Personal Injury Experts For Claims In Preston

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Preston Personal Injury Solicitors

Personal Injury Solicitors For Claimants In Preston

If you have been hurt as a result of an accident which was not your fault in the Preston area, you may have found our article after searching for Preston personal injury solicitors or claims service that covers the Preston area.

In this article we will illustrate some of the different types of accidents and injuries that can happen, and ways in which you can make a compensation claim for them. We will also briefly look at some of the ways in which Legal Expert can help you to make a claim. Finally, we also hope to demonstrate why you do not need to use a personal injury solicitors in Preston to make your claim. Please remember that while our main office is not located in this area, we can still help local residents.

Please read the guide below to find out how we can help you to get compensation if you have been hurt in an accident which was caused by someone else. When you are ready to make a compensation claim, you can contact our team by dialing 0800 073 8804.

How Legal Expert Can Help Claimants In Preston

The best way to go about getting the compensation that you could deserve after being hurt in an accident at work or any other situation is to use a expert accident solicitor to assist you.

Preston Personal Injury SolicitorsWherever you are and whatever you are doing, whether at work or engaging in leisure activities, the UK has a plethora of different pieces of legislation as well as guidelines on how your safety should be protected. From retailers, to your employer, to those running leisure facilities, or medical practitioners, all these groups have a duty of care to those on their property, those using their facilities, or patients being treated by them. Even when on the roads you are owned this duty of care by other road users, or anyone driving a vehicle you are a passenger in.

If you have been injured or become sick because someone was either deliberately or negligently breaching this duty of care, you could have grounds to be compensated. Compensation can take into account the injury itself, as well as its effects upon you.

To successfully make a personal injury claim, there are three basic elements which need to be proven:

  1. That the defendant (the person or organisation the claim is being made against) did legally owe you a duty of care. This could be demonstrated under a piece of legislation.
  2. That there was a breach in this duty of care. This could be a failure to observe legal requirements or not taking the right precautions.
  3. That your illness or injury was a result of the actions above.

If the actions of another person (or organisation) has caused you to suffer an injury or illness please contact our accident solicitors today to discuss your claim.

Why It Is Important To Have The Right Personal Injury Solicitor

Whether you are searching for personal injury solicitors for an accident, injury, or illness, the most important factor is not where they are based, but that they are the right person for the job. The importance of getting the right solicitor is next to that of making sure your injury or illness is appropriately treated. Our solicitors will be able to provide you with all the information you will need to make a fully informed decision. We could even provide you with an medical examination and assessment in your local area thanks to our panel of medical experts. We currently have several doctors or medical practices we refer clients to in this area.

It is worth noting that personal injury claims will usually take a few months from enquiry to completion. However, in some rare or very complicated cases that process can take several years, even up to the personal injury claims time limit. As you will have a long-term relationship with your legal team, you need to know that they are trustworthy and be able to feel confident that you can pass on information such as your medical records.

Read reviews of personal injury lawyers

As we started to look at in the previous section, it is important to make sure that you have the right personal injury lawyer for your claim. There are several different ways in which you can make sure that your solicitor is right for your case. Talking to your family and friends can be a good place to start getting information on solicitors they have used in the past. Next, you can look online to find reviews of different Preston personal injury solicitors or legal firms who can help people and cover that area.

Any personal injury solicitor that you use should have recent experience of conducting and successfully resolving claims similar to yours. When looking at reviews of solicitors, please look at what their services are, and how much they charge, as well as whether they have a good reputation.

Whilst reviews can be very helpful, the best way to learn more about getting the right personal injury solicitor is to speak to our team.

Does my solicitor have to be based in Preston?

People often think that they should use accident solicitors or lawyers based in their local area. This idea is still rooted in the past when people needed to use a solicitor who was close to them in orer to have face-to-face meetings and easily communicate with them. However, today most personal injury claims can be conducted by easy and efficient correspondence with no need to meet in person. You can be kept up to date easily by various communication methods and are much freer to find a solicitor who is right for your claim, not just close to you.

If you need a medical examination as part of your claim, this can be organised through the medical experts we work with in this area, such as;

Vikesh Kashyap
9 Winckley Street

Ayaz Abbasi
Marsh Lane

Different Compensation Claims Our Solicitors Can Process

Our personal injury lawyers and solicitors are adept at conducting a wide range of compensation claims. There are however some types we see more frequently than others. Below we have included details on some of those frequent types of claim.

Claim compensation for an industrial disease

The most commonly seen industrial diseases are those affecting the respiratory system as a whole or the lungs in general. Next to this, some of the other most common industrial diseases are those affecting the skin, such as exposure to chemicals. In many instances, such as being exposed to asbestos, you could find that it takes a very long time for you to notice or be diagnosed with a disease. In such cases we may need to bring a claim against an employer from much earlier in your career. Even if this employer has ceased trading, we may still be able to help you make a compensation claim.

Medical negligence in Preston

Instances of medical negligence can be some of the most devastating forms of accident or injury. You have trusted a doctor or other medical professional with your health. For your well-being to subsequently be compromised could be distressing. Medical negligence claims have a high threshold of evidence needed. This is because the healthcare practitioner involved could end up losing the job. As these can be complicated cases we have a dedicated guide to medical negligence claims in Preston here.

Claim Compensation For An Accident In The Workplace In Preston

An accident at work could lead to you not being able to carry out your usual duties. it may also mean you are unable to work at all for a period of time whilst recovering. In some cases this time off work will only be paid at statutory sick pay, not your full salary.

We are experienced in helping people from across the country to claim compensation for accidents and injuries sustained in their workplace. In the graph below we have included statistics for accidents at work in the Preston area.

Accidents at work in Preston Local Authority Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
Accidents which were not reported. 39 39 35
Burns and other injuries caused by electric shocks. 1 0 0
Injuries caused by machinery. 14 10 8
Explosions and related injuries. 1 0 0
Injuries caused by burns/ fire. 1 1 0
Exposure to harmful substances. 7 1 2
Falls from heights. 26 14 17
Injuries caused by animals. 1 2 1
Manual handling injuries (back, etc). 126 60 57
Being physically assaulted. 18 19 24
Falls, trips, and slips. 106 74 60
Impact injuries. 8 15 2
Being hit by a vehicle. 6 9 3
Being hit by an object. 35 14 25
Being trapped under something. 1 0 2

Details from this table were taken from the HSE and RIDDOR.

Falls, trips, and slipping over

From the statistics in the previous table, we can see that, whilst split into two sections, falling, slipping, and tripping over are the most common causes of people being injured in the workplace in this area.

This is consistent with statistics which we see across the country as a whole. Statistics also show that this is one of the most common types of injury seen amongst the general public, in or out of the workplace.

Claiming compensation for serious injuries

There are many different ways in which you could be hurt such as to cause serious injuries. There are also numerous types of injuries which could be classified as being serious. To better help illustrate how serious injuries can happen, and the consequences that they can have, we have produced a dedicated guide to serious injuries. In this we also look at how to make a no win, no fee claim for in such circumstances.

Claiming for a car crash or road accident

Car crashes and other accidents on the road can be caused in many different ways. Some of the most common root causes involve people being intoxicated (cited in 13% of accidents), being poor behaviour (accounting for 25% of accidents) , or driver error (cited in 71% of all accidents).

Road traffic accident statistics are not available for Preston specifically, though we can look at Lancashire in general. Across the county in 2016 (the most recent statistical year we have data for) we can see that a total of 659 people were either hurt or killed on the road. This does not represent the total number of accidents over that time, as those not resulting in injury are not reported in this statistic.

Statistics for those hurt or killed in car and other vehicle crashes in this area

This table includes statistics for the number of people killed in road traffic accidents or seriously injured in them in the wider Lancashire area.

2014 2015 2016 2017
Pedestrian 138 150 144 126
Cyclists 120 110 100 91
Motorcyclists 185 142 169 132
Car occupants 269 262 223 235
Others 20 26 23 27
Total number 732 690 659 611

Please remember, you do not need to use local solicitor to claim compensation for a road traffic accident in Preston.

No Win No Fee Accident Or Injury Claims

No win no fee injury lawyers work on the basis of not charging their clients anything when they being working on a claim. Instead, under a Conditional Fee Agreement, it is agreed that the claimant will pay any fees and charges due once the claim has been completed successfully, I.e. once you have won compensation. This type of claim was created to help those who otherwise would to be able to pay solicitors or lawyers charges at the start of a claim, in what could be a difficult time.

What charges are involved?

If your claim is successful you will be charged for your solicitors work. However, this can often be paid out of your compensation settlement. This means you don’t have to find any money upfront to do so. And don’t need to worry about making payments before you have received your settlement. Charges can vary for claimants depending on various factors. To find out more about how much you may pay for your solicitor, talk to a member of our team.

How To Take The Next Step

At this point we hope to have provided you with the answers to some of the most common questions people have around compensation claims. However, we do understand that you may still have further questions. You can find out the answers by reading our guides, or by getting in touch with our team.

Where you can find out more

The best way to find out more about how we can help you, or ways in which you can be compensated for personal injuries is to talk to us. You can also read our guides to different types of compensation claim at your leisure.

Contact Us To Start Your Claim Today

If you choose to use Legal Expert there are several ways to get in contact with us. You can use the phone number at the top of this article or the channels below.

Contact form: please click here

You can also use the ‘support’ feature on the right of this page or request a call back from our team by using the facility at the top of the page. Whatever way you reach out to our team, we are looking forward to hearing from you.

Useful Contact Information For Preston

We have included several links to and contact information for some services which you may need to contact after being injured, or during your personal injury claim.

Lancashire Police
Lancaster Road N,
Tel: 01772 614444

Preston Crown Court
The Law Courts
Openshaw Place
Ring Way
Tel: 01772 844700

Royal Preston Hospital
Sharoe Green Lane North,
Tel: 01772 716565
Opening hours: open 24 hours a day

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    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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