Compensation Information For Accidents At Legoland & Claims Solicitors

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Legoland Personal Injury Claims Guide

A visit to a theme park or to a resort such as Legoland Windsor should be a fun experience for all of the family. Family days out bring all the family together and allow memories to be made. Theme parks need to be constantly scrutinising their surroundings not just theme park rides in order to provide and safe and hazard-free environment for all those who are visiting or even working on the premises. This guide has been produced for those who may have not only suffered injuries due to accidents on theme park rides but also for those who have been injured or made ill due to a lapse in not only maintenance of the park but health and safety issues.

Legoland personal injury claims processOur team of advisors and personal injury solicitors have helped many people to claim compensation in a variety of different circumstances and could help you to claim compensation for your accident. This compensation can help you through your recovery. If you are unsure whether your accident at Legoland that lead directly to an injury or illness makes you eligible to claim compensation call Legal Expert today and they will be able to advise who if anyone is liable for your suffering.

If you were injured whilst visiting or even working at a theme park in the UK and feel that someone else caused your accident through negligence, contact us today to see if you could claim compensation. You can call our team on 0800 073 8804 or see other ways to contact us at the bottom of this guide.

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What Is An Accident At Legoland Windsor?

An accident that occurs at a theme park could potentially be anything from a slip trip or fall accident causing an injury due to an uneven and defected walkway, to food poisoning caused by food that has been served which has not been stored, prepared or cooked correctly to an injury caused by a defect these park ride that has caused a serious injury due to yhe nature of the circumstances.

What is important in the context of this guide is whether the accident that has occurred was due to a breach in the duty of care, in the standards that should be met at the theme park and if the correct procedures would have been in place could have the accident been avoided.

Examples of this could be a person being injured because something fell onto them due to it being faulty and damaged, because safety equipment failed, accidents due to damaged floors which should have long been repaired or malfunctions of theme park rides due to lack of maintenance. The important thing is that the accident was not caused by the victim, but by negligence.

Risks Or Potential Causes Of A Theme Park Accidents

There are many different potential risks which theme parks have to work towards eliminating or reducing. If potential risks are not discovered as soon as they arise there is the possibility that an accident could occur. Theme park operators know the importance of maintaining theme park rides and repairing any defects so that any riders or visitors to the park are not put at unnecessary risk.

Here are examples of potential reasons why accidents causing injuries may occur;

  • A malfunction on a ride which causes it to come to an abrupt halt.
  • Mechanical failures on rides or equipment.
  • Signaling failures on rides.
  • Faulty or unsafe rails/ tracks for a ride.
  • A carriage on a ride coming loose from the mechanism or railing.
  • Electrical failures
  • Fires.
  • Staff being insufficiently trained on how to operate the ride.

To find out your eligibility to claim compensation, talk to an expert solicitor today.

Defective Or Broken Rides

If rides are coming towards their end of shelf life, possible wear and tear, decay and defect then they should be replaced to ensure riders are not put at any risks. If rides are broken or are in need of repair it is vital that they are attended to before they are put back into public use. Fair grounds rides and theme park rides if not completely functional in good repair may cause accidents to occur.

If you have been injured due to defects or faults with a ride, please contact our team today. In the case of a defect with a ride, there could be more than one liable party and in some cases, claims can be slightly difficult or longer to process.

I Suffered An Injury While On a Roller Coaster, Could I Claim Compensation?

Roller coasters should be thrilling and exciting but above all, they should be safe. If you were riding a roller coaster at a theme park and sustained an injury due to the defective operation of the machine, mechanical failure or other circumstance call our experts today to see if the injuries you have suffered could qualify for compensation.

Safety Barrier Or Safety Bar Failure Accidents

Throughout theme parks across the UK, there are various different pieces of safety equipment, such as spectator barriers or safety bars on rides, which are in place to either protect the people participating in the ride, those queuing up to ride on it, and general spectators.

These safety barriers and bars serve a very important function in theme parks. They can help to restrain people on rides, combat potential overcrowding, ensure that spectators and those queuing are kept out of potential harm’s way. If a safety bar or barrier is defective and an injury results, please call Legal Expert to see if your injury caused at Legoland has grounds for a compensation claim.

I Suffered An Injury Due To A Fall At Legoland Windsor Resort, Can I Claim?

Slip, trip and fall accidents are common accidents which could cause arrange of injuries due to the fact there are many different elements that may cause them to happen. There are numerous different scenarios in which this type of accident could take place regardless of the environment. You could trip up due to a damaged floor, slip on broken stairs, or in severe events fall from a ride when the safety seat belt or bar has failed in its function.

Slip, trip and fall accidents regardless of the injury do not all qualify for a compensation claim. If the slip, trip or fall has happened due to negligence of a third party that owed a duty of care and has resulted in an injury a reason for a claim may exist. To discuss your options and whether you could claim for your accident at Legoland, talk to our expert advisors.

Cases Of A Fatal Accident At A Theme Park

If a loved one or next of kin has passed away due to negligent circumstances then a claim could possibly be brought of their behalf against the liable party. Compensation could be sought for the love one passing away, pain and suffering as well as financial aspects. For information in more detail please speak to the experts at the number at the end of this guide.

Who Is Liable For My Theme Park Injury?

A theme park can be a complex and busy environment with numerous different rides as well as indoor and outdoor areas used by both staff and customers. Due to potential risks theme parks may present, how busy they can get, the amount of different rides and activities it is vital that at all times health and safety measures are always in the forefront.

To be eligible to make a claim against Legoland Windsor it must be proven that in some way they are responsible for the accident that lead to the injury due to negligence. You need to show that they owed you a duty of care. They are obliged to provide you with a safe place to move about and ensure your safety on a ride. Then it must be proven that they breached this duty of care. If they have been negligent (such as not addressing a repair, not maintaining operations, or not carrying out risk assessments) and finally the negligent accident must have caused you in an injury or illness to be able to make a personal injury claim against Merlin Attractions Operations Ltd. Merlin Attractions is the owner of theme parks including Legoland.

There are several key pieces of legislation in place which confer duties of care or otherwise apply to health and safety. Examples include:

  • 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act
  • 2005 Working at Height Regulations
  • 1995 RIDDOR

There are also key pieces of advice produced by the HSE and the Fairgrounds and Amusement Parks Joint Advisory Committee which have helped to set guidelines for safe park operations and practices. It should be noted that as a visitor to the park or an employee you also have a duty of care to follow all safety notifications and instructions given to you.

What Evidence Could Help My Case?

If you do intend to make an amusement park personal injury claim, there are steps which you can take to help you have a better chance of claiming successfully. You should make sure that you have your injuries properly treated at a GP surgery or hospital as appropriate. Even if an injury is not visible make sure you do get it treated. This helps to ensure your good health and provide medical evidence which we can use later in your claim. If the authorities (such as the fire service) are called to attend the accident, they could also provide evidence of the accident happening and of your injuries.

If possible we also recommend gathering evidence such as photos of how you were hurt and the cause of the accident, details of how the accident happened and statements from witnesses and even copies of CCTV is available. Whilst your personal injury solicitor can help you to do this, it is advisable to start the process as soon as you can.

Personal Injury Claims Calculator

In the personal injury claims calculator below we look at different types of injury and what could be awarded in regards to compensation. These examples are taken from the Judicial College guidelines and are correct as of the time of publication.

Type Of Injury Compensation Amounts Notes
Multiple Serious Injuries With Special Damages Serious Up to £500,000+ If the injured party has suffered multiple serious injuries, then their compensation payout may cover all of these plus any related special damages, such as the cost of home care required.
Head/Brain Injury Moderately Severe £219,070 to £282,010 This bracket may apply to injuries to the head that leave the victim very seriously disabled. The injured party will need constant professional and other care.
Loss of Sight Total Blindness In the region of £268,720 This compensation bracket applies to cases where the injured party has suffered loss of sight in both eyes.
Facial Disfigurement Very Severe Scarring £29,780 to £97,330 The cosmetic effect of the scarring is very disfiguring and the psychological reaction has been severe.
Facial Disfigurement Less Severe Scarring £17,960 to £48,420 The scarring has caused substantial disfigurement and it has lead to a severe psychological reaction.
Knee Injury Severe (i) £69,730 to £96,210 A serious knee injury that has caused considerable pain and led to a loss of function. The development of osteoarthritis and the requirement to receive lengthy treatment may be among the consequences of injuries under this bracket.
Knee Injury Moderate (i) £14,840 to £26,190 Dislocation, torn cartilage or meniscus which results in minor instability, wasting, weakness or other mild future disability.
Hand Injuries Severe Fractures to Fingers (f) Up to £36,740 Fractures to multiple fingers. The amount will be concerned with whether there will be future amputations of the fingers, deformity and impairment of grip.
Achilles Tendon Injury Serious £24,990 to £30,090 The complete division of the tendon has been successfully repaired. However, there is residual weakness. Ankle movements are limited.
Achilles Tendon Injury Moderate £12,590 to £21,070 Rupture or significant injury to the tendon. The amount awarded will be based on recovery, pain, functionality and any disability.

Examples Of The Different Damages You Could Be Compensated For

In the above personal injury claims calculator, we looked at what a no win no fee solicitor could help you claim for your physical or psychological injury. However, you could be able to claim compensation for any financial aspects. You may be able to claim for the following, depending on the circumstances of your injury;

  • Healthcare, medication or care costs.
  • Adjustments to your home or to your vehicle.
  • Reimbursement for travelling to a medical appointment.
  • Other costs accrued as a direct result of your accident/injury.

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claims Against Legoland Windsor Resort

With the team at Legal Expert, you could be able to make a 100% no win no fee compensation claim for an accident at Legoland Windsor Resort. In most instances, we could be able to offer you a conditional fee agreement which governs the agreement between a solicitor and a client. You can think of the agreement as being the terms and conditions through which services are provided to you. It will set out what the solicitor will do for a client and the conditions under which they (the solicitor) could expect to be paid.

Contact Our Experts

If you have been injured in an accident at Legoland Windsor and think you could eligible to make a personal injury claim contact our experts today. You can call us on the number provided at the top of this guide. You can also send us an email about your accident and injury to Finally, you can also contact us if you were injured at the theme or amusement park using the contact form (found on the right of this page) or by clicking on the live ‘support’ feature.

Related Articles And Resources

In addition to the information and resources which we have provided above, we have further resources on our site which could help you if you have been injured at a theme park or in other similar circumstances.

Theme Park Accident Claims
Have you been injured at a different theme park in the UK, find out how to claim for a variety of theme park accidents such as an accident on a roller coaster.

Caravan Park Accident Claims
If you have been injured whilst visiting or staying at a caravan park in the UK, find out if you could make a personal injury claim.

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    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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