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Roundabout Accident Claims | No Win No Fee

By Danielle Jordan. Last Updated 6th September 2023. Welcome to our guide about roundabout accident claims. Awareness of other vehicles and good judgement are necessary when navigating a roundabout. If a driver pulls out too quickly or doesn’t take note of other cars on the road, an accident can easily occur.

If you have been involved in a roundabout accident and it was not your fault, you could be entitled to compensation. We reveal the most important aspects of making roundabout accident claims below.

So contact our advisors today to discuss your potential road traffic accident claim. They could offer you free advice and answer any questions you may have.

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Claim Eligibility Criteria Following An Accident On A Roundabout

If you suffered injuries in an accident on a roundabout, you may wonder if you meet the eligibility criteria to seek compensation. In order to have a valid road traffic accident claim, you must be able to prove that:

  •       Another driver owed you a duty of care.
  •       They breached this.
  •       You suffered injuries as a result of this breach.

Road users must navigate the roads in a way that prevents injury and damage to themselves and others. This is their duty of care. As part of this duty, they are expected to adhere to the Road Traffic Act 1988 and relevant rules and regulations found in the Highway Code.

Rules 184-190 in the Highway Code apply to roundabouts, some of these are found in legislation elsewhere. Road users should adhere to these rules to avoid accidents on roundabouts. If you suffer injuries because another road user broke one of these rules, you could be eligible to seek compensation.

One of the advisors from our team can assess whether you have valid grounds to claim for a roundabout accident. Contact an advisor today using the details at the top of the screen.

How Long Do I Have To Make A Claim After A Roundabout Accident?

If you were involved in a roundabout accident and were injured, you could potentially make a claim if the roundabout car accident was caused by negligence. Generally, car accident claims must be started within the 3-year personal injury claims time limit. The three years count from the time of your injury. However, in some cases, you may not immediately realise that you’ve been injured. In such cases, the three years count from the time of knowledge of your injury.

There are exemptions to the time limit found in the Limitation Act 1980. For example, the time limit does not apply if the injured person is under 18 years old. Once they become 18, the time limit will begin. Similarly, the time limit does not apply to persons with reduced mental capacity. If they ever recover, the time limit will then apply.

With the help of a litigation friend, a claim can still be made for these parties during the suspended period.

Get in touch today to find out if you’re eligible to claim road traffic accident compensation.

What Are The Causes Of Roundabout Accidents

As we stated earlier, road users owe each other a duty of care. Should you suffer injuries in a road traffic accident due to another driver breaching this duty of care, you could be eligible to claim compensation.

Some examples of how roundabout accidents could occur include:

  • A driver not being in the correct lane.
  • Another driver tries to merge lanes without checking if the lane is clear or if there is enough space to merge.
  • Another driver may fail to signal what exit they are taking.
  • Someone approaching the roundabout may not give way to the traffic already on it.

If you have any questions about starting a car accident claim, please get in touch with our advisors. In addition, they can assess whether you have valid grounds for a claim, and if you do, you could be put in touch with one of our No Win No Fee solicitors.

Roundabout accident claims

Roundabout accident

What to do if you are involved in a roundabout accident

If you have been involved in a roundabout accident that was not your fault, it is important to gather evidence to strengthen your claim. As mentioned, the most vital question when it comes to any compensation case for an accident on a roundabout is who is at fault? By taking the following steps, you can show who was liable for your injuries:

Top Tips On Proving Roundabout Accident Claims

As mentioned above, claiming payouts for roundabout accident claims depends on whether you can prove that someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. The most effective way to achieve this is to gather as much quality evidence as possible.

In other words, if someone cuts across you on a roundabout, fault needs to be established if you’re injured as a result. Below, we’ve provided some examples of what would help you do this.

  • Video footage – For instance, CCTV cameras may have captured the accident. Alternatively, your vehicle or the other vehicle involved may have a dashcam fitted. If so, acquiring the footage can be a helpful step to take.
  • Medical records – When you’re examined, your medical records could contain helpful information regarding the extent of your injuries.
  • Witness statements – Those who saw the incident may be willing to submit a statement. Obtain their contact details, and a solicitor could assist you in the process of gathering said statements.

There are other forms of evidence that can help you as well. The above list is not exhaustive. Get in touch if you want to know more, including what the average compensation for a roundabout accident is.

What can be claimed for after an accident at a roundabout?

When making a roundabout accident claim, the compensation is often made up of two main figures. They’re known as general damages and special damages.

General Damages

This is the compensation you will receive to cover your pain and suffering. The amount can vary depending on the type of injury, its severity, and the recovery time. It’s not just physical injuries that can be claimed for. Any psychological injuries caused by the accident, such as anxiety, can be claimed for too. 

Special Damages In Roundabout Accident Claims

In roundabout accident claims, you may also be able to claim for the financial losses caused by the injury. This head of claim is referred to as special damages.

For example, if you’ve been hit by a car on a roundabout, you may suffer an injury that results in you being unable to work. If this is the case, you could claim for loss of earnings. If your injury is long-term or permanent, you could claim for future loss of earnings.

Other potential financial losses you could claim for as part of roundabout accident claims include:

  • Adjustments to your home. This could include a stairlift.
  • Travel expenses. If the injury leaves you unable to drive, you could claim back the public transport costs.
  • Care costs. The injury could lead to you needing to hire a private nurse to help you rehabilitate and readjust to life.
  • Medical expenses, such as prescription costs.

Please remember that to claim successfully for any financial loss, you will need sufficient evidence to prove the value of it. This involves providing evidence such as receipts, bank statements, invoices and receipts. If you would like to learn more, please contact our advisors at a time that works for you using the details above.

If someone cuts across you on a roundabout whose fault is it?

So, if someone cuts across you on a roundabout, whose fault is it?

It depends on factors including the nature of the accident and the reasons for the collision. You would only receive compensation if you’re able to prove that the injury was caused by another road user’s negligence. 

All you need to do is give us a call and we will advise you on building a strong case, ensuring you get the maximum amount possible for your roundabout accident claims.

Determining Liability For A Car Accident On A Roundabout

Our solicitors could help you to make a claim if another driver hits your car on a roundabout. A crucial factor, though, is where responsibility lies for the accident. You may be wondering, “if someone cuts across you on a roundabout, whose fault is it?”

According to rule 185 of the Highway Code, you must give priority to any traffic coming from the right when you’re on a roundabout. If another car cuts out in front of you to enter the roundabout while you’re travelling around it, they may be at fault.

Another question that you may ask is, “how many times can you go around a roundabout?” Rule 186 of the Highway Code explains that drivers should stick to the left lane until they leave at an appropriate exit. You cannot reverse or turn around on a roundabout, so if you miss your exit then you must travel back around until you reach it again and can exit safely.

Our solicitors could advise you on where liability rests for roundabout accidents. They could also help to manage your claim. Contact our expert team today.

Compensation For Car Accidents – What Is The Average Payout For A Car Accident In The UK?

There are many factors that affect compensation for car accidents, such as injury severity and whether special damages are included in your claim. For this reason, knowing the average payout from a car accident may not be particularly helpful for you. In this section, we are going to examine general damages.

General Damages

If your claim is successful, general damages will compensate for your pain and suffering. When calculating value for pain and suffering, legal professionals may use the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG) to help them. This document lists injuries and severities with compensation brackets. It should be noted that it applies to England and Wales claims only.

Our table below contains potential injuries you may suffer in a car crash alongside bracketed compensation amounts from the latest update of the JCG. As claims differ, it is only to be used as guidance and does not represent your potential compensation.

Reason for compensation Typical compensation amount Comments
Tetraplegia £324,600 to £403,990 The victim has full awareness of their disability – the higher end of the bracket is awarded to those where some pain in present
Paraplegia £219,070 to £284,260 The victim understands their condition and experiences great pain, sometimes to a severe level.
Severe neck injuries £45,470 to the region of £148,330 The lower payout is for fractures, dislocations, and soft tissue damage. The maximum payout is for neck injuries that lead to incomplete paraplegia or permanent spastic quadriparesis.
Moderate neck injuries (iii) £7,890 to £13,740 The higher payout is for fractures or dislocations that result in instant serious symptoms. The lower payout is for injuries that have accelerated or exacerbated a pre-existing condition.
Severe back injuries (iii) £38,780 to £69,730 Higher payouts are for the most serious back injuries, which involve damage to the spinal cords and nerve roots. Lower payouts are for cases that involve soft tissue injuries, disc lesions, or disc fractures.
Moderate back injuries (ii) £12,510 to £27,760 Higher payouts are for cases whereby there is residual disability, yet not to the extent whereby it would quantify as a severe back injury. At the lower end of the scale are cases involving ligament or muscle disturbance, which result in backache and soft tissue injuries.
Whiplash Tariff £4,345 This tariff is for claimants that have minor psychological injuries along with whiplash that lasts 18-24 months.
Whiplash Tariff £4,215 This tariff is for claimants that have a whiplash injury lasting between 18-24 months.

As we stated earlier, if you are claiming under the Whiplash Reforms Programme, your compensation will be based on the tariff of injuries found in the Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 instead of the compensation brackets found in the JCG.

If you need any assistance using our compensation calculator or would prefer a free estimate of what your claim could be worth, call our advisors.

Whiplash Reform Programme

If you’ve been in a roundabout accident since 31st May 2021, then you can claim through an online portal known as the Whiplash Reform Programme. However, this only applied for cases worth up to £5,000. The purpose of this portal is to streamline the process of making claims for smaller amounts.

Despite the name of the programme, this portal can be used for all road traffic accidents under £5,000. It’s always best to check with us beforehand to see if your claim could be worth more than £5,000.

Our advisors can answer any questions you have and even provide you with a compensation estimate. We’re available 24/7 so can help you at any time that works for you.  You can contact us completely for free using the above details.

Claiming After A Roundabout Accident With A No Win No Fee Solicitor

If you were injured in an accident on a roundabout, one of our expert No Win No Fee solicitors could help you claim compensation. Claiming with the help of a solicitor can come with many benefits; for example, they can use their years of knowledge and experience to guide you through the claims process and can explain legal jargon and areas of claiming that you may not understand.

By offering their services under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA), our solicitors work on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that you don’t need to pay an upfront fee for them to start working on your claim, and they don’t ask for continuing payments to support their work. Plus, if your claim isn’t successful, then you won’t pay a fee for their work.

You will pay a fee, partially to cover your solicitor’s work, if your claim succeeds. In this case, they will deduct a success fee from your compensation award. However, this amount is legally capped, which helps to ensure that you keep the majority of what you receive.

To find out if you could be entitled to claim for a roundabout accident with the help of one of our solicitors, get in touch with our team today by:

Helpful links

Highway Code Guidance

This link takes you to the UK Government website where you will find information on The Highway Code. This is a set of rules for using the road, including general rules, reversing, pedestrian crossings, roundabouts, road junctions, and overtaking.

Department Of Transport On Roundabouts

This takes you to the Department of Transport’s publication on Signal Controlled Roundabouts. The contents include reasons for use of signals at roundabouts, design considerations, control strategies and more.

Litigations Friends

Information on the government on how to appoint an adult to make a claim on your, or someone else’s, behalf.

Car Accident Guide

This is our guide on making compensation claims for car accidents. It includes information on what to do if you have been involved in a car accident, how to make a claim, what you can claim for, and average payout amounts.

Passenger Accident Guide

If you were injured as a passenger, use this guide for information on claiming as a passenger, common injuries, No Win No Fee, and more.

Claiming Through The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB)

If you’re hit by an uninsured driver you can still claim through the MIB. This is also true if the other driver flees the scene before you get their details.

Hernia settlement amounts (UK)

See how much compensation you could receive in a hernia compensation claim

Our guide offers more information on claiming for a mobility scooter accident and details how a No Win No Fee lawyer could help.

Thank you for reading our guide about roundabout accident claims.

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    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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