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How Much Compensation Can I Claim For Hair Loss?

By Cat Way. Last Updated 30th May 2023. Can you sue a hairdresser for ruining your hair? Most certainly! Of course, if your hairdresser has cut your hair and you simply don’t like it, you are not going to have much chance of getting compensation – after all, you may have specified a style and found that it just didn’t suit you when you were done. Nevertheless, if you have suffered a hairdresser injury to your face, scalp or anywhere else on your body due to negligence or a lack of hairdresser’s training, there is a very high chance you can claim some compensation for the injury/ies. We have helped many people to claim for damage hair and hair loss. No matter whether you have been injured because of your hairdresser using the wrong products, weaving your extensions too tightly, or leaving hair dye on for too long, we can assist.

Hair loss

Hair Loss Compensation Claims Guide

We can also help you to make claims for other forms of hair damage. For example, perhaps you suffered hair loss due to a home hair dye kit you used? Or, maybe your hair loss was part of a criminal attack? Irrespective of the circumstances, it is critical that you get the compensation you deserve for what has happened to you. At Legal Expert, we have many years of experience and we have handled numerous hairdressing compensation claims. You can reach our friendly team for more information on 0800 073 8804. But, before you do so, please make sure you continue reading to find out everything you need to know regarding these sorts of claims.

Select A Section

  1. What Are The Most Common Causes Of Hair Damage And Loss?
  2. Hair Extension Traction Alopecia Injuries
  3. Occupational Dermatitis And Hair Loss
  4. What Effects Can Hair Loss Have On You?
  5. What Types Of Compensation Could You Claim for Hair Loss?
  6. Hair Loss Compensation Claims Calculator
  7. No Win No Fee Compensation For Hair Loss
  8. Useful Resources

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Hair Damage And Loss?

There are a number of different reasons why you may suffer hair loss and/or hair damage and, therefore, need to make a hair loss compensation claim.Let’s take a look at some of the most common causes:

  • Faulty products.
  • Allergic reactions to a product, for example, a home hair dye kit.
  • Burning of the scalp.
  • Professional negligence, i.e. the hairdresser did not have the required training or failed to carry out a patch test.
  • Dermatitis, which is inflammation of the skin.
  • A criminal act of violence, for example, torching or assault.
  • An accident that was not your fault, for example, your hair catching fire at a hair salon.

Hair Extension Traction Alopecia Injuries

Hair extensions have become exceptionally popular over the past few years. While most people end up with the luscious long locks they were hoping for, there are people that suffer as a consequence of hair extension traction alopecia. This can happen when hair extensions are not fitted correctly, especially when the bonding technique has been utilised. The weight of the extension can put too much pressure on your natural hair, which results in breakage.

If you have had too many hair extensions fitted, it can mean your hair is constantly being pulled down, which places lots of added stress on your hair follicles and your scalp. Not only this, but damage can also be caused if extensions are woven too tightly. This results in scalp irritation and rubbing.

When this results in a long-term injury, it is known as hair extension traction alopecia. This is when the hair is not able to grow back and bald patches appear on the scalp. If you have suffered from this condition, you may be able to make a hair damage compensation claim. This is especially the case if the hairdresser in question did not fit the hair extensions correctly or did not receive the required training.

Occupational Dermatitis And Hair Loss

You may also need to make a hair loss compensation claim if you are a hairdresser or you work in any other type of environment whereby you come into contact with chemicals that could cause occupational dermatitis. Dust, enzymes, and other workplace irritants can also cause this. Hairdressers are one of a number of different professions whereby this condition, which is essentially inflammation of the skin, is a common one. It can easily be caused due to hair dye exposure.

You may feel that your face and scalp are itchy and start to swell. Sufferers also feel generally ill and they can sometimes experience symptoms throughout their entire body, for example, itching. It is not only hair dye that can cause this condition – lots of cosmetic products can. It is an immune system reaction, and it is important that you see a doctor as soon as possible. In terms of claiming, if you believe that your employer has not done enough to prevent you from the risk of occupational dermatitis, there is a very high chance that you will be able to make a claim. Contact us at Legal Expert for more information about doing these sorts of hairdressing claims.

What Effects Can Hair Loss Have On You?

The effect that hair loss can have on a person can be devastating, wrecking their confidence and consequently their social life. People react to this type of injury in different ways, plus there are physical effects as well. Some of the effects of hair loss are as follows:

  • Burned / irritated scalp
  • Damaged hair follicles
  • Permanent or temporary bald patches
  • Stress
  • Psychological / emotional trauma.

What Types Of Compensation Could You Claim for Hair Loss?

First and foremost, it is vital to be aware of the fact that compensation is split into two parts – general damages and special damages. We will explain both below:

  • General damages – General damages is the money you will receive for the pain you have endured. This is designed to compensate you for losses that aren’t economical, and thus money can only really aid you through the difficulties. This includes all of the injuries you have incurred as well as the emotional and mental trauma. For the most part, this amount will be calculated based on the medical report that has been provided by your doctor. This highlights why it is vital to see a medical professional.
  • Special damages – The second part of compensation is special damages, which are designed to compensate you for economical losses. When you have been injured in an accident, it is likely that a lot of knock-on costs will occur. You will be able to claim for these, but you will only be able to do so if you have proof in the form of receipts and any other relevant documents, such as a letter from your employer.

Examples of special damages:

  • Prescription expenses
  • Treatment costs
  • Loss of earnings
  • Cost of hair treatment
  • The cost of a wig or any other products designed to help you feel better
  • Counselling costs
  • Childcare expenses
  • The cost of altering your accommodation
  • The cost of getting to and from hospital

Please note that there is a personal injury claims time limit of three years, so your claim must be made within this time frame.

Hair Loss Compensation Claims Calculator

When making any type of claim, we know that you will want to discover how much compensation you could receive. No matter whether you are looking to secure hairdresser compensation or you are seeking a payout from any other type of person or business, your case will be handled on an individual basis.

This is because all cases are different and injuries impact people in different ways, and so it is only fair that you are awarded an amount of compensation that reflects this. Therefore, giving you an accurate figure of how much you will receive is simply not possible. If you have used a personal injury claims calculator online, even if it was a specific hair damage compensation calculator, please note that these will only ever provide very rough estimates, so please do not pin your hopes on these. In the table below, we have put together the average payout amount for injuries relating to hair loss and hair damage to give you a better understanding.

What type of injury have you sustained? Added details The average payout given for such an injury:
Less severe psychological / psychiatric damages A number of factors are considered here. This includes the extent to which sleep and daily activities have been impacted, as well as the length of the disability period. £1,540 to £5,860
Moderate psychological / psychiatric damages There may have been issues with the person’s relationships, ability to cope etc. but there will be a marked improvement by the time of the trial. £5,860 to £19,070
Moderately severe psychological / psychiatric damages There will be issues with the future vulnerability of the person and their ability to cope; yet the prognosis will be somewhat positive. £19,070 to £54,830
Severe psychological / psychiatric damages Prognosis will be extremely poor and the person will have issues with relationships, vulnerability, and so on. £54,830 to £115,730
Hair damage Hair falls out or breaks off, causing loss of confidence, embarrassment, depression, and distress. Person’s social life is inhibited. £7,340 to £11,020
Hair damage Less serious hair damage when compared with the above. A full recovery will be made within two years. £3,950 to £7,340

If you cannot find the scalp injuries, hair loss injuries, or psychological trauma you have experienced in the table above, please do not hesitate to contact our personal injury claims team for more information about the amount of compensation you could be entitled to.

No Win No Fee Compensation For Hair Loss

Whether you’ve suffered hair loss due to chemical burns or bald patches because of hair extensions, if your claim meets the criteria in place, you could be eligible to make a claim for hair loss compensation.

One of our solicitors could help you make your claim on a No Win No Fee basis under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). When claiming with a solicitor under this arrangement, you will not need to pay any upfront or ongoing fees to them for their services. Additionally, if your claim fails, you will not be required to pay them for the work they have done on your claim.

If your personal injury claim succeeds, then your solicitor will deduct a success fee from your compensation award. They take this as a small percentage of what you receive, and this amount also has a legislative cap.

To find out if you could be eligible to claim with the help of one of our No Win No Fee solicitors, contact our team today using the details below. They can offer a free consultation, during which you can discuss the benefits of working with one of our solicitors and get more information on the claims process.

Talk To Us Today

If you are ready to make a hair loss compensation claim, or you have further questions about doing so, please do not hesitate to give us a call. You can reach our personal injury claims team on 0800 073 8804. You will speak to one of our professional advisors, who will be pleased to answer any queries you may have and start the claims process for you. There are plenty of other ways you can contact us too, including via live chat and you can request a free call back on our website too. Head to our contact page for more information.

Useful Resources

We hope that you have found this guide useful in terms of finding out more information if you have experienced hair loss or hair damage and want to make a claim. However, we know that you may need further details, and we hope the links below will assist you.

Loss of hair-This link takes you to the NHS page on hair loss where you will find information on the different types of hair loss, as well as the causes and symptoms.

Safety regulations-This link takes you to the UK Government website where you will find information on the cosmetic products safety regulations that are in place for manufacturers.

Hairdresser’s injury guide– Head to this link to read our comprehensive guide on hairdresser injury compensation claims. You will find details regarding the different types of hairdressing injuries, health and safety legislation for hair salon operators, liability, and much more.

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    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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