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Paralysis Injury And Accident Claims – No Win No Fee

By Cat Way. Last Updated 28th April 2023. Paralysis accident claims are a course of legal action you can take if you’ve suffered an injury in which part of or the whole of your body has been left paralysed.

If you or someone you love has been paralysed, we can help you to get the personal injury compensation you deserve. We recognise that this can be an extremely distressing period in anyone’s life, and that’s why we are here to support you along the way. We have many years of experience in the industry, and we have launched numerous cases for paralysis compensation. You can be confident that you are in safe hands.

In this guide, we’ll discuss what legal options you may have if you suffer a paralysis injury in an accident that wasn’t your fault. We’ll also explain how paralysis is defined and look at some relevant injury statistics. We’ll walk you through the requirements and steps to consider when you want to explore a claim. The different types of accidents which could lead to a paralysis injury and related claims are also analysed. This includes work accidents, different forms of medical negligence and accidents while holidaying abroad.

Also within this guide is an explanation of the different types of paralysis injuries which can occur. We’ll also talk about what types of accidents most commonly cause such injuries. We’ll also discuss potential compensation amounts which may be offered if you are eligible to make a claim. Another topic covered in this guide is making a paralysis injury claim on a No Win No Fee basis. We’ll explain how we can assist you with making a claim on this basis for your potential injuries.

Find out more about how to claim for accidents causing paralysis below. Alternatively, please don’t hesitate to contact our specialists to discuss paralysis accident claims on 0800 073 8804.

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A guide to paralysis accident claims

paralysis accident claims

Paralysis accident claims

Paralysis is a life-changing condition, which can have a huge impact on your future, as well as your family’s future. If you have been paralysed due to an accident that was not your fault, there is an extremely high chance that you will be entitled to compensation, and this is definitely something that you should pursue.

If you have suffered from temporary paralysis or are currently suffering from permanent paralysis, we can help you get the compensation you deserve. We can also help family members claiming on behalf of a loved one who cannot make paralysis accident claims for themselves.

All you need to do is give us a call to discuss compensation for paralysis further. However, before you do that, why not look at the compensation guide we have put together below? You will find out everything you need to know about these types of claims, including information on paralysis, the various types, prevention of paralysis, disabled benefits, compensation amounts, and how to launch a successful claim.

What is paralysis?

Paralysis is a term that is used to describe the loss of muscle function. Often, there is also sensory loss in the affected area. Paralysis occurs when the central nervous system is damaged, particularly the spinal cord. You may have heard of the term paraplegia, which is lower half paralysis. Quadriplegia is paralysis where both legs and arms are affected.

Statistics about paralysis

Recent research by UK charities offering support to victims of spinal injuries suggests that 2,400 people are diagnosed with a spinal cord injury every year. Here are some more facts and figures for the UK:

  • 35 people sustain a spinal cord injury each week
  • 2429 new patients were referred to specialist centres in 2018 alone
  • 50,000 people are currently living with a spinal cord injury

If you have been paralysed due to an incident that was not your fault, you may be able to make a claim. To learn more about paralysis accident claims, please continue reading.

What to do if you are involved in an accident causing paralysis injury?

If you have had a paralysis attack and it was not your fault, it is important to launch a compensation claim to get a payout to help you with your future. Unfortunately, some people who are paralysed are incapable of claiming themselves, so you will be able to claim on behalf of someone that is disabled.

The best thing to do is give us a call, and we will be with you every step of the way throughout the claim process. It is also important to try and gather as much evidence as possible, although we know that this is not always easy in certain cases.

You should jot down as much information as you can about the accident itself and how it happened. If anyone witnessed the incident, you should get their contact details, as this will help strengthen your case. It is also important to get the contact information of the person or organisation responsible for the accident if you can. These steps could ease the paralysis accident claims process.

How to begin a paralysis claim

We aim to make the process of claiming as easy as possible. We recognise that you are going through a sheer nightmare at the moment, which is why we always seek to secure compensation in the most efficient and stress-free manner. To make such a claim, all you need to do is give us a call, and we will conduct a free consultancy session.

During this session, you will be able to ask us any questions you have about paralysis accident claims. We’ll be happy to advise you on making a claim. Also, if we have information that can assist you with anything from acquiring a disabled badge to a disabled bus pass, we will be only too happy to help. Not only will you get the chance to ask us questions during this process, but we will ask you several questions too. There is nothing to worry about. We simply need to find out the facts of the case to advise you in the best possible manner.

Paralysis accident at work claims

There are several paralysis causes, but if you have been injured due to an accident in the workplace, we’re here to help with anything paralysis accident claims related. All employers have a legal responsibility to ensure that the working environment is a safe and healthy one. If they fail to do this, and an injury occurs as a consequence, compensation must be sought.

There are many different ways an employer may have failed in their duty to uphold the highest standards of health and safety. Maybe they failed to address findings in a risk assessment? Perhaps they didn’t carry out a risk assessment at all? Or, did they fail to provide you with the required training for your job? They may have even used equipment when they knew it was faulty. The list is endless. If you are unsure whether you have the basis to claim, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Further details

A lot of people are worried about making paralysis accident claims against an employer. This is especially if they have temporary paralysis and the possibility of a paralysis cure and full recovery. This is something you don’t need to fret about. All employers are required to have insurance in place by law, so it’s not something that will come directly from their back pocket. Also, if you are worried that it will impact future working prospects, don’t be. Your employer would only land themself in deeper water, as you would have grounds for unfair dismissal as well.

For information on paralysis accident claims involving car accidents, please see the next section.

Have You Suffered Paralysis After A Car Accident?

If you have suffered from a paralysis injury after a car accident or road traffic accident as a driver or passenger, you could claim compensation on a No Win No Fee basis.

Serious collisions on the road, whether you’re driving a vehicle, crossing the road as a pedestrian, or cycling about, can all lead to injuries that cause lasting or temporary paralysis.

In 2020 alone, there were 23,529 people killed or seriously injured in road traffic collisions, some of whom were no doubt left with paralysing injuries.

Contact us today for free legal advice, and we can give you the best support and information you need.

Paralysed slip trip or fall claims

Slip, trip, and fall claims can be some of the most distressing types of paralysis claims. You can end up with a disability simply because you tripped over or slipped on something. It can be a difficult thing to accept. This is why it is imperative to get the compensation you deserve if the accident was not your fault.

Who will you be claiming against? Well, this depends on where you fell, slipped, or tripped and who was to blame. If you were in a store and did not maintain the area properly, the business would be to blame. If you are walking down the street, it could be the council’s fault.

To discover more about paralysis accident claims, please read on or get in touch with our personal injury claims team.

I was paralysed due to medical negligence can I claim?

If you believe a medical mistake is the cause of your paralysis, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. You will be able to make a claim. We have an abundance of experience in securing medical negligence compensation for our clients, and so you can be sure you have the best chance of a successful claim when you work with us. Cauda equina syndrome is a common medical negligence spinal injury error.

No one expects to suffer complications when they seek medical treatment, which is why it can be extremely upsetting when something goes wrong. A lot of people also suffer mental side effects as well as physical effects. We can ensure you receive compensation for both.

For information on paralysis accident claims related to epidurals, please see the next section.

Paralysis after having an epidural (childbirth) can I claim?

Many women choose to have an epidural during childbirth so that they cannot feel the pain. There are then others that have no choice but to have an epidural because of medical reasons. No matter what has happened, if you have ended up with paralysis from the waist down because of the epidural, there is a chance you will be eligible for compensation. Please do not hesitate to give us a call for further details.

I was paralysed while on holiday abroad can I claim?

We often get asked whether people can make paralysis accident claims relating to incidents abroad or on holiday. If you have been injured abroad and it was not your fault, you can make a claim. These claims can sometimes be complicated, as it depends on where you were injured. If you were on an excursion or under the responsibility of the travel firm you booked with, the claim would usually be launched against them. However, we will advise you better once we know the ins and outs of your claim.

Bell’s Palsy following surgery can I claim compensation?

The disabled definition for Bell’s Palsy is as follows: This is a condition that causes temporary paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of the face. In other words, it is facial paralysis. If you have suffered from this condition and believe it is due to medical negligence, please get in contact to begin the process of claiming compensation.

Injury causing paralysis in a public place claims

We have made many public place claims over the years. This is an area that we have plenty of experience in it. If you have been paralysed because of an accident that happened in a public place, there is a very high chance that you will be able to get compensation for the incident.

Types of paralysis injury

There are a variety of different paralysis injuries that become the focus of paralysis accident claims. People with paraplegia will require a paralysis wheelchair, but they will usually be able to lead a relatively independent life. Sadly, those with quadriplegia will need a great deal of help from carers and a lot of support, as all four limbs are paralysed. Aside from paraplegia and quadriplegia, there are other classifications of paralysis:

  • Hemiplegia – This is when one arm and one leg on both sides of the body are paralysed.
  • Monoplegia – This is when one limb is paralysed.
  • Generalised paralysis – This refers to paralysis that impacts larger areas of the body.
  • Localised paralysis – This is the opposite of the above. It refers to paralysis that impacts a specific body part, such as the arm or the foot.

How Much Are Paralysis Claims Worth?

Compensation for paralysis claims varies on a case-by-case basis. This is because the specific factors of each claim will affect how much compensation is awarded.

Following a successful personal injury claim for paralysis, your compensation settlement could consist of general and special damages.

General damages aim to compensate you for the pain and suffering your injuries have caused you. When valuing claims for general damages, many legal professionals may refer to the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This document lists compensation guidelines for various types of injuries. The table below showcases some of the amounts listed in the 16th edition of the JCG.

Reason for compensation Typical compensation amount Comments
Quadriplegia £324,600 to £403,990 At the top end of the bracket, there is a significant impact on the person’s ability to communicate and their senses. There will also be physical pain. Such cases tend to involve significant brain damage.
Paraplegia £219,070 to £284,260 The level of award is determined by life expectancy and age, depression, the degree of independence, and the extent and presence of pain.
Severe back injuries (i) £91,090 to £160,980 Severe back injuries that involve incomplete paralysis, as well as significantly impaired sexual, bowel, and bladder function.
Severe back injuries (ii) £74,160 to £88,430 Includes nerve root damage and loss of sensation that results from it. Causes significantly impaired mobility.
Severe back injuries (iii) £38,780 to £69,730 Includes disc leisons, fractures or soft tissue injuries, leaving residual disability.
Severe neck injuries In the region of £148,330 Incomplete paraplegia or spastic quadriparesis, resulting in little to no movement in the neck.
Severe brain damage £282,010 to £403,990 Cases involving quadriplegic cerebral palsy, as well as significant physical difficulties. Includes ‘locked-in’ syndrome.
Moderately severe brain damage £219,070 to £282,010 Serious disability, requiring substantial dependence on others for constant care. Includes limb paralysis.
Less severe psychiatric damage generally £1,540 to £5,860 Affecting sleep and day-to-day life.
Moderately severe post-traumatic stress disorder £23,150 to £59,860 Professional help required to make any progress or recovery.

Special damages aim to compensate you for the financial losses you have suffered due to your injury. For example, if your paralysis means that you cannot return to work, then you may be able to claim back your lost earnings under special damages. You may also be able to claim back:

  •   Travel costs.
  •    Medical bills, including those for prescriptions.
  •    The cost of mobility aids.
  •    The cost of home adjustments.
  •   Professional home care expenses.

However, you will need to provide evidence about these financial losses, such as receipts and invoices.

To learn more about claiming compensation after being paralysed in an accident, you can contact our team of advisors.

No Win No Fee paralysis accident claims

One of the best things about using our service for paralysis accident claims is that we operate on a No Win No Fee basis. This means you will only need to pay legal fees if your case is successful, meaning you will have the compensation to cover the cost. Furthermore, this guarantees you will never be out of pocket, no matter the outcome.

The other option is to go for a solicitor that charges by the hour. By doing this, there is always the chance that you will have a huge legal bill to pay yet no compensation at the end of it all. This is the last thing we want to happen to you, which is why we work to a No Win No Fee structure. Also, solicitors who charge by the hour are inclined to take on any old case simply to get paid. After all, the outcome of the paralysis accident claims does not impact them. When you work with us, you can be sure that we won’t mess you around or waste your time. We only take on cases that we believe have a genuine chance of success.

Why choose us as your claims service for a paralysis claim?

There are many reasons why you should choose us as your claim service for paralysis accident claims. We have over 30 years of experience in the industry, but we always treat our customers with the utmost dignity and respect. We have an exceptional reputation, and we genuinely believe that this is because we care – and we deliver results too!

However, we do appreciate how much of a torturous time you are going through at the moment. We know that paralysis can change a person’s life completely, and we are there to be helpful, never a hindrance. So, we will work quietly in the background to secure you the maximum amount of compensation possible. Furthermore, we won’t cause you any added stress; we operate efficiently at all times.

If by chance, you do need our help, we will always be available. We can answer queries about the case or anything else you may need assistance with. Maybe you require a disabled person railcard? Perhaps you want to know about the Disability Discrimination Act because you feel you have been discriminated against? If we can help, we will!

Call for free advice on paralysis accident claims

If you want to make paralysis accident claims for injuries leaving you paralysed, please do not hesitate to give us a call.

The number you need is 0800 073 8804, and you will speak to a friendly and experienced member of our team, who will happily assist in any manner possible.

Useful links for paralysis accident claims

Thank you for reading our guide to making a claim for an accident that causes paralysis. In this section, you can find more links and resources you may find useful.

NHS Paralysis – Causes

This link takes you to the NHS page for paralysis. It provides information on the different causes of paralysis, including strokes and head injuries.

Carers and disability benefits

This government web link explains the disability benefits you could be entitled to. For more information, click the link.

Back Injury Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?

If you have suffered from a back injury, contact u for free legal advice and find out the back injury compensation amounts you can claim.

Spinal Injury Claims – Find Out How To Claim Compensation?

If you have suffered from a paralysis spinal cord injury that has caused paralysis, contact our experts today for free legal advice.

Brain Injury Claims – Find Out How To Claim

If you or a family member has suffered from a paralysis brain injury, contact our specialist solicitors today for free advice.

Forklift Truck Accident

This guide explores the process of making a personal injury claim following a forklift truck incident.

Armed Forces Medical Negligence

Paralysis Accident Claims FAQs

How much compensation do you get for medical negligence UK?

There is no average payout for medical negligence claims. However, by calling our team of specialist advisors today, they can give you a free assessment of your case and tell you how much you could be entitled to. And unlike personal injury compensation calculators, this assessment considers the unique features of your situation that distinguish your accident from the rest.

Has anyone recovered from paralysis?

Currently, there are no recorded cases of people recovering from paralysis. Now, at best, specialists believed to be lost upon injury can be partially regained through medical trials. With this in mind, paralysis accident claims are especially crucial to bringing victims the compensation they deserve.

How long after an injury can you claim compensation?

Personal injury claim time limits are typically 3 years from the accident (or the date that you realised you suffered as a result of it). However, exceptions apply. For example, if the claimant is under 18, a litigation friend can claim on their behalf until they turn 18, by which time the time limit comes into effect, and they can claim themselves.

Can I sue for loss of income?

Under special damages, you could be able to claim for any loss of income that your accident caused you to suffer.

How do you prove loss of income?

To prove any special damage claims, you’ll need to retain the proof of payment wherever possible. So, in the case of loss of income, you could prove this by retaining wage slips, bank statements and the like.

What is a good settlement offer?

If you choose to work with our panel of personal injury lawyers at Legal Expert, they can navigate the claims process for you. This way, you can rest assured that your paralysis compensation claims are in safe hands. Furthermore, our team is doing everything within their power to win you the most compensation that you deserve.

Can you sue for emotional distress after a car accident?

Now, as part of a personal injury claim, you could receive compensation for any emotional distress resulting from your accident under general damages. This payout category covers both physical and psychological injuries, whereas special damages cover financial losses.

How do I maximise my car accident settlement?

As mentioned above, if you choose to work with Legal Expert, you can rest assured that your case is in safe hands. Furthermore, our personal injury solicitors will do everything within their power to win you the most compensation that you deserve. You will have a medical assessment to prove your suffering, collect witnesses statements, and much more to achieve the payout you deserve.

Thank you for reading our guide to paralysis accident claims.

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    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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