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£125,000 Compensation For Fractured Sternum

fractured sternum

Fractured Sternum Claims Guide

By Mel Ryan. Last Updated 31st March 2023. If you have suffered a broken sternum or a fractured sternum in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you could claim for sternum fracture compensation.

Have you been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault and suffered from a broken sternum or fractured sternum? If the accident was caused by negligent behaviour from another party, then you could be entitled to thousands of pounds in broken sternum compensation.

How much is a fractured sternum worth in compensation? Compensation awards vary in price, depending on the severity of the injuries sustained, and whether or not any other injuries were inflicted as a result of the accident, but you could be owed several thousand pounds in compensation.

Whether you suffered your broken sternum in a car accident, accident at work, or in a public place like a shop or a restaurant, trust Legal Expert to help you make your claim. Legal Expert is a trusted legal advisory service, that can match you to the right personal injury solicitor to handle your case. Call us for your free consultation, we will advise you on whether or not you have a legitimate case to claim compensation, the value of your broken or fractured sternum claim and what’s more, we’ll match you to the best solicitor to handle your case at no extra cost to you.

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Road Traffic Accident and Injury Statistics

Road traffic accidents are decreasing but are still relatively common. The most recent government report to be published on the subject found that there was a decrease in road casualties of 9% in the year ending June 2021, compared with the year ending June 2020, down to 119,850. There was also an 11% decrease in reported road deaths in the year ending June 2021, compared with the year ending 2020, down to 1,390.

What Fractured Sternum Injuries were Sustained During this Case?

In this case study, we are going to look at the case of Mrs H (we have abbreviated for reasons of privacy) who was 57 years old at the time of the accident and suffered a fractured sternum in a car accident, amongst other serious injuries. Mrs H’s injuries occurred when her car was involved in a head-on collision, for which the other driver admitted full liability.

Unfortunately, the car accident caused Mrs H several serious injuries, including a fractured sternum. Other injuries Mrs H sustained included a head injury, which meant a moderately severe brain injury. Some of the consequences of this head injury included post-traumatic amnesia, and a fracture of the left orbital floor (part of the eye socket), which resulted in a sunken eye that had to be fixed by surgery. As well as this she suffered optical nerve damage, which caused numbness to the left side of her face.

Mrs H also sustained a fractured sternum in this accident, which resulted in difficulty breathing. How long does it take to recover from a broken sternum? Fractured sternum recovery time can be between 4 to 6 weeks.

Unfortunately even after the fracture and any bruising have healed, the victim can still experience discomfort and pain for some time after that. Other injuries Miss H suffered include: soft tissue injuries to both thumbs, and a laceration to her right Achilles tendon which required stitches. Because of the traumatic nature of her car accident, Mrs H also suffered psychological damage and had to go to see a therapist.

After four months Mrs H was able to return to her previous job. Unfortunately, during her recovery time, she had endured a lot of pain and also lost income on account of being unable to work.

What can you do for a fractured sternum?

According to the NHS guide on sternum fractures, treatment can differ depending on how the bone broke and the related symptoms. You may require surgery, or the fracture may heal on its own. You should always seek medical attention if you suspect you’ve fractured your sternum to see what treatment you need.

If you suffer from pain in your shoulder or arms as a result, this could also be considered in the evaluation of your claim. If you get in touch with our team today, they can provide you with more information about how your claim could be valued, and connect you with an expert solicitor.

Building a Case, How a Personal Injury Solicitor Helped

If you have been involved in an accident that wasn’t your fault, and want to sue the negligent party who caused your accident for compensation, then you need to hire a personal injury solicitor to help you make your claim. Mrs H hired a personal injury solicitor to help her make a claim for a broken sternum car accident settlement, which would also take into account her other injuries.

Before making the claim, the team researched the value of her fractured sternum compensation claim to ensure the Defendant’s team didn’t intentionally lowball the claim, taking into account reports from several medical experts. Unfortunately, a Defendant’s legal representative or insurer will often deliberately undervalue what a claim is worth, taking advantage of the claimant’s lack of knowledge in the area this is why it is important to hire a personal injury solicitor who can accurately determine how much a fractured sternum is worth, so you don’t get short-changed on your claim.

What Is The Average Settlement For A Fractured Sternum?

You may be eligible for compensation if your sternum has been cracked or fractured in an accident. However, before you begin a claim, you may be wondering what is a fractured sternum worth.

Following a successful claim, the pain and suffering your injury has caused you should be compensated with general damages.

To help you understand how much you could receive for a chest injury, we have created the following table. The figures have been taken from the most recent update of the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG), released in April 2022. We have used the JCG’s figures as it lists compensation brackets for various injuries at different severities. Many legal professionals will also use the JCG to help them work out the value of a fractured sternum or other injuries in a personal injury claim.

We cannot provide you with the average payout for a broken sternum. This is because compensation is awarded on a case-by-case basis, and the various factors of your claim could affect how much you receive. Therefore, you should only use the following table as a guide.

Compensation Table

Injury Notes Amount
Chest (a) Prolonged pain and suffering due to one lung being removed or serious heart damage. £100,670 to £150,110
Chest (b) Traumatic injury to the chest, heart and/or lung(s). There will be permanent damage, including a physical disability, reduction of life expectancy and impaired function. £65,740 to £100,670
Chest (c) Chest and lung(s) damage that results in some form of continuous disability. £31,310 to £54,830
Chest (d) Example could be a single penetrating wound that causes some long-lasting tissue damage but has no lasting effect on lung function. £12,590 to £17,960
Chest (f) A chest injury that leads to collapsed lungs. However, a full recovery is made. £2,190 to £5,320
Chest (g) Rib fracture of soft tissue injuries that cause disabilities and serious pain for a period of weeks. Up to £3,950
Psychiatric Damage Generally – Moderately Severe The person will suffer significantly with their daily life and maintaining relationships, but there will be a positive prognosis. £19,070 to £54,830
Fracture of Clavicle The extent of the fracture, residual symptoms, and whether the union is anatomically displaced will affect how much is awarded. £5,150 to £12,240

Your settlement could also include special damages. This compensates you for the financial losses you have suffered due to your injury. For example, special damages could compensate you for a loss of earnings if you required time off work due to your injury. You will need to provide evidence of these losses in order to claim them back. Bank statements, invoices and payslips could all be used as evidence in your claim.

Contact our advisors today to receive free legal advice regarding your claim. Our advisors are available 24/7 to help answer any of the questions you may have about starting a personal injury claim.

Case Study Example

Before the sternum fracture compensation settlement was finalised, Mrs H’s solicitors managed to secure some interim compensation payments. As she was left unable to work for several months, this helped cover her loss of income and medical expenses such as her treatment and transport costs. Fortunately in this case the defendant admitted full liability and the broken sternum car accident settlement did not proceed to court. Mrs H was awarded damages of £125,000 for her injuries.

No Win No Fee Solicitors

If you have an eligible fractured sternum compensation claim, then one of our solicitors may offer to take on your case on a No Win No Fee basis. By calling our advisers now, you can have your case assessed for free. During this free consultation, you can receive free advice, establish if you are eligible to claim fractured sternum compensation and be connected with one of our expert solicitors.

Our No Win No Fee solicitors may ask you to enter into a Conditional Fee Agreement CFA. When working with a solicitor on a No Win No Fee basis, you generally should benefit from the following:

  • Not having to pay the solicitor upfront for the service they are going to provide.
  • As your case progresses and moves forward, no fees for the solicitor’s service are needed.
  • Claims that do not succeed require no fees to be paid.

Under the Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013, solicitors who provide their service in line with the regulations laid out in the CFA can take a success fee when the claim is won. This fee is capped, so you will always receive the majority of your compensation.

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Useful Links

How Much Compensation For A Fractured Or Broken Bone?
Help and advice for claimants involved in an accident that left them with a fractured or broken bone. Advice for claiming compensation for fractured bone injuries, or broken bone injuries.

How Much Can I Claim For A Car Accident Claim?
Help and advice for claimants involved in a car accident that left them with injuries. Advice for claiming compensation for road traffic and car accidents.

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