Foxtons Estate Agents Data Breach Compensation Claims Experts

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Foxtons Estate Agents Data Breach Compensation Claims Guide – How Much Compensation Can I Claim? – Amounts For Foxtons Group Data Breach

Welcome to our guide to Foxtons data breach claims. Foxtons is a large estate agent based in London. In October 2020, they were the victim of a malware attack that forced them to close down their customer portal. An initial investigation found that sensitive customer information was not accessed during the breach, but later reports suggested this wasn’t the case. Therefore, we are going to review the Foxtons data leak in this article. We’ll explain when a data breach claim might be justified, what you could claim for and how much compensation might be awarded in successful cases.

Foxtons Group data breach claims guideData privacy laws have been tightened in recent years thanks to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It came into force in UK law when The Data Protection Act 2018 was enacted. With the new laws, individuals (or data subjects) have a lot more say over how their personal information is used. Companies who want to use your information (data controllers) will need a lawful basis to do so. In many cases, this means you’ll need to consent before your information is processed. Moreover, data controllers need to implement measures to try and keep your data safe. If they do not, they could face a fine from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Additionally, you could be entitled to data breach compensation.

Legal Expert can help if you’re thinking of claiming. Our team will review your claim for you and provide free legal advice on what to do next. If there’s a reasonable chance of winning your case, we could appoint a data breach solicitor to represent you. For your peace of mind, all accepted claims are funded by a No Win No Fee agreement.

Please call our team today on 0800 073 8804 to discuss your options. Alternatively, to learn more about data breach claims against Foxtons group, please read on.

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A Guide To Data Protection Breach Claims Against Foxtons Group

In this article, we are going to reveal more about Foxtons data breach claims. We will look at the breach that occurred in 2020 which resulted in 16,000 data records being sold on the dark web. If you are a customer whose data was leaked, you could be entitled to seek compensation for any harm caused. Therefore, we’ll look at what type of suffering a breach of private information can cause and how a data breach solicitor could help you claim.

As we progress, we will investigate the role of the ICO following a data breach. It is important to point out that although they can issue financial penalties, they don’t provide compensation for claimants. Instead, you will need to start your own legal action. Don’t be put off though, if you believe you have suffered because of the Foxtons Group data breach, we could help you claim.

Data breach claims are time-limited. In most situations, you’ll have a 6-year time limit in which to begin. Please be aware that cases relating to a breach of your human rights are limited to just 1-year, though. If you wish to claim for a Foxtons data breach, we advise beginning as soon as possible. This could make it easier to gather evidence to support your case.

To help you understand your data protection rights, we’ll cover GDPR requirements later on. We’ll also cover the specifics of the Foxtons data leak to help you understand if you could start a claim.

Once you have completed this article on data breach claims against Foxtons Group, please feel free to contact us. Our specially trained advisors will review your case on a no-obligation basis and offer you free legal advice on your options.

What Are Data Protection Breach Claim Against Foxtons Group?

Any company that operates online need to put systems in place to protect their IT systems from cyberattacks in accordance with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. Malware was reported to be the cause of the Foxtons leak which resulted in customer data being published on the dark web. Other types of IT problems can also lead to data breaches including viruses, keyloggers, ransomware and other tactics adopted by hackers.

It’s not all about cybersecurity and the dark web, though. The GDPR covers non-digital data too. This means that documentation that contains personal information should be kept secure. For instance, any printed customer records should be stored in locked cabinets.

The GDPR explains that a personal data breach has occurred if a security issue leads to personal data being accessed, disclosed, destroyed, lost or altered in ways that the data subject has not agreed to.

Any breach of data protection must be investigated by the data controller. They’ll also need to inform any data subject if they are at risk. Information should be supplied that shows what data was exposed, when the breach took place, and how it occurred. Foxtons data breach claims might be possible if you can prove that you have suffered as a result of the recent hack.

If you can evidence that you have suffered after Foxtons data was leaked online, please let us know. An advisor will examine your case and could connect you with a data breach solicitor from our team.

GDPR Compliance Requirements

All registered data controllers need to be able to demonstrate GDPR compliance. By being compliant, they can greatly reduce the risk of personal data being stolen by hackers. When they wish to process personal information, data controllers must:

  • Let the data subject know the reason why their personal data is required.
  • Use legal, transparent and fair processing methods.
  • Only collect the data that is required to fulfil the agreed task.
  • Process any personal information in a secure and confidential manner.
  • Keep all stored personal data up to date.
  • Never retain personal information for longer than necessary.

You could claim compensation for a GDPR data breach if it has caused you to suffer in some way. For instance, if your details were included in the Foxtons data leaked online, you may be able to claim for any financial losses you’ve incurred if you can prove your consequent suffering.

For free legal advice on claiming GDPR data breach compensation, why not call our specialists today? We will review any case for free and could connect you to a data breach solicitor if it is strong enough.

The Foxtons Group Hack And Leak Of Data On The Dark Web

Now we are going to discuss the customer data breach that included 16,000 data records belonging to the Foxtons Group. The cyberattack was reported to have happened in October 2020. After an internal investigation, the company revealed that the data breach affected Alexander Hall, its mortgage brokering service. At the time, the company said that no sensitive customer data had been stolen and the data leak was caused by a “limited malware virus on a small part of the business”.

However, another news article has since reported that Foxtons data was leaked online. The news agency said the data leaked by hackers contained customer addresses, amounts paid for services and some 16,000 card details. The data was published on the dark web and it has reportedly been viewed over 15,000.

Foxtons reported the mortgage broker data breach to the ICO as per the protocol. If you would like free advice on Foxtons data breach claims, please get in touch with an advisor today.

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What is the dark web?

The dark web is a place on the Internet that is not indexed by search engines like Google. As the dark web is not in the public domain, and access is anonymised, it is reported that criminal activity is rife. You cannot access the dark web unless you install a special web browser.

What are malware viruses?

Malware is short for malicious software. It is a term that covers many different pieces of software including trojans, viruses, worms and other hacking tools. Examples of malware viruses are often found if you click on links in phishing emails.

Can I Report A Customer Data Breach To The Information Commissioner’s Office?

As we discussed at the start of this article, the Information Commissioner’s Office is able to investigate a data protection breach or data theft. Therefore, you could ask them to investigate a breach that has affected you.

To do so, you’ll first need to report the incident to the company involved. If you raise a formal complaint, you should receive an official response. If you don’t agree with the response, there should be some form of escalation route. Once you have escalated your complaint as far as possible, you could refer it to the ICO if you’re still not happy.

ICO advice says that you should reach out to them after 3-months have passed since your last meaningful contact with the company. Leave it too long and the ICO could decide not to investigate.

While an investigation by the ICO will not result in you being paid compensation, the report that follows might prove useful in your own legal action. If you believe your Foxtons data was leaked online, why not ask us to review your case for free?

How To Claim Compensation For A GDPR Data Breach

If you successfully claim compensation for a GDPR data breach, the amount paid will depend on how you were affected. While some suffering can be over quite quickly, some data protection issues can result in permanent consequences.

Usually, the first part of a data theft claim will look at material damages. This is compensation that covers any financial costs or losses that have resulted from the data breach. Non-material damages claims are also possible to claim for the suffering caused by anxiety, depression, stress and other psychiatric injuries.

When making Foxtons data breach claims, as well as considering any losses that have already occurred or injuries that have already been diagnosed, you may also need to consider future suffering too.

For medical issues, you will be seen by an independent specialist. They will assess the impact of your injuries and provide a report to show how you’ll suffer in the long-term. As an example, if you suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), there might be a long period where you find it difficult to trust friends or family members. Additionally, you might struggle to continue working as a result of your symptoms.

For financial losses, you may need to look at how long you could suffer. For example, if your personal data is sold on the dark web, it could be used by criminals for a very long time.

Making a data breach claim can become quite complex. As well as proving that a company failed in its GDPR compliance duties, you will need to ensure all aspects of your suffering are covered before you claim. To help make the process easier, why not call our team today? A data breach solicitor could be appointed to try and ensure you receive the correct level of compensation.

Calculate Compensation For A Data Breach At Foxtons Group

We are now going to look at potential compensation figures, not just for Foxtons data breach claims, but for all types of breaches of personal data. We have supplied the table below which lists figures for some relevant injuries taken from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). That’s because insurers, courts and lawyers use the JCG to set compensation figures.

When claiming compensation for a data breach under the GDPR, you are able to seek damages for psychiatric issues even if there have been no financial losses. That precedent was set by the Court of Appeal when hearing the case of Vidal-Hall and others v Google Inc [2015]. Additionally, the court decided that any compensation awarded for such injuries should be paid at the same level as personal injury claims.

Please bear in mind that the GDPR data breach compensation figures listed are for guidance only. After your case has been assessed properly, we’ll be able to supply a more personalised estimate.

Injury Type Seriousness Compensation Range Further Information
Psychiatric Damage (Generally) Claims of this nature are based on the following factors: 1) The claimant’s ability to cope with work, life and eduction; 2) Whether treatment will help; 3) The impact on relationships; 4) Future vulnerability; 5) Prognosis
Psychiatric Damage (Generally) Severe £51,460 to £108,620 In this settlement range, the claimant will have serious problems with all factors and be given a very poor prognosis.
Psychiatric Damage (Generally) Moderately Severe £17,900 to £51,460 There will be significant problems with factors 1-4 in this category. However, there will be a more optimistic prognosis.
Psychiatric Damage (Generally) Moderate £5,500 to £17,900 There will have been problems with factors 1-4. However, a good prognosis will be offered as there will already have been some marked improvements.
Psychiatric Damage (Generally) Less Severe Up to £5,500 This settlement range will take into account how long sleep and daily activities were affected.

As mentioned earlier, you will be required to attend a medical assessment as part of your claim. An independent medical expert will review your injuries and provide a report for your data breach solicitor.

If you’d like to discuss if you’re eligible to claim compensation for a GDPR data breach, please contact our team today.

How To Claim Compensation For A GDPR Data Breach

In this section, we are going to reiterate how to start data protection breach claims against Foxtons Group. Initially, your complaint should be raised with Foxtons directly i.e. you could complain if you think your data was published on the dark web.

Once you have escalated your complaint as high as possible, and where it’s been 3-months since you were last contacted about the matter, you could begin legal action. If that’s what you want to do, Legal Expert can help. We could supply a data breach solicitor to work on your case funded by a No Win No Fee agreement. They will work with you to gather evidence to support your claim.

So, if you’ve been the victim of a data protection breach, please call us today to find out more about your legal options.

Why Claim With A Data Breach Solicitor?

Now that we are nearing the end of this guide about Foxtons data breach claims, you might want to find a data breach solicitor to help you. Choosing a solicitor might seem like a daunting task but we could make it easy for you. If you call our free legal advice line today, you can ask as many questions about your case as you need to.

An advisor will go through everything with you and advise you of your options. If they suspect your claim is strong enough, it could be referred to a solicitor. If they accept your claim they will:

  • Help gather evidence relating to your Foxtons Group data breach claim.
  • Answer any questions you have and explain any complex legal terms.
  • Review how you’ve been affected (financial losses, psychiatric injuries etc).
  • Collate your claim and submit it.
  • Handle all communication with the defendant’s legal team.
  • Try to ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation possible.

To discuss data breach claims against Foxtons Group today, please call a friendly advisor to get the ball rolling.

No Win No Fee Data Protection Breach Claims Against Foxtons Group

If you’re concerned about how much legal representation for Foxtons data breach claims will cost, then you can stop worrying. That’s because our solicitors offer a No Win No Fee service for any claim that’s taken on. This service means that you’ll get expert legal representation with reduced financial risk.

When your claim begins, one of our No Win No Fee data breach solicitors will review the viability of your case. If they accept your claim, they will prepare a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) to fund the case. The CFA shows you what conditions must be met before the solicitor is paid for their work. Importantly, it will also explain that:

  • You will not be asked to pay anything upfront.
  • While your claim is processed, no solicitor’s fees will be charged to you.
  • If your claim does not succeed, you won’t be liable for any of your solicitor’s fees.

The only time that you will pay for your solicitor’s work is if the case is won and you are compensated. If that happens, a small percentage of your compensation will be retained. This is called a success fee, which is listed in the CFA so you know about it before you sign up. To prevent overcharging, success fees are capped by law.

For advice on making data protection breach claims against Foxtons Group, please call the number at the top of the page today.

Contact A Data Breach Lawyer

Thanks for reading our guide on data protection breach claims against Foxtons Group. If you would like free legal advice, you can reach us by:

When you get in touch, an advisor will explain the claims process for you. If they believe your claim is strong enough, they could refer it to a data breach solicitor who’ll act on a No Win No Fee basis if your case is accepted.

Data Breach Resources

In this last section of our guide about Foxtons data breach claims, we have listed some useful external resources. If you would like any further advice about claiming for a customer data leak, please call our specialists today.

Malware Prevention – Details of how to prevent malware viruses from the National Cyber Security Centre.

Dark Web Enforcement – Information from the Home Secretary on how criminals using the dark web are to be targeted.

Anxiety Support – NHS advice on how to get support for fear, panic and anxiety.

Legal Expert also offers support with other types of compensation claims. Therefore, we have added a few of our guides below:

Paralysis Injury Claims – A detailed look at claiming if you’ve become paralysed following an accident.

Permanent Scar Claims – Advice on when compensation could be paid for permanent scarring.

Accidents On Holiday – Explains when you could be compensated for an injury sustained while on holiday abroad.

Useful Compensation Guides

Thank you for reading our guide to Foxtons data breach claims.


Guide by Hambridge

Edited by Billing

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