Direct Ferries Personal Injury Compensation Information & Claims Solicitors

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Direct Ferries Personal Injury Claims Guide

Something we need to make clear before we get into the meat of this guide to making Direct Ferries personal injury claims is that it will never be Direct Ferries that is ultimately liable to pay you compensation. This is because Direct Ferris simply acts as a booking gateway, matching passengers to ferry operators. Therefore, when you make a personal injury claim for a ferry accident, your personal injury lawyer will pursue the party responsible for causing you harm, not Direct Ferries.

You might have a few questions that this guide doesn’t cover. This is because each claim has its own unique points. If you do need some specific questions answered, all you need to do is talk to our claims team on 0800 073 8804. One of our claim advisors will get you the answers you need, and also advise you on how we can help you to get your claim underway right away.

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A Guide To Claims For Accident On Services Booked Via Direct Ferries

Direct Ferries personal injury claims information

Direct Ferries Personal Injury Claims

This guide to making a compensation claim for an injury sustained in an accident on a ferry is intended to be of use to people who booked their ferry through the Direct Ferries UK website. It won’t be the travel portal that your personal injury solicitor will claim against, it will be the actual ferry operator who is responsible for the accident you were harmed in. We begin this guide by looking at what constitutes a ferry or mini-cruise accident. We explain the criteria that have to be fulfilled for you to be eligible to make a claim.

The middle part of this guide is given over to the many different kinds of ferry accidents and injuries a person might need to make a claim for. We begin this part of the guide with an overview of your rights as a ferry passenger. We then move on to look at specific accidents, such as collisions or a ferry sinking, and how whiplash is a common injury when a ferry collides with another vessel or a static object. Slips, trips and falls are covered, which are a common reason why people make claims. You will also find information about food-related illnesses and allergic reactions that can affect a ferry passenger after eating. Finally, we look at instances of a passenger falling overboard, and why this could lead to a person being eligible to claim against the ferry operator.

The last part of this guide is related to the legal and financial aspects of the claims process. You will find that we have created a table that shows possible compensation ranges. Additionally, a list of some of the kinds of damages a person might receive as part of their settlement has been included. Lastly, we explain why we think we could be the best claims company to help you with your claim, and how the No Win No Fee claims process works.

If you have any questions while reading this guide or would like to proceed with a claim, our claims team can help you. One of our claim advisors will also provide you with certain critical information, such as which personal injury claims time limit is going to apply in your case. You can contact us on the phone number at the top of this page.

What Is A Ferry Or Mini Cruise Break Passenger Accident?

To claim for a ferry accident or a mini cruise accident, you must have suffered some form of harm due to the actions of a third party. This third party could be the ferry operator themselves, or any legal entity that contributed to the incident that caused you harm. Please note, it would not be Direct Ferries that you claim against, even if you booked your ferry through the company. Direct Ferries only acts as a middleman, accepting bookings on behalf of travel vendors.

For you to be eligible to make a compensation claim, the following three statements will all need to be true, in relation to your own circumstances:

  1. You suffered some form of harm, either physical or psychological, due to an incident that was not your fault.
  2. The third-party responsible for causing the incident that resulted in you being harmed, such as the ferry operator, had a duty of care to keep you safe.
  3. The third-party liable for the incident failed in this duty of care in a way that could have been avoided.

Only if you can prove a third party was at fault will you be able to pursue a claim. Without proof, if the third party denies liability, you will have no way to apply leverage and proceed with a claim. Even if the claim goes to court for settlement, it is unlikely the court would rule in your favour without some kind of proof showing the ferry operator or other third party was clearly to blame for the harm you have suffered.

If you are unsure whether you are eligible to make a claim, please speak to one of our claim advisors. They will evaluate your claim for you, and tell you whether it could be valid or not.

Your Rights When Traveling By Ferry Or Cruise Ship

ABTA, which used to be known as the Association of British Travel Agents, keeps track of ferry passenger rights and publishes them online. We have included relevant links at the bottom of the page. There are two main bodies of regulations that apply to ferry or cruise ship travel, and these are:

  • The Merchant Shipping Act 1995 – this is general UK focused legislation that applies only within UK waters.
  • Athens Convention – the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has published information about this internationally recognised legal framework that provides passenger rights in international waters.

If you would like to know more, please speak to our claims team today.

Passenger Ferry Accident Types

There are many ways that a passenger can come to harm whilst travelling by ferry. Some of these types of incidents could be the responsibility of the ferry operator, others could involve a  third party being liable. For example:

  • Physical collisions involving the ferry or cruise ship, either with a static object or with another vessel at sea.
  • Slips, trips and falls that occur on a cruise ship or a ferry.
  • Food-related illnesses and allergic reactions that are the result of eating on a cruise ship or ferry.
  • Accidents that result in a passenger falling overboard, with potentially fatal results.

We have covered these kinds of accidents in more detail in the sections below. If your accident doesn’t fit into any of these categories, give our claims team a call. Explain your situation and they will let you know whether you have a potential claim or not.

Collision Accidents Involving Ferries

Fortunately, serious accidents involving a cruise ship or a ferry are quite rare. This includes incidents such as a ferry dock accident, where the ferry collides with the dock. However, these accidents do happen from time to time, for example:

  • A cruise ship might collide with another large ship at sea.
  • A ferry pilot might misjudge the speed of the ferry, and collide with the wharf while docking.
  • Either a cruise ship or a ferry could collide with an object that cannot be seen on the surface, holding the vessel below the waterline and causing it to sink.

If you were injured in such a serious accident, then if you can prove the shipowner or operator was to blame in some way, or one of their representatives was at fault, such as the captain or pilot, a claim could be possible.

Ferry Passenger Whiplash Injuries

In accidents such as those covered in the previous section, a passenger could suffer a case of whiplash. A sea or riverboat crash could result in the same kind of trauma to the neck that might be encountered in a road traffic accident.

Whiplash is a non-specific neck injury that is a common cause of injury claims. As whiplash has been the basis of fraudulent claims in the past, then we would recommend that any whiplash victim undergo an impartial medical examination as part of their claims process. Speak to our claims team to learn more about this.

Falls And Slips On A Ferry Or Mini Cruise

Slips, trips and falls are one of the most common kinds of accidents that result in personal injury claims in the UK each year. A ferry boat or cruise ship presents some unique hazards that could result in such an accident, such as:

  • Water can pool on the deck of a ferry, due to sea spray, causing a passenger to slip over.
  • Damaged metal stars on a deck ladder could cause a person to fall.
  • A faulty safety rail could break, causing a person to fall over.
  • Damaged flooring such as a torn carpet in a food outlet onboard a ferry could cause a passenger to trip over.

If you are injured in a slip, trip or fall accident on a cruise ship or ferry, then as long as you can prove that a third party was responsible for causing the hazard, you could have a valid claim. Call our claims team to find out if you are eligible to claim.

Allergic Reactions On A Mini Cruise Or Ferry Voyage

Not all harm that a passenger could suffer onboard is the result of a ferry or cruise ship accident. For example, a person could become ill or suffer an allergic reaction due to eating in a food outlet on the vessel. For example:

  • A passenger eats food that was prepared in an unhygienic kitchen and contracts food poisoning.
  • A person with a nut allergy, for instance, is given the wrong information about the nut content of a dish in a restaurant and subsequently suffers an allergic reaction.

In either situation, if the person who became ill can prove that their condition was caused by the actions of a food vendor, a claim could be possible. Learn more about this by calling our claims team using the number at the top of this page.

Injuries And Deaths Caused By Falling Overboard

Fortunately, fatal accidents on board a cruise ship or ferry are quite rare. However, this doesn’t mean that passenger ferry accidents or a river cruise accident involving a passenger falling overboard never happens. They can and do.

In cases where a passenger falls overboard, and in an extreme case where they die, then the person making the claim will need to prove that the accident was caused by the ferry or cruise ship operator, and was not caused by misadventure. Our claims team can tell you whether you have a valid basis for a claim or not.

Other Accidents You Could Have On A Ferry

We covered many different kinds of cruise ship and ferry accidents in the sections above. But there are, of course, many more ways a passenger can be injured. For example:

  • Faulty equipment that has not been maintained properly could cause an accident that harms a passenger in some way.
  • Accidents involving a car that is driving onto or off of a ferry could injure a passenger.
  • Accidents that happen when a passenger is boarding or disembarking a cruise ship or ferry could result in harm.

If you can prove that the accident you were harmed in was the fault of a third party, then you could be able to claim whichever way you came to harm. Speak to our claims team and explain what happened. They will let you know whether they think you have a valid claim or not.

Ferry And Mini Cruise Accident Compensation Claims Calculator

You might be able to use a personal injury claims calculator to get a rough estimate of how much your injuries may be worth. If you would like a lawyer to fully value your claim for you, speak to our claims team today.The figures contained in the table below have been taken from the Judicial College Guidelines, a legal publication used by solicitors and the courts to determine the value of cases. It’s important to remember that these figures are estimates only. The value of any claim is very much dependent upon its unique set of facts. 

Injury Severity Compensation Notes
Injured hand Moderate £5,260 to £12,460 Deep penetrating wounds, less serious crush injuries, cuts, burns lacerations, etc. Including injuries that were initially worse but have been treated partially by surgery. Injuries that will manifest permanent disability, but not a life-changing one.
Injured arm Moderate Up to £11,820 Injuries and conditions such as tennis elbow, as well as hairline or simple fractures and all kinds of soft tissue injuries. Additionally cuts, burns, lacerations, etc. All of which will heal completely in time, and leave no permanent effects.
Injured back Moderate £26,050 to £36,390 All injuries to the back and spinal column that will heal but leave the victim with some form of impairment, a minor disability that will leave them unlikely to be able to work and will lower their life quality. This would include serious fractures of the vertebrae as well as permanent damage to the spinal column or the spinal nerves. It would also include sprains, strains and other soft tissue injuries, deep penetrating wounds, lacerations and burns that will heal leaving some permanent damage.
Injured neck Moderate £23,460 to £36,120 All injuries to the neck and spinal column that will heal but leave the victim with some form of impairment, a minor disability that will leave them unlikely to be able to work and will lower their life quality. This would include serious fractures of the vertebrae as well as permanent damage to the spinal column or the spinal nerves. It would also include sprains, strains and other soft tissue injuries, deep penetrating wounds, lacerations and burns that will heal leaving some permanent damage.
Injured foot Moderate £12,900 to £23,460 All foot injuries that would result in some kind of permanent impairment. For example, a displaced metatarsal fractures that deforms the foot after it has healed, and this means that the victim can’t wear normal, over the counter shoes and will need special ones.
Injured leg Moderate £26,050 to £36,790 All injuries to the leg that will eventually heal fully, and will leave no permanent symptoms affecting the life of the victim. This would include all fractures (compound, simple, hairline, etc.) as well as all kinds of soft-tissue injuries. It would also include more serious burns, penetrating wounds, crush injuries, lacerations, etc.
Injured head/brain Moderate £40,410 to £205,580 Injuries that once healed, will have only a minor permanent effect on the victim. Such as lowered cognitive ability, memory problems, ca change of the victim’s personality, sleep disorders, etc.
Illness Moderate £3,710 to £8,950 Illnesses that would last more than a week, and would be treated using prescription medications. A short spell in a hospital may be required but a full recovery will be made eventually.
Psychological damage Moderate £5,500 to £17,900 Psychological problems such as new phobias, depress and anxiety that will only last for the medium term, with a complete recovery and no ongoing issues.

Examples How Else You Could Be Compensated For An Accident Travelling By Sea

If your claim is a success, your compensation package may consist of two heads of claim: general damages and special damages. Let’s look at each in more detail.:

  • Special damages are intended to reimburse you for any financial losses or expenses that you have incurred or will incur in the future, as a result of your injuries. It’s possible to claim back the costs of the following: :
    • Loss of wages/salary.
    • Lowered future work potential.
    • Travel fees.
    • Care costs.
    • Medical costs.
  • General damages are designed to compensate you for the physical and psychological pain, suffering and loss of amenity inflicted by the injuries. Specifically, they compensate you for::
    • Psychological injuries.
    • Permanent impairment/disability.
    • Painful treatment and a long recovery.
    • Trauma and shock.
    • Pain and suffering.

The figures contained in the compensation calculator section above relate to general damages. You can also, of course, contact our team using the number at the top of the page to find out more about what you can claim.

No Win No Claims For An Accident On A Ferry Booked Through Direct Ferries

Our solicitors can give you the option of entering into a No Win No Fee Agreement, also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). The CFA is designed to offer claimants financial protection and the confidence to pursue justice. If you sign a CFA with one of our solicitors, you will not have to pay any fees upfront, nor will you have to pay any fees during your claim either. And if your claim is unsuccessful, you will not have to pay any of the fees your solicitor has incurred in pursuing your case.

If your claim is successful, your solicitor may seek a small contribution towards their costs. This is known as a ‘success fee’ and would be deducted from the compensation awarded at the end of the claim. By law, success fees are capped and the precise percentage will be agreed with you before your claim begins.

Why Select Legal Expert For A Ferry Accident Claim?

Our claims process is as simple as can be:

  1. Call our claims team and explain your situation.
  2. A claim advisor will evaluate your claim.
  3. If you have favourable prospects of success, a lawyer will process your claim for you.

You can be sure that the service you will receive will be of the finest quality. Our specialist solicitors have over thirty years of experience handling personal injury claims. They will strive to win you the maximum amount of compensation possible and will guide you through the complexities of the legal process, explaining legal jargon along the way. And if ever you have a query or would like an update on your case, they’ll be on hand to take your call.

Start Your Ferry Accident Claim

Are you ready to start your claim for cruise injury compensation? If you are, then you can contact our claims team on 0800 073 8804. A claims advisor will talk you through our claims process and help to get your claim underway.

Supporting Claims Resources

These external links could be of some use to you if you’re interested in Direct Ferries Personal Injury Claims:

ABTA Information On Ferry Complaints

ABTA Information On Passenger Rights

Health And Safety On Ships

You may also like to read over these other guides in relation to Direct Ferries Personal Injury Claims:

How To Make Holiday Accident Claims

Claiming For A Slip, Trip Or Fall Accident

A Guide To Food Allergy Claims


Written by Wheeler

Edited by Billing

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      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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