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Middleton Personal Injury Solicitors – No Win No Fee Claims

Have you been injured in an accident in the Middleton area which you believe was caused by somebody else? Are you looking for a personal injury solicitor who can claim compensation? Then you’ve arrived at the right place.

Legal Expert are specialist personal injury solicitors covering the UK and can process injury claims for claimants in Middleton and the surrounding area. Our panel of specialists have many years of experience in getting our clients the compensation they deserve.

This guide will show you how to choose the right solicitor, how No Win No Fee agreements work and why you should consider using Legal Expert.

If you’re ready to begin your claim now, please call 0800 073 8804 today or read on if you would like more information. Either way, the Middleton personal injury solicitors that we work with can advise you on how to claim.

Middleton personal injury solicitors

What is a personal injury claim?

A personal injury claim, in very basic terms, is when a person is injured through no fault of their own, but due to the negligence of another all-be-it still an accident but an avoidable accident at that and wishes to claim damages in terms of compensation for their pain and suffering and any expenses caused. The victim of personal injury may use a solicitor to do so.

The solicitor will aim to prove how the injury was caused by the defendant or their staff and the severity and impact of your injuries to justify the amount of compensation they are asking for.

How we help victims of accidents that were not their fault to claim compensation

Legal Expert can help you to claim for your accident in the Middleton area in several ways:

  • Firstly, we can offer free legal advice to help you assess whether your claim has a good chance of success. We offer a free, no-obligation, initial consultation where we’ll assess your claim and let you know if we think you could win compensation for your injuries.
  • We’ll offer all cases that we take on our No Win No Fee service. This mean, should we be unsuccessful, you’ll not pay us anything for our services or time. This makes the claim stress and risk-free.
  • We’ve got a panel of expert specialists who’ve got many years of experience between them so know how to make a professional and hopefully successful claim.

If you think you’ve got a valid compensation claim but need more advice, then reach out to our personal injury solicitors for Middleton today, and we’ll assess your claim online for free.

Your rights to make a compensation claim

When considering whether a personal injury claim is valid, solicitors dealing with cases in the Middleton area need to assess whether the following can be proven:

  • Did the defendant in the case have a duty of care towards the claimant?
  • Was that duty of care breached by the defendant, its staff or contractors?
  • And, finally, did the breach of duty lead to the injuries sustained by the claimant?

Once a personal injury lawyer is happy that the above is true, they will likely take the case forward and, in the case of Legal Expert, take it on using a No Win No Fee agreement.

Checklist for finding the right solicitor for your case

So, you’re considering lodging a claim but not sure how to choose the right solicitor to take on your case. Should you pick the first that you find online, use one that’s been recommended or use one that you’ve used for other legal services like a house purchase? We recommend that you use the following tips to help choose the best personal injury solicitor for your particular case:

  1. Always use a solicitor that offers a No Win No Fee service. It’ll reduce the amount of stress while the case moves forward and ensure you’re not left with a massive legal bill at the end of the case if it is unsuccessful.
  2. Select a solicitor specialising in accident compensation rather than a family, conveyancing or criminal solicitor.
  3. Look for an experienced solicitor rather than a new firm that has just set up to jump on the compensation bandwagon.
  4. The next section covers this in more detail but always look at reviews of any solicitor you’re considering using.

Legal Expert’s team of personal injury solicitors for Middleton have years of experience, offer No Win No Fee agreements for all cases we take on, are specialists in the personal injury arena and have positive reviews, which can be seen here.

Read reviews of legal services in your area

Most solicitor’s websites include a section of testimonials and reviews from recent clients, which can be a great source of information when choosing a solicitor.

We recommend that you look at the comments regarding payment amounts, professionalism and overall satisfaction. Also, consider looking at other independent review sites where the solicitors have no input over which reviews are displayed.

Location is less important than experience.

We’re often asked if we can help clients in an area where we’re not located, and the answer is ‘Yes’. Solicitors that make personal injury claims in Middleton do not need to be situated in the area. It does not matter as solicitors deal mainly over email and telephone (and sometimes by the postal service) when you think of it logically.

One area where our personal injury solicitors for Middleton ensure they have local service providers is medical centres. We ensure that our clients never have to travel far for medical treatment or assessments by employing a panel of local medical practitioners. A sample of the team we use in the Middleton area is included in the following table:

Medical Expert Address City Postcode
Abid Sami Dr Syed’s Practice,
2nd Floor Nye Bevan
Maclure Road, Rochdale
Manchester OL11 1DN
Khalid Mahmood Castlemere Community
Centre, Rochdale
Tweedale Street
Manchester OL11 1HH
Afshan Jahanzeb AAC Physiotherapy
Office 5, Evans Business
Dane Street
Rochdale OL12 6XB
Ayaz Abbasi Sparrow Hill Rochdale OL16 1AF

Common categories of personal injury claim

It is important to remember that here at Legal Expert, we will consider any personal injury claim so long as somebody else is to blame. The following sections, however, show some of the more popular claims we deal with:

Making an industrial disease claim

Industrial accidents and disease claims can be made now for injuries or diseases caused years ago if you’ve only just been diagnosed by a doctor. A normal compensation claim is limited to 3 years from the date it happened, but that three year period can commence from the date you were diagnosed.

Common claims for the industrial disease include Acoustic Shock or Deafness; Industrial or Occupational Asthma, Vibration White Finger, Tinnitus, Osteoarthritis and Repetitive strain injuries (RSI).

A claim for industrial diseases can usually be lodged where the employer allowed a working practice to continue even though they should’ve known that it’d likely cause illness. Another common claim is for disease caused by Asbestos exposure where the employer did little or nothing to mitigate against the risk of exposure.

Make a medical negligence claim

A medical negligence claim is perhaps one of the most complex cases a personal injury lawyer lodges because it can require testimony from medical specialists and specialist legal advisors. Still, our personal injury solicitors for Middleton have a team in place that has experience in many such cases.

A claim for medical negligence will normally be made against an authority or provider rather than the individual nurse, doctor, surgeon or carer that caused the injury. It can be made for injuries caused while receiving treatment, emergency surgery and even cosmetic surgery.

We have a page that gives more information about medical negligence claims in our dedicated guide.

Making a trip or fall injury compensation claim

Often, a trip, slip or fall injury may seem like a minor incident but can have very serious consequences.  What starts as a minor fall (which can happen just about anywhere) can lead to an injury that requires multiple trips to a physician and can result in the injured party never fully regaining the full use of an injured limb.

As an example, a slip or trip type accident can be somebody else’s fault if:

  • A trip hazard was obscured by something else or poor lighting.
  • A floor was overly slippery, but no warning signs were used to warn you.
  • A floor, path, stairway or kerb was damaged and caused you to trip.

If you’re unsure if your slip was the responsibility of somebody else, then please ask one of our specialist advisors, who’ll be able to assess what caused your accident. Check out the compensation estimates for various injuries as per the estimates of the Judicial College.

Injury Severity Notes Compensation
Brain Damage Very severe The person might be able to follow some basic commands. However, they will need full-time care and show little meaningful response to their environment. £282,010 to £403,990
Neck Injury Severe A neck injury that is associated with incomplete paraplegia or results in permanent spastic quadriparesis. In the region of £148,330
Knee Injury Severe (ii) Constant pain and limited movement caused by a leg fracture that has extended into the knee joint. £52,120 to £69,730
Arm Injury Less severe The person will have suffered with significant disabilities. However a substantial recovery has taken place or is expected to. £19,200 to £39,170
Back Injury Moderate (ii) Frequently encountered back injuries, that disturb the ligaments and muscles and cause backache. £12,510 to £27,760
Shoulder Injury Serious A dislocated shoulder with damage to the lower part of the brachial plexus that causes shoulder and neck pain. £12,770 to £19,200
Elbow Injury Moderate or minor Elbow injuries such as lacerations, simple fractures or tennis elbow syndrome. The recovery rate will affect how much is awarded. Up to £12,590
Leg Injury Less serious (iii) Simple tibia or fibula fractures, or soft-tissue injuries, with minor ongoing symptoms. Up to £11,840
Whiplash Injuries With Psychological Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,345
Whiplash Injuries One or more Lasting for 18-24 months £4,215

Making a serious injury claim

In any category of personal injury claim, some claims can be deemed serious and result in a higher amount of compensation. If an injury has a serious or devastating effect on the claimant’s life (or next of kin or loved one), it can be said to be serious.

The claim may be more complex to make, but Legal Expert can lodge serious injury claims and still offer a No Win No Fee service to do so.

How to claim for a personal injury at work

Some clients are worried about claiming a personal injury sustained at work because they’re worried about what their employer may do. Still, there is no need as legislation exists. Through the Health and Safety at Work act 1974 and other acts of parliament, an employer can not discipline the employee for making a claim.

Every employer in the UK has certain responsibilities under the acts to protect staff and ensure their safety while at work by undergoing risk assessments, providing training, writing safety policies and providing safety equipment where needed.

Suppose your employer has failed to meet their obligations and you’ve been injured because of this. In that case, you could make a claim against them for compensation that covers the pain and suffering caused and any financial losses incurred. The Middleton personal injury solicitors can advise on this further.

Middleton local area authority recorded workplace accidents

The table below shows the accidents in Rochdale workplaces reported to the Health and Safety Executive over a 3-year period. Middleton comes under the Rochdale local authority, which means their statistics are included in this table:

Work accidents in Rochdale Local Authority HSE 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
Other 31 31 38
Electrical injury 0 1 0
Machinery related 19 15 10
Fire related (e.g. burns) 1 1 1
Harmful substance exposure 6 5 1
Fall from height (such as ladders or scaffolding) 27 17 16
Lifting and handling injuries 107 54 76
Physical attack 25 10 13
Slip, trip or fall (not from height) 100 69 96
Struck against 15 12 6
Hit by moving vehicle 8 8 7
Hit by object 36 25 43
Animal related (such as biting) 3 1 1
Trapped by something collapsing 3 4 4

You’ll notice that manual handling accidents are among the most common types of accidents at work in the Rochdale (and subsequently Middleton) area, which employers should be providing training for.

How to claim for a road traffic accident

Road traffic accidents in the Middleton area as a passenger, pedestrian or driver can be claimed if the other driver was to blame for the suffering of whiplash. Even in instances where the other driver didn’t stop (hit and run), was uninsured or committed a crime (drink driving, dangerous driving or careless driving), it can be claimed for by Legal Expert. Hence, please get in touch with us to explain how you became injured.

Vehicle death and serious injury statistics

The table below details all of the most serious and fatal road traffic accidents in the Rochdale area over the past three years.

2015 2016 2017
Pedestrian 14 26 18
Cyclists 3 5 5
Motorcyclists 13 10 7
Car occupants 23 26 23
Others 3 3 2
Annual total 56 70 55

Although Middleton road traffic accidents aren’t recorded independently, this table includes those statistics. This article gives more information about making claims for tragic accidents that result in a fatality.

No Win No Fee compensation claims solicitors

People sometimes think that No Win No Fee solicitors operate differently from more traditional solicitors. Still, the opposite can be true as no win no fee means the solicitor is putting more risk.

The No Win No Fee agreement lets the client know up-front what percentage of the compensation the solicitor will retain as a success fee and also states that if the case is lost, the client won’t have to pay a penny solicitor’s service.

What do I need to pay and when?

With a No Win No Fee agreement, you’ll never actually have to make a payment from your pocket to your solicitor for their service.

If they lose your case, you pay them nothing at all. If they win, they retain their agreed percentage of your compensation to pay for their services and then send you the rest directly to your bank account or by cheque.

How to learn more about making your claim

We understand that you may have more questions about your injury claim. And our personal injury solicitors for Middelton suggest that you look around our site, which, while not specific to Middleton personal injury solicitor claims, does have loads of information and articles about specific injury types.

If, after browsing our site, you still have questions, then please don’t give up. Call our team instead, who’ll be able to offer sound legal advice about what your next steps should be.

Talk to us today

If you’re now ready to commence a personal injury claim for your injuries, then there are several ways in which you can contact us today:

How to get help in Middleton if involved in an accident

Suppose you’ve been involved in an accident in Middleton. In that case, as well as a personal injury solicitor, there are several other organisations that you may need to speak to, which we’ve listed below:

Middleton Police Station
Oldham Road
M24 1AY
Telephone: 101

Manchester Crown Court
The Court House
Aytoun House
M1 3FS
Website: https://courttribunalfinder.service.gov.uk/courts/manchester-crown-court-minshull-st?aol=All&postcode=M24%201AY
Telephone: 0161 954 7500
Opening Hours: Moany to Friday 9am to 5pm

North Manchester General Hospital
Delauanys Road
M8 5RB
Telephone: 0161 624 0420

Other Useful Advice
Work Injury Claims – a more detailed guide to making a compensation claim for an accident at work.

Car Accident Claims – a comprehensive guide to car accident claims, including how much compensation you may be entitled to.

Edited by Melissa.

Middleton Personal Injury Solicitors FAQs

What is a No Win No Fee claim?

This is a claim that you make when working with a No Win No Fee personal injury solicitor.

How does No Win No Fee work?

So, the client only has to pay their personal injury solicitor if the claim is successful.

How much must the claimant pay the solicitor?

The amount varies as it depends on how much compensation the claimant wins.

Why is this the case?

That’s because if you agree on a specific amount beforehand, but the compensation is low, you may lose more money.

What is the success fee?

This is the official term for the payment that the solicitor will receive.

And what is the legal cap?

This is the percentage threshold that solicitors should not exceed regarding how high their success fee is.

How much is the legal cap?

At present, the legal cap stands at 25%.

So, what happens if the case loses?

In that situation, the solicitor doesn’t receive any legal fees at all from the claimant.

Other Compensation Guides

Thank you for reading our Middleton personal injury solicitors guide.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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