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Dover Personal Injury Solicitors No Win No Fee

By Mark Ainsdale. Welcome to our Dover personal injury solicitors guide. If you live in Dover or the surrounding Kent area and have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to claim up to tens of thousands of pounds or even more in personal injury compensation.

Under what circumstances can you make a personal injury claim?

Dover personal injury solicitors

Dover personal injury solicitors

If a third party acts negligently, causing you to become injured or ill as a result, then a personal injury lawyer can represent you in an accident compensation claim. Trust Legal Expert to provide you with a specialist personal injury solicitor who can cover the Dover area and has an excellent track record of winning compensation claims like yours. Whether you need to make a hospital claim for clinical negligence, to use a road traffic accident claims solicitor to claim for an injury resulting from a car crash or wish to make any other sort of accident claim, we will provide you with the best personal injury lawyer to handle your claim.

Please call our personal injury solicitors in the Dover area today for your free legal consultation. One of our informed claims advisors will be able to listen to your story and tell you whether or not you are entitled to claim compensation. If you are happy to proceed with your personal injury claim, we will estimate how much your personal injury case could be worth and provide you with the right personal injury lawyer, who will start working on your case right away. Our solicitors have up to 30 years of experience and will always fight to get you the largest compensation payout you are entitled to, so you’re bound to be in good hands. So, are you wondering how to claim the compensation you deserve? Call us today on 0800 073 8804 to begin the No Win No Fee claims process now.

If you do not live in Dover, we can still help. Legal Expert operate across Britain, so if you live elsewhere, enquire today about using a personal injury solicitor that will cover accident claims in your area. Or check out our online guides to personal injury claims for more information today.

How Can Our Team Help You

Legal Expert is a personal injury solicitor’s firm that provides a national claims service for clients who live up and down the country. We have created this guide for people claiming compensation who are residents in Dover or the surrounding Kent area. What criteria do you need to meet for one of our excellent personal injury solicitors to take on your personal injury case? If you have been involved in an accident in the last three years caused by negligence on the part of a third party, which caused you to become injured or ill, you could be entitled to claim compensation. We take on claims for all sorts of injuries. If your illness or injury were serious enough to cause you to take three or more days off work, then we would class it as serious enough for you to be entitled to claim compensation in a wide range of forms.

One more thing to consider is that there is a personal injury claims time limit of three years in Britain. So you will have three years from the time you became injured, ill, or were diagnosed with an illness or injury in which to begin your personal injury claim. There are some exceptions to this rule which your solicitor can advise you on. Call Legal Expert today to take advantage of our free legal consultation and see if you are entitled to make a personal injury claim. Our personal injury solicitors for Dover will advise you every step of the way when using our legal services.

What Criteria Do I Need To Meet To Be Eligible To Claim Compensation?

If you wish to make a personal injury claim for compensation, your personal injury lawyer will need to provide evidence to support your claim. In a personal injury case, the person making a claim will be referred to as the Claimant, whilst the person or organisation you are suing is called the Defendant.

Your personal injury lawyer must be able to prove the following:

  1. Your solicitor must be able to prove that you, the Defendant owed you the Claimant a “duty of care”, meaning that they were responsible for upholding your health and safety. For example, according to laws such as The Occupiers Liability Act of 1957 and the Health And Safety At Work Act of 1974, an employer is responsible for providing staff with a safe and hygienic working environment, or shopkeepers are responsible for providing customers with a hazard-free experience whilst shopping on their premises.
  2. Your solicitor will then have to provide evidence that the Defendant was negligent, leading to an avoidable accident. Legally This means that if the responsible party does not uphold their duty of care, they could be held legally liable for the Claimant’s injuries.
  3. Thirdly, your personal injury solicitor will have to prove that the accident caused by the Defendant’s negligence caused you to suffer injuries or an illness as a result.

If you have been involved in a personal injury case in Dover or elsewhere, which matches the description above, you could be entitled to make a personal injury claim for compensation. Call Legal Expert today to see if our personal injury solicitors covering Dover can help you claim compensation.

Why Is It Important To Choose A Specialist Personal Injury Lawyer For Your Claim?

Although it may cost money to use a personal injury solicitor, it really is worth every penny. Many people believe they can claim an adequate amount of compensation for their injuries without using a personal injury lawyer. Without the right lawyer representing your case, the defendant will likely dismiss your claim or “lowball” you (intentionally offering you a compensation package that is too low to avoid paying you what you are actually owed in the future). Not only is it essential that you use a specialist personal injury solicitor to represent you in your claim, but you must also do your research to make sure that they are the best personal injury lawyer to represent your claim.

You should ensure that the personal injury solicitor that you use has a good track record of winning claims like yours. You may also wish to consider their rates and whether or not they offer a No Win No Fee service to make claiming personal injury compensation more affordable. Below is some advice on what to consider when finding the best personal injury lawyer to help you on how to claim compensation.

Online Personal Injury Solicitor Reviews

A good way to find some insight into the strengths of a solicitor’s firm is to read personal injury solicitors online reviews. Typing some key search terms such as “road traffic accident claims solicitors” or “No Win No Fee personal injury solicitors” into Bing, Google, or another search engine should bring up some relevant online personal injury solicitor reviews for you to see. You will be able to get an impression of what previous clients thought of the quality of service they received if they would recommend the solicitor’s firm to a friend or family member.

You may also be able to see if the firm specialises in personal injury cases that are similar to yours and whether or not they will offer you the option to use a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor. That’s why you should work with our personal injury solicitors for Dover, as we handle many different claims.

Does My Personal Injury Solicitor Have To be Local?

It’s common for potential compensation claimants to think using a local personal injury solicitor. One of the most pervasive myths which often surrounds using a solicitor for many things is that you need to use one in your area. If you are reading this guide, you could have found it by searching for a ‘Dover personal injury solicitor‘. However, this is not the case. Whilst we are not based in offices here, we can still help you just as easily.

Fortunately, your solicitor can use a variety of different communications technologies. This means that it is as easy to work with a solicitor based elsewhere in the country as in the same area as you. They can consult you remotely and keep you updated regularly. If you require a medical assessment for the solicitor to base your personal injury claim off, then Legal Expert will pay for you to be consulted by a qualified physician near your home.

Accident And Injury Claim Our Team Can Handle

If you have been injured or made ill in an accident that was not your fault, you could be legally entitled to claim personal injury compensation. Our clients often wonder if we only conduct claims for certain types of illnesses and injuries. If the accident was severe enough to warrant you taking three or more days off work, we could help you claim compensation. Whatever sort of accident you experienced, whether clinical negligence, a road traffic accident, an accident at work or something else. Call Legal Expert today for free legal advice and to begin your claim. You can be confident that our personal injury solicitors for Dover will be able to help you.

Please read on to see what you could claim for. Additionally, this table may help to give you some hypothetical compensation settlement figures.

Injury Severity Notes Compensation
Brain Damage Very severe The person might be able to follow some basic commands. However, they will need full-time care and show little meaningful response to their environment. £282,010 to £403,990
Neck Injury Severe A neck injury that is associated with incomplete paraplegia or results in permanent spastic quadriparesis. In the region of £148,330
Knee Injury Severe (ii) Constant pain and limited movement caused by a leg fracture that has extended into the knee joint. £52,120 to £69,730
Arm Injury Less severe The person will have suffered with significant disabilities. However a substantial recovery has taken place or is expected to. £19,200 to £39,170
Back Injury Moderate (ii) Frequently encountered back injuries, that disturb the ligaments and muscles and cause backache. £12,510 to £27,760
Shoulder Injury Serious A dislocated shoulder with damage to the lower part of the brachial plexus that causes shoulder and neck pain. £12,770 to £19,200
Elbow Injury Moderate or minor Elbow injuries such as lacerations, simple fractures or tennis elbow syndrome. The recovery rate will affect how much is awarded. Up to £12,590
Leg Injury Less serious (iii) Simple tibia or fibula fractures, or soft-tissue injuries, with minor ongoing symptoms. Up to £11,840
Whiplash Injuries With Psychological Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,345
Whiplash Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,215

Work-Related Sickness And Industrial Disease Claims

According to the Health and Safety Act of 1974, employers are legally obliged to protect employees from dangerous hazards on the job. If they fail to do so through negligence, they could be held liable for their employees’ injuries and pay them compensation. If you worked with substances that could cause or worsen an industrial disease such as asthma, asbestos exposure or siderosis, and your employer neglected to protect you from these hazardous substances, you could be entitled to claim work-related sickness and industrial disease. Your payout could be worth tens of thousands of pounds in compensation. Call Legal Expert today, and one of our advisors will let you know if you are entitled to claim.

Clinical Negligence Claims

If you have become ill, injured or had an existing condition worsened because of medical malpractice, call Legal Expert today for impartial medical negligence advice. First of all, what is clinical negligence? Clinical negligence is a form of medical malpractice of substandard care on a medical practitioner or institution. For example, a doctor could fail to see the signs of cancer, and this condition could seriously worsen over time. Because doctors, nurses, hospitals, GP surgeries and other medical practitioners and institutions have a legal duty of care towards their patients, if their clinical negligence results in a patient becoming ill, injured or having a medical condition worsen, they could be held liable for their injuries and have to pay the injured person clinical negligence compensation. Call Legal Expert today to receive free medical negligence advice and see if you are entitled to claim compensation for medical malpractice.

Work Accidents In The Dover Area

As we have already stated, your employer is responsible for providing you with a safe and hygienic working environment. This still applies if you are an agency worker or self-employed contractor. If you have been injured or made ill in an accident at work caused by negligence on the part of your employer, call Legal Expert today to see if you are entitled to claim compensation. Below are some common workplace accidents suffered in the Dover area, all avoidable if employers uphold their duty of care towards staff.

HSE reported work accidents in Dover Local Authority 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
Undetermined 19 19 17
Electric shock injury (e.g. burns) 1 0 0
Machinery related 8 3 3
Exposed to fire 0 1 2
Harmful substance exposure (e.g. PVC) 3 0 0
Fall from height (ladder) 12 9 13
Injured by an animal 2 0 0
Lifting and handling injuries 33 26 16
Physical assault 9 5 3
Slip, trip or fall 54 37 29
Struck against 4 3 3
Struck by moving vehicle 1 2 5
Hit by falling object 24 6 12
Trapped by something collapsing 1 0 2

Slip, Trip Or Fall Injury Claims

One of the most common personal injury cases Legal Expert handles daily is injuries caused by slip, trip and fall accidents. Slip, trip and fall injuries can happen in shops, restaurants, pavements and pedestrianised areas, workplaces, and many other contexts. They are usually caused by a hazard such as a spillage being left on the floor. Sadly, they are easily avoidable but can have serious consequences, such as causing the sufferer to break or fracture a bone.

Suppose you have been involved slip, trip or fall accident that was not your fault. You could be entitled to make a personal injury claim of tens of thousands of pounds. Call Legal Expert to enquire about using the right personal injury solicitor for your claim today. We will find the most suitable lawyer for your specific case among our personal injury solicitors in the Dover area.

Serious Injury Claims Solicitors

Sadly, we sometimes provide lawyers for serious injuries. For example, a client may have suffered a life-changing injury that will have permanent consequences. This could be becoming paralysed from the waist down or developing a condition in which they severe suffer chronic pain. Fortunately, claims for serious injuries are also larger. Claimants receive large general damages packages to compensate them for their pain and suffering. They may also need ongoing medical treatment, at-home care or mobility equipment so they can claim special damages to cover these expenses.

If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, which resulted in you suffering serious injuries in Dover or elsewhere, call Legal Expert today to see if you are entitled to claim.

Claims For Car And Road Traffic Accidents

Legal Expert can provide you with an excellent road traffic accident claims solicitor to represent you in a claim for an injury caused by a road traffic accident in Dover. We help clients claim compensation for accidents involving rear-end shunts, dangerous driving, roundabout accidents and accidents involving pedestrians being hit by a motor vehicle. Whether you were driving a car, motorcycle, lorry, a passenger on a bus or in a taxi, if you were injured due to negligence on the part of another driver, we can help you make a road traffic accident compensation claim. Call Legal Expert to claim compensation for your injuries with the guidance of our personal injury solicitors covering Dover. If you have legitimate grounds to make a car accident compensation claim, we will provide you with a road traffic accident claims solicitor to handle your claim.

Road Traffic Accident Statistics In Kent

Reported road casualties in the wider Kent for those who were seriously injured or killed in accidents.

2015 2016 2017
Other 37 50 40
Car 239 380 337
Motorcycle 161 233 205
Cyclists 82 97 123
Pedestrian 117 127 126

No Win No Fee Personal Injury Solicitors

Legal Expert understands that your personal injury claim is likely to be one step in a very stressful experience. Your accident may have caused you to suffer life-changing injuries. As a result, your finances and quality of life may have suffered as well. For many clients, making a No Win No Fee claim is the less stressful option, which will have less impact on your finances during the claims process.

With No Win No Fee, you do not pay upfront or ongoing fee to your personal injury solicitor. Instead, your fee will be deducted from your final payout package if and when you win your compensation claim. This means that if you have been unable to work because of your injuries or had to go out of pocket paying for medical bills, a No Win No Fee option may put less pressure on your finances. What’s more, in the unlikely event that you do not win your personal injury claim for compensation, you will not have to pay us a penny. Because there is no financial risk involved, this is the easier option for many of our clients who may have already suffered an undue amount of stress.

Can We Offer You A No Win No Fee Agreement?

If we believe you are likely to win your No Win No Fee claim, we will offer you the option to use a no win no fee solicitor who can help you. Please read our online guide to No Win No Fee claims now for more information.

Where Can You Find More Information?

If you are a Dover resident who has been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you could be entitled to claim hundreds, thousands or perhaps even tens of thousands of pounds in compensation. Call us today for free to speak to one of our accident claims advisors, who can let you know if you can claim compensation after listening to your story. We will then match you to the best personal injury lawyer to represent your claim, in terms of skills and experience, who will start working on your personal injury case right away.

Call us to start your claim

Remember, you may be entitled to claim tens of thousands of pounds or even more for the injury or illness you suffered. Call Legal Expert today or fill out our quick and easy online claims form to get started on your accident claim. It may be the best call you ever make because our personal injury solicitors will look after you.

Useful Links

If you have been involved in an accident that was not your fault, here is the contact information for different organisations in the Dover and Kent area that may be able to help you.

Local road safety:

Information about road safety concerning the public.
A road safety guide from Dover District Council.

Dover Magistrates Court
The Magistrates Court
Pencester Road
CT16 1BS
Tel: 01304 218600

Scotland Police
Police Headquarters,
Sutton Road
ME15 9BY
Non-emergency tel: 101

Buckland Hospital
Coombe Valley Road
CT17 0HD
Tel: 01304 222510

Our online guides concerning different types of personal injury claims.

How Much For A Wet Floor Slipping Claim?
Our guide to claiming compensation after slipping on a wet floor.

No Win No Fee Claims Guide
Our guide as to how to make a No Win No Fee claim.

How Long Does Whiplash Last?
Our guide to claiming compensation for a whiplash injury. Includes information about whiplash.

Legal Expert’s Guide To Accidents At Work
Our guide to making a claim for injuries caused by an accident at work.

Other Compensation Guides

Dover Personal Injury Solicitors FAQs

Who is the defendant in a compensation claim?

This is the person or organisational body that you’re filing your claim against.

How does the claims process begin?

It starts when your personal injury lawyer sends a Letter Of Claim on your behalf.

So, what is a Letter Of Claim?

This puts your intention to take legal action in writing, with the defendant being the receiver.

What happens next?

At that point, the defendant has 28 days to accept liability for the case to settle at an early stage.

But what if the defendant refuses liability?

If that happens, then you and your solicitor would move ahead with filing a claim against them.

Why might the defendant turn down liability?

This could be due to a flimsy case, responsibility lying with somebody else, or the defendant being unable to afford settlement costs.

Conversely, why might the defendant accept liability?

Taking responsibility at an early stage allows the defendant to avoid the additional costs of going to court.

And what if liability has a 50/50 split?

In this scenario, both parties agree to pay an equal amount to cover one another’s insurance costs.

Thank you for reading our Dover personal injury solicitors guide.

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    Meet The Team

    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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