486 casualties which were killed or seriously injured (KSI). This represents a decrease of 22% when compared to 2019.
  • In total, 115,333 road casualties of all severities were reported. This is down 25% compared to 2019.

No Win No Fee compensation legal services

If you’re wondering if it’s possible for you to claim without having to pay hefty legal bills upfront, then it’s essential you learn about No Win No Fee. In terms of making a compensation claim in this manner, you do not have to risk your own funds, simply agree to pay part of your compensation, at a pre-agreed level once the compensation is paid out. If in the unlikely event that your claim ends without payout you wouldn’t be expected to foot the legal bills.

We’re happy to announce that the solicitors that Legal Expert provide all work on this kind of basis. They will be happy to talk to you about how this works in more detail and discuss the (capped) percentage that will be taken from any compensation payments to cover their bills, ensuring that you have all the detail before you sign on the dotted line.

How do charges or fees work?

While it is risk free in the vast majority of cases, your solicitor might advise you to take out insurance for unexpected costs in some No Win No Fee cases. If they do so, they will advise you the reasons for this.

What kinds of damages can you be compensated for?

When making a personal injury claim, there are two main types of damages which you could potentially receive compensation for. These can include the following:

  • General Damages

Compensation provided specifically for injuries caused by your accident falls under general damages. Both physical and mental injuries can potentially be compensated for under general damages. Without knowing the specific details of your case, it is difficult to even guess how much compensation for general damages could be offered through your claim. If, however, solicitors are involved in your claim, then they may use the Judicial College guidelines to help work out the value of your injuries.

  • Special Damages

If it’s possible to claim for general damages through a personal injury claim, then you may also be able to receive additional compensation for special damages. This type of compensation covers for financial losses which (through evidence) can be directly linked to your accident and related injuries.

Where can I get additional information?

Do you want to learn more about this type of case? If so, there are scores of guides on our site that will talk you through the specifics of lots of different types of personal injury cases. They will explain things like medical negligence cases, pavement trip injuries, whiplash and more. Alternatively, another thing to do would be to speak to us. Our fully trained advisors are well able to answer questions on time limits for personal injury as well as listen to what’s happened to you and give advice that is specific to your situation.

Contact our team now

Whether you do have questions as per the above, or you’re ready to take the first step to launch a personal injury claim, 0800 073 8804 puts you onto one of our experienced personal injury advisors that will be able to take you through the steps necessary to begin claiming or answer your queries. With every call taken seriously, our sympathetic staff will be able to make the situation clear for you as to whether you have a claim, and we’ll do so quickly and without causing you undue stress – as you’ve already likely been through enough. So why not call today?

Useful emergency services and additional resources

Of course, if you’re injured or fall ill in the area, there may be cause for you to contact the police, courts or hospitals. Their details are below for your convenience.

Local Police Station

Northgate Police Station
Northgate Avenue,


RH10 8BF

Tel: 101


Local Crown Court

The Law Courts
Woodfield Road
RH10 8BF


Local Hospital

Crawley Hospital

West Green Drive

RH11 7DH

Tel: 01293 600 300


Process of making claims – Want to know more about the claims process and how it works? Read our guide

Agency worker in Crawley? – You should still be able to make a claim. Read the guide we’ve compiled here.

FAQs – Have questions? See if we’ve answered them here!

Other Useful Compensation Guides

Thank you for reading our guide about Crawley personal injury solicitors.

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    Meet The Team

    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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