Personal injury experts
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  • Free legal advice from a friendly solicitor.
  • Specialist solicitors with up to 30 years experience
  • Find out if you can claim compensation Call 0800 073 8804

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Coventry Personal Injury Solicitors

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you may be looking for help from personal injury solicitors in Coventry. If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Our No Win No Fee solicitors are specialists in personal injury claims and can help you recover compensation for injuries sustained in the likes of a workplace accident, a car crash, or a trip or fall in a shop, among many others.

If you’d like to take advantage of our free case check, you can reach out to us today by:

Jump To A Section

  1. How Our Personal Injury Claims Team Can Help You
  2. When Am I Eligible To Make A Compensation Claim?
  3. Why Is It Important I Choose The Best Solicitor For My Claim?
  4. Look At Reviews Of Different Lawyers And Solicitors
  5. Can I Use A Solicitor From Anywhere In The Country?
  6. What Claims Does The Legal Expert Team Commonly Help People To Make?
  7. Industrial Disease Claims
  8. Medical Negligence Claims
  9. Accident At Work Claims
  10. Slip, Trip, & Fall Injury Claims
  11. Serious Injury Claims Solicitors
  12. Road Traffic Accident Claims In Coventry And Warwickshire
  13. Personal Injury Claim Time Limits
  14. No Win No Fee Personal Injust Solicitors
  15. Further Information
  16. How To Contact Our Team To Start Your Claim
  17. Services For Those Injured In Coventry

How Our Personal Injury Claims Team Can Help You

Coventry personal injury solicitors

Work with personal injury solicitors for the Coventry area

Legal Expert is a skilled and experienced team of injury claim solicitors. We focus entirely upon helping people obtain the compensation they are entitled to due to an injury or illness caused by a third party. We have proven time and time again that we have what it takes to secure significant compensation settlements in complex claims cases. We are sure that we can provide you with exceptional results when we process your claim.

We are only ever a phone call away to answer any questions you have about your claim, or to update you on what we have been doing on your behalf. We use simple English, without any legal jargon, to help you understand exactly what is happening with your claim at all times. If you would like to know more about the service we offer, speak to one of our team on the number at the end of this guide.

Legal Expert’s Research Into Personal Injury Claims Against Coventry City Council

All personal injury claims made against Coventry City Council last year were caused by slip and trip accidents, Legal Expert has discovered through a Freedom of Information request.

A total of 37 claims were submitted between April 2022 to April 2023. The amount of personal injury compensation spent by the council is yet to be confirmed.

Coventry City Council has a duty of care to employees and visitors and must ensure they are reasonably safe whilst using their premises, spaces or highways. If a local authority breaches its duty of care, causing you to be injured in an accident, you may be able to claim.

Our personal injury solicitors can review your case for free today if you have evidence that suggests you have been the victim of council negligence. Get in touch with our advisors for more information.

When Am I Eligible To Make A Compensation Claim?

Before you select a personal injury solicitor to process your claim, you need to decide whether you actually have a valid reason to pursue compensation. In general, if you have been harmed in any way by the actions of a third party, you could have a reason to claim compensation. When we say a third party, we mean legal entities such as:

  • A private individual.
  • A public or privately-owned company.
  • A government body such as a health service.
  • Your local council.

You are not limited to only claiming for physical injuries caused by an accident, You can claim for any harmful medical condition, and this includes:

  • Physical injuries.
  • An illness or disease.
  • Psychological trauma and damage.

You should also be able to make a claim if you were partially responsible for the incident that caused you harm. However, the third party involved would be less liable to pay compensation. Liability is measured by percentage. For example, if you slipped on a wet floor in a restaurant while checking Facebook on your phone, the restaurant owner might admit 70% liability.

If you are confused over whether you are eligible to make a compensation claim, call Legal Expert on the number at the end of this page. We will take the details of your case, and let you know if we think you have a valid claim.

Why Is It Important I Choose The Best Solicitor For My Claim?

There are two main reasons that you owe it to yourself to find the best personal injury lawyer to process your accident claim for you, and these are:

  1. The proficiency of your solicitor in processing your claim, will affect the chances of your claim being successful.
  2. Using a skilled solicitor to process your claim, will could ensure that you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible.

Choosing a good solicitor is going to take some work. You will need to vet any solicitor you are considering, to make sure they are suitable. These three questions below will help with this vetting procedure:

  1. Have you successfully won compensation for a claimant in a case similar to my own in the last year?
  2. Can you arrange for me to have a free local medical examination, so that I can prove the extent of my injuries/illness?
  3. Will you work under a Conditional Fee Agreement, and not charge any fee at all unless you are successful in winning me compensation?

Any legal firm that cannot answer each of these questions positively, might not be a good choice for handling your claim. If you simply don’t have enough time to work through the process of vetting legal firms, you can call Legal Expert on the number at the end of the page. One of our team will discuss your options with you, and advise you on the best way to proceed with your claim.

Look At Reviews Of Different Lawyers And Solicitors

As can be seen from the section above, the process of finding a good legal team to handle your claim is going to take some effort. A good way to cut down on the work involved is to find a website with some good personal injury solicitor reviews. You can use the information in the reviews to compare legal firms, and build a shortlist. Be sure to note the following facts, to compare at a later stage:

  • Did the reviewer have a good experience with the legal firm being reviewed?
  • Is the review covering a claim that is similar enough to your own to be relevant?
  • How old is the review, and is it new enough to still be relevant?
  • Did the solicitor offer a claims service based on a Conditional Fee Agreement?
  • What percentage of the compensation won did the solicitor take as their fee?
  • Did the solicitor provide value added services such as arranging for a free local medical examination?

If you don’t have the time to go through a list of reviews to try and find the best legal firm to handle your claim, Legal Expert can help you. Call us on the number at the bottom of this guide and talk to one of our team. They will be able to discuss all your legal options with you, and help you to get your claim on the right track.

Can I Use A Solicitor From Anywhere In The Country?

Many people wrongly believe that they are under some legal obligation to use a local legal firm. This is simply not true. There is nothing to stop you from using a team of solicitors from anywhere in the UK. Indeed, the location of your legal team is a tertiary consideration at best, as you can use email or the phone to keep in touch with your solicitor no matter where they are.

Legal Expert offers our comprehensive claims service at a national level, meaning we can help people all across the UK, including Coventry, to get the compensation they are entitled to. We do have the ability to arrange for local services, such as a free medical examination, if one is required to process your claim successfully. Call us on the number at the end of the page to learn more about how we can help you.

What Claims Does The Legal Expert Team Commonly Help People To Make?

As a specialist team of accident claim solicitors, we naturally have experience across a very wide range of different types of claims. We can assist you no matter how you have come to harm. From simple slips, trips and falls, through to complex clinical negligence claims.

There are some types of claims that we help people with a lot more often than others. Since the chances that you are reading this guide are because you need to have some of these common types of claims processed, we have detailed them in their own sections below.

However, if your claim doesn’t fit into one of these sections, we can still help you. If you call us on the number at the bottom of the page, one of our team will listen to how your injury or illness was caused, and let you know how we can help you pursue a claim.

Industrial Disease Claims

Your employer in Coventry is expected to provide you with a healthy working environment. This is a legal requirement of all companies that employ staff. If your employer has failed to fulfil this duty, and you have become ill due to this failure, then you should be able to make a personal injury claim.

The time limit for making a claim is three years from the date that your condition is diagnosed. This means that you will be able to claim against previous employers, who have exposed you to a health hazard that led to your current health problems.

Legal Expert can assist you to make a workplace illness or industrial disease claim. Call us on the number at the bottom of the page to learn how. You can also read this guide, which covers this type of claim fully:

A guide to industrial disease claims

Medical Negligence Claims

Occurrences of clinical negligence are fairly common in both NHS and private hospitals and clinics. Doctors are human after all, and everybody makes mistakes from time to time. However, when a doctor makes a mistake that harms a patient, it can be seen as medical malpractice. A typical case of negligence could be defined as:

  • A medical professional had a duty of care towards a patient they were treating or caring for in some way.
  • They failed in meeting this duty of care, and this failure was the direct cause of the patient coming to harm.
  • The failure in the medical professional’s duty of care was avoidable.

Surgical negligence can also factor into this category. Some examples of medical/surgical negligence could be:

  • Misdiagnosis
  • Administering the wrong dosage of medication
  • Surgery being performed on the wrong part of the body (this is known as wrong site surgery)
  • When unnecessary surgery is performed

If the statements above fit your own situation, then you may have a valid reason to make a claim. Call Legal Expert on the number at the end of this guide so that we can help you further. You might also like to go over our guide to negligence claims at this link:

A guide to claiming for clinical negligence

Accident At Work Claims

An employer’s duty of care is laid out in section 2 of the Health and Safety At Work etc. Act 1974. It states that all employers must provide and maintain a safe working environment for all of their employees. If they fail to do so, this could result in an injury and they could be accused of negligence. If injuries are caused by negligence then this duty of care is said to be breached.

This is not to say that workplace injuries do not occur. Every year there are many documented cases of employees being injured through no fault of their own whilst at work. This includes both fatal accidents and non-fatal injuries.

Statistics from the HSE tell us that a total of 142 workplace fatalities were reported across Great Britain in 2020/21. The graph just below shows us the most common industries in which these fatalities occurred.

Coventry personal injury solicitors graph

Slip, Trip, & Fall Injury Claims

Trips, slips or falls are some of the most common types of claims a personal injury lawyer will process. These are often quite minor accidents, but they can be very serious, especially for elderly people. Typical hazards are:

  • Obstructions
  • Damaged flooring
  • Broken paving
  • Dirty or wet floors

If you have tripped, slipped or fallen, then Legal Expert should be able to help you claim. Call us on the number at the end of the page to proceed.

Serious Injury Claims Solicitors

Here at Legal Expert, we know that serious injury claims often attract the highest of all compensation payments. This is because compensation is paid to cover every year that the claimant will suffer due to their injuries. This could mount up to hundreds of thousands of pounds, and in extreme cases, millions. If you have suffered a life-changing injury due to the actions of a third party, let Legal Expert get you the most compensation possible. Call us on the number at the bottom of the page to proceed.

Road Traffic Accident Claims In Coventry And Warwickshire

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident such as a car crash that was not your fault, then Legal Expert has the experience needed to get you the compensation you are entitled to.

Additionally, in some cases, we would be able to help you to make a non-fault accident claim. We can help with everything from minor rear shunts to multi-vehicle collisions. Call us on the number at the end of the page to start your claim today.

Personal Injury Claim Time Limits

It’s important that you’re aware of the time limits that are imposed upon personal injury claims. If you miss the deadline then it becomes much more difficult to have your case addressed. Sometimes it will never be acknowledged at all.

The Limitation Act 1980 tells us that you have 3 years from the date you sustained your injury to issue court proceedings. However, sometimes the start point of this deadline can be a little blurry. For example, you could be suffering from noise-induced hearing loss caused by an especially loud workplace like a construction site. Industrial illnesses such as these tend to be caused by cumulative damage rather than being traced back to one particular instance or date.

In these instances, you could use what is known as the “date of knowledge” as the start of your 3-year time limit. This is the date your injury is detected or diagnosed. You would need medical evidence to back up your date of knowledge, such as medical reports.

Time Limits For Child Injury Cases

If the injured person is under the age of 18, then their time limit is suspended until they reach adulthood. To put it another way, they will have 3 years from the date of their 18th birthday. Before this date, they cannot legally pursue their own claim.

Their claim can however be made for them before they reach adulthood. An adult affiliated with the child (and with their best interests at heart) can be appointed as a litigation friend. Should the claim be successful, the settlement will be paid into a bank account that is protected by law. The child can only access it on their 18th birthday. The compensation is not awarded to the litigation friend.

Cases Regarding Those With A Reduced Mental Capacity

The injured party may have sustained a head injury that reduces their mental capacity. Alternatively, they may have a mental condition that pre-dates the injury. If the former is true, then their time limit is suspended until they are deemed to have fully recovered. If the latter is true, then it could be that the time limit is suspended indefinitely. Litigation friends can also work with claimants in this category too.

If you have any issues or questions regarding these time limits and how they operate, then get in touch with us today.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors

Legal Expert offers our No Win No Fee accident claims service to residents of Coventry as an effective and financially risk-free way for you to have your claim processed. This means that you’ll only be required to pay your lawyer’s legal costs if you are awarded compensation. If you are not awarded compensation, you won’t owe them anything.

All of our lawyers operate with 100% of their clients under this arrangement.

Further Information

If you need some additional information before you are ready to proceed with your claim, then we have some guides on this site that you might find useful, such as these:

A guide to making a clinical negligence claim in Coventry

A guide to making a claim for a car crash in Coventry

Other useful resources include the NHS website, and the UK Government website, as well as the website of the UK Health & Safety Executive.

How To Contact Our Team To Start Your Claim

If you are ready to proceed with your personal injury case, please call Legal Expert on 0800 073 8804 today. One of our team will be waiting to deal with any questions you have and take all of the information we need to get started on your claim.

Services For Those Injured In Coventry

Coventry Central Police Station

Little Park St




Coventry Combined Court Centre

Much Park St




University Hospital Coventry

Clifford Bridge Rd




Other Useful Compensation Guides

Thank you for reading our guide to Coventry personal injury solicitors.

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    Meet The Team

    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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