QuickQuid Data Breach Compensation Claims Experts

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QuickQuid Data Breach Compensation Claims Guide – How Much Compensation Can I Claim? – Amounts For QuickQuid Data Breach

QuickQuid Breached my Financial Data Privacy, Could I Claim Compensation?

Welcome to our guide on QuickQuid data breach claims.

With the significant incorporation of technology in our day to day lives, our data is processed, stored and used frequently. For instance, whenever we sign up to a new streaming service, purchase something online, or even when we use financial services such as QuickQuid, our data is being processed and stored.

QuickQuid data breach claims guideDue to the frequency at which our data is being used, laws and regulations are now in place to ensure data security. However, despite the safety protocols put in place by data protection law, there are unfortunate circumstances where breaches can still occur. In return, a data breach can have a severe impact on your well-being and finances.

If you suffer any degree of trauma or financial loss due to a QuickQuid data breach, then you could have a valid case if you can prove the breach and harm. Below, we will provide you with insight and applicable information regarding compensation claims.

The claims process can often appear daunting, especially to those with limited legal knowledge. It is for that reason why our team are standing by and happy to speak with you. If you would like to reach out and chat with one of our advisers, please call our team. The number to call is 0800 073 8804.

Select A Section

  1. A Guide To Data Breach Claims Against QuickQuid
  2. What Is A Data Breach Claim Against QuickQuid?
  3. Online Payday Lenders And The GDPR Regulations
  4. How The ICO Has Handled Cases Involving Payday Lenders
  5. Should I Report The Financial Data Breach To The ICO?
  6. How Are Those Impacted By Data Breaches Compensated?
  7. Calculating Data Protection Breach Compensation Settlements
  8. What Could I Do If My Personal Or Financial Data Privacy Have Been Breached? 
  9. How Specialist Data Solicitors Could Assist You
  10. No Win No Fee Data Breach Claims Against QuickQuid
  11. Talk To An Expert Solicitor
  12. Learn More

A Guide To Data Breach Claims Against QuickQuid

On the surface, a data breach might sound like a harmless turn of events. However, when you look further into the aftermath of a data breach, you will find that they can have a serious, and in some cases, life-altering impact on those involved.

There are legislation and policies set in place that echo data security and safety techniques to prevent data breaches from occurring. However, despite these critical legislative rules and measures, breaches can still happen and cause innocent individuals trauma and financial loss.

Within this online guide, we are going to look at QuickQuid data breach claims in greater length. Once you have read this guide, you will have the answers to the following questions, plus many others:

  • What is considered a data breach?
  • What happens if there is a QuickQuid data breach?
  • Are their bad implications of a data breach?
  • Under data protection law, what constitutes a breach?

By reading our guide, you’ll gain the answers to the questions listed above, plus many others. However, the process can often differ from case to case. Therefore, if we fail to touch upon something that has personally affected you, please do not worry.

All you need to do is contact our claims team. Our team is exceptionally well-versed in the law, which means they can offer free legal advice, and help you take those critical first steps.

Time Limitation Period

In order for a solicitor to take on your claim, your case must meet certain criteria. A prime example of criteria that must be met would be a limitation period.

A solicitor could offer to take on your QuickQuid data breach claim so long as you begin your case within 6-years. Understandably, 6-years may sound like a significant amount of time. However, you must launch your case as soon as you can. Not only does it make it easier for you to recall the facts, but it allows your lawyer time to build your case and gather evidence.

Should your data breach claim involve a human rights violation, then the 6-year limitation period would be reduced to 1-year. Failing to begin your claim within the applicable timeframe could ultimately affect your eligibility. So, if you have any questions about limitation, please reach out and speak to one of our advisers.

What Is A Data Breach Claim Against QuickQuid?

In the simplest of terms, a data breach is when your personal information is compromised. Naturally, you may question what data could become compromised in the event of a QuickQuid data breach were to occur? Here are some examples:

  • Identity Fraud – this is where a third party has enough personal information to act on your behalf (without consent).
  • Theft – this is when your personal information is taken without permission and used to make purchases without consent.
  • Loss of Privacy – if a breach were to occur, your personal information could be exposed, causing a loss of privacy.
  • Emotional Damage – a data breach can have a profound impact on your life, so it is possible that you may suffer psychological trauma, such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

A data breach is an incredibly invasive, and for many, traumatic experience.  For instance, the following types of information may be affected in the event of a QuickQuick data breach:

  • Mobile number
  • Banking information
  • Financial history
  • Email address
  • Home address
  • Online activity – including usernames and passwords.

Rightly, you expect your private information to be handled in alignment with data protection law. After all, it is outlined by law that businesses such as QuickQuid owe both their customers and their employees a duty of care when it comes to personal information. In doing so, firms like QuickQuid must adhere to data protection laws and carry out safety measures to the fullest extent.

However, if QuickQuid were to fail at upholding their data security duties and a breach were to occur, it could cause both their employees and their clients to suffer financially or psychologically. If that is the case, and the breach can be proven, both parties could have grounds to make a claim, and one of our solicitors could help. Get in touch today to find out more.

Online Payday Lenders And The GDPR Regulations

We briefly touched upon data protection law and addressed its pivotal influence on the way data is handled. Within this section, we are going to expand upon that point by discussing the General Data Protection Regulation, also referred to as the GDPR.

This EU statute was enacted into UK law by the Data Protection Act 2018, and it has significantly influenced how data is used. The GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 gave individuals more control when it comes to their data and how it is used. To illustrate some of the duties imposed on firms under the GDPR, we have created a list:

  • Data Controllers – this is the business or organisation that is directly responsible for outlining how and why data is being processed.
  • A Data Processor – this is a party that acts on behalf of Data Controllers, processing data.
  • The Data Subject – this is the individual whose information is being used, stored or processed.

Alongside the duties listed above, the GDPR has established principles that should be complied with:

  • All personal information must be up to date and recorded lawfully.
  • The data processing system must be confidential.
  • It is a requirement for the data subject to be fully informed about why their data is being stored.

Although the measures and obligations listed above were introduced to create safe data practices, there are unfortunate incidents where breaches can occur. In return, they can cause innocent individuals to suffer.

How The ICO Has Handled Cases Involving Payday Lenders

Within this section, we wanted to look at a recent example concerning a fine made against Provident Personal Credit Ltd.

The Bradford-based business employed third party affiliated companies to send non-consensual texts to promote loans concerning its brand, Satsuma Loans. The marketing strategy went against data protection law, as the recipients hadn’t previously consented to receive a material of this nature.

The report confirmed that an £80,000 fine was issued against the company by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) due to spam. The ICO was informed of the matter due to 285 complaints being made. Their investigation noted that one of the third-party affiliates had sent 868,393 unsolicited messages, whereas another had sent 130, 664. The ICO stated that the scope and scale of the matter were estimated to be a lot higher than intended.

While no investigations have been made into QuickQuid, we wanted to include this case study to help further your understanding. Therefore, if you find yourself in a similar situation, you will know what measures can be taken to hold them accountable.

Should I Report The Financial Data Breach To The ICO?

One step you could take following a data breach to make a formal complaint to the company responsible. By making a complaint, the company will conduct an investigation. Once concluded, they are required to inform the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the victims of the breach of the outcome.

If you happen to disagree with the investigations’ findings, you should have the ability to escalate the matter. However, if you do not have that option, then you could request the ICO to conduct an investigation. The ICO advises that you get in touch with them after 3-months since you last heard from the company. To delay any longer than this might impact the eligibility of your request.

Please note that you cannot receive compensation by making a complaint through the ICO. The intention behind an ICO complaint is to hold the company accountable for its poor data practices. The only credible way you can receive compensation is by making a direct claim against the company. Here at Legal Expert, we can connect you to a solicitor well-versed in cases of this nature.

Within the sections that follow, we are going to outline the best ways you can find a solicitor to handle your claim, how to collect evidence and much more.

How Are Those Impacted By Data Breaches Compensated?

Understandably, if you have suffered from a QuickQuid data breach, you rightfully may consider seeking compensation for the harm you’ve experienced. After all, nobody should have to sit in silence due to the negligent actions of another. When looking at the compensation process, it is possible to take into account:

  • Non-material damages – awarded to those who endured psychological trauma.
  • Material damages – often awarded to those who endure financial loss.

In order for any psychological trauma to be taken into account, you must be able to provide evidence to support your case. For instance, if you have endured psychological trauma, such as anxiety, depression or PTSD, it will be necessary to be assessed by a medical expert as part of the claim. The impartial medical professional conducting the evaluation will ask you numerous questions concerning your injury. The professional will also determine the severity of your trauma and determine if there are likely to be any long-lasting implications.

If you have any queries regarding the compensation process, please reach out and speak to one of our advisers. By speaking with advisers, they can establish whether a QuickQuid data breach has caused you to suffer, and most importantly, whether you could make a compensation claim. Please note, evidencing the breach is important, as well as the impact it has had on you either financially or psychologically.

Calculating Data Protection Breach Compensation Settlements

A QuickQuid data breach could have a serious, and somewhat devastating impact on your well-being and finances. Therefore, if you have suffered due to a QuickQuid data breach, you may consider taking legal action if you can prove the breach and harm it inflicted.

Ever since the case of Vidal-Hall and others v Google Inc [2015], psychological trauma can be claimed for, even if there is no financial loss. Furthermore, it was recommended in the case that psychological injuries stemming from a breach can be valued in accordance with personal injury law. However, it is essential to acknowledge that every compensation claim is unique, so using a tool like a personal injury compensation calculator may not provide accurate results.

So, you might be questioning what that means for you and your claim? In short, the type of injury, it’s severity, and any long-term consequences would impact the compensation award. To show you this in greater detail, we have compiled a table that uses information provided by the guidelines of the Judicial College.

Injury Severity Amount Notes
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Less Severe Up to £7,680 PTSD of thos natrue would be expected to make a well rounded recovery within 2-years time.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) Moderate £7,680 to £21,730 PTSD of this nature would be expected to make a great recovery with the support of a medical professional.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Severe £56,180 to £94,470 PTSD of this nature would be expected to have a life-altering and invasive influence on the individual, as it would effect their social and professional life.
Psychiatric Damage Generally Moderate £5,500 to £17,900 While there may have been the sort of problems associated with mental health, great prognosis would have been made.
Psychiatric Damage Generally Severe £51,460 to £108,620 The injured person’s ability to cope with life, education, and work.

The effect on the injured person’s relationships with family, friends, and those with whom he or she comes into contact;
the extent to which treatment would be successful;
future vulnerability

In the table above, we look at psychological compensation amounts. However, it is important to emphasise how financial loss could be factored into your claim. If a QuickQuid data breach causes you a loss, then you would be required to provide financial documentation, such as bank statements, receipts, and credit scores. By providing this information, your solicitor can evaluate the extent of your loss and factor it into your case.

So if you would like to receive a more accurate estimated figure in connection to your claim, please reach out and speak to one of our advisers. Call us using the number at the top of the page.

What Could I Do If My Personal Or Financial Data Privacy Have Been Breached?

Naturally, you may question what steps you can take if your personal or financial data has been breached. First and foremost, we strongly advise you to keep detailed documentation of your experience – this could be used as evidence at a later date. Secondly, we would recommend that you reach out and speak to a claims expert.

By speaking to an adviser, they can discuss your potential claim in greater length. For instance, if you speak to a member of our claims team, they can offer free and impartial legal advice, and if our advisers believe your case has validity, they can help you take the first steps of the claims process. Our team can also connect you to a solicitor with relevant experience handling cases similar to yours.

When a solicitor offers to handle your claim, they can use numerous measures to keep you updated. For instance, a solicitor can send you updates by speaking over the phone, sending you emails, or by sending you updates in writing. However, please note that our team would be more than happy to meet in person to discuss your case if that’s what you’d prefer.

Why not reach out and speak to our claims team to discuss your potential case? All you have to do is click the icon on the right corner of the page to use the live chat and speak with our team.

How Specialist Data Solicitors Could Assist You

As we have previously mentioned, the claims process can often appear daunting – especially to those with limited legal knowledge. It is for that reason why a solicitor could represent you in your QuickQuid data breach claim. However, you might be questioning how you can find a solicitor with relevant experience?

When looking for a lawyer, it’s natural to take to the internet. For instance, when researching a firm and the service they offer, many claimants tend to read reviews left by previous clients. By analysing reviews, you can gain a clear understanding of the firm’s success rate and whether previous clients had a positive experience. We have been fortunate enough to receive many reviews from previous clients, so if you’d like to take a look at them, please click here.

While we highly suggest that you research a firm and read their reviews before you progress to the next step with your case, we always recommend reaching out and speaking to an adviser either in person or over the phone. By making this step, you have the ability to ask questions and ensure the firm is a great fit for you and your claim.

No Win No Fee Data Breach Claims Against QuickQuid

Every individual affected by the negligent actions of a third party should have the opportunity to seek legal action for the damages they’ve endured. However, there are many claimants who fail to seek the compensation and justice they deserve due to financial concerns.

For many, finding an affordable solicitor can be a stressful experience that ultimately prevents them from making a claim. It is for that exact reason why we could offer to handle a case under a No Win No Fee agreement.

By handling a claim under a No Win No Fee agreement, you gain access to these benefits:

  • You would not have to pay any upfront fees or costs to begin your claim.
  • At no point throughout the claims process would you be required to pay a fee.
  • Should the claim be unsuccessful and no compensation is awarded, you would not be required to cover your solicitor’s legal expenses.
  • However, if the claim is a success, then your solicitor will retain a small success fee (legally capped) for the services they’ve provided.

Many financial experts acknowledge the benefits associated with No Win No Fee agreements. So, if you would like to discover whether a solicitor can handle your case under a No Win No Fee agreement, please speak to one of our advisers. Our team would be more than happy to speak with you, answer any questions you may have, and provide free (impartial) advice.

Talk To An Expert Solicitor

The aftermath and repercussions of a QuickQuid data breach is something no one can prepare for, but if you happen to be affected, it is more than understandable to seek support. As we enter the final sections of this QuickQuid data breach guide, we want to highlight that our claims team is here for you, should you wish to speak about your case.

By speaking with an adviser, they can offer you free legal advice of no obligation. Essentially, this means our claims team can answer any queries you may have regarding your claim. It also means that our claims team can evaluate whether your case has validity.

After they have evaluated your case, our claims team can connect you to a solicitor with relevant expertise and knowledge. So, when you are ready to reach out and speak to our team, please use one of the following contact methods:

Learn More

Thank you for taking the time to read our QuickQuid data breach guide. We hope that you have found the information we have provided useful. Naturally, it is more than understandable to have additional questions regarding the information we have addressed. After all, we covered a lot of ground throughout this guide. It is for that reason why we have taken the time to include some additional resources. The resources provided have been included with the intention to help you further your understanding of the claims process.

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      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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