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How To Claim Compensation Against A Paedophile

By Daniel Archer. Last Updated 24th August 2022. This is our guide that explains how to claim compensation against a paedophile. If you have been the victim of a paedophile, there is a very high chance that you will be entitled to compensation. Naturally, these personal injury claims are very sensitive, and often some people will be claiming for something that happened to them when they were at a child.

Here at Legal Expert, we have years of experience when it comes to these sorts of claims, and we can help make sure that you get the compensation you deserve. You can reach our friendly and specialist team on 0800 073 8804, and you can be sure that everything will be handled with the utmost confidentiality. However, make sure you read on to discover how to claim compensation against a paedophile for sexual offences. In this guide, we cover everything you should know about how to pursue a claim for historic sexual abuse.

Select A Section

  1. A Guide On How To Claim Against A Paedophile
  2. What Is A Paedophile?
  3. What Is Classified As Sexual Abuse?
  4. Statistics On The Number Of Pedophiles And Child Sex Abuse Incidents In The UK
  5. Cases Studies Of Claims Against Paedophiles
  6. Who Can You Claim Compensation From?
  7. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA)
  8. Claiming For Physical Child Sex Abuse Injuries
  9. Making A Claim For Psychological Child Sex Abuse Injuries
  10. Claiming If You Were Abused As A Child – Historical Abuse Cases
  11. The Long-Term Impact Of Child Molester Cases
  12. How To Make A Claim Against A Paedophile
  13. Claim Against A Paedophile – What Can You Be Compensated For?
  14. How Much Compensation For A Claim Against A Paedophile
  15. No Win No Fee Paedophile Abuse Claims
  16. How Legal Expert Can Help You Make A Claim?
  17. Why Choose Us For Your Claim
  18. Useful Links

A Guide On How To Claim Against A Paedophile

Sue Berelowitz, the Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England, warned us in 2015 that there are so many paedophiles in the United Kingdom that there is not enough land to build the number of required prisons. As of March 31st2018, there were 49,466 registered sex offenders in the UK. This is a frightening number, to say the very least. If you have been the victim of a paedophile or your child has, you may be entitled to compensation, and this is something you should certainly pursue.

This guide will reveal everything you need to know regarding how to claim compensation against a paedophile. This includes information on claiming historical abuse compensation and details regarding the average amount of compensation for victims of abuse. You will also find statistics on these cases and the different types of claims that can be launched against paedophiles. If you still have any queries by the time you finish reading this post, please do not hesitate to call us for further details.

What Is A Paedophile?



Paedophilia is described as a psychosexual disorder. A paedophile is a person that partakes or fantasies in the act of sexual activity with a prepubescent child. This is the individual’s preferred means of achieving sexual gratification and excitement.

Now, this can be directed toward children of the same or opposite sex, with some paedophiles being attracted to both sexes. Some paedophiles are also attracted to adults, whereas others are only attracted to children.

Other details

So, how can we spot a paedophile? What do they look like? Unfortunately, a paedophile can look just like a normal person. Those images of a typical child molester sticking out like a sore thumb trying to lure children with candy are from the truth. You can use the to view a database of more than 67,000 convicted child abusers in the UK and Ireland if you have your suspicions.

Other details

A child molester is not the same as a paedophile. A paedophile may have sexual thoughts about children, yet they may not carry them out. However, a child molester is someone that touches a child in a sexual manner. Not all paedophiles are child molesters, and not all child molesters are paedophiles.

When it comes to paedophiles, there are two types of offenders: paedophilic and situational offenders. The latter relates to an incident that has happened because of a situational cause. This could be being unsociable, a medical condition, a mental condition, the unavailability of an adult partner, marital problems, stress, and curiosity. Either way, it goes without saying that there are no excuses for this type of behaviour. But with the help of Legal Expert, you can successfully claim compensation against a paedophile.

What Is Classified As Sexual Abuse?

Not all paedophiles commit child sex abuse, although many do. There are two types of child sexual abuse: non-contact and contact abuse. We will explain both in further detail.

Contact abuse is when touching is involved, i.e. whereby an abuser has some physical contact with a child. This includes the following scenarios:

  • Forcing a child to remove their clothes.
  • Forcing a child to touch someone else’s genitals.
  • Making a child masturbate.
  • Penetration or rape by putting a body part or object inside a child’s anus, vagina, or mouth.
  • Sexual touching of any body part, irrespective of whether the child is wearing clothes or not.

Other examples

Non-contact abuse relates to any sexual activity whereby touching is not involved, for example, flashing, persuading a child to perform sexual acts over the web, exploitation, and grooming. Some further examples include:

  • Sexually exploiting a child for status, power or money.
  • Showing pornography to a child.
  • Allowing another person to make, distribute or view child abuse images.
  • Online abuse, which includes distributing, viewing, or making child abuse images.

Further examples

  • Meeting a child following sexual grooming with the intent of abusing them, even if the abuse does not occur. The likes of the Dark Justice Vigilante Group aim to stop these abusers before they can carry out such acts.
  • Not taking the correct measures to stop a child from being exposed to sexual activities being carried out by others.
  • Encouraging a child to hear or watch sex acts.

Statistics On The Number Of Pedophiles And Child Sex Abuse Incidents In The UK

Needless to say, the statistics regarding paedophiles and child sex abuse in the UK do not make good reading. In the United Kingdom, according to the NSPCC, one in 20 children suffer sexual abuse. Plus, as mentioned, there were 49,466 registered sex offenders in the UK as of March 2018.

Cases Studies Of Claims Against Pedophiles

There have been several cases whereby victims of child abuse have made successful abuse claims and been awarded compensation. A well-known example of this is the case of former It’s A Knockout host, Stuart Hall, who was forced to sell his house after 12 women sued him for abuse. A settlement was reached, although the exact figure has not been released. Regardless of status, though, you could claim compensation against a paedophile that causes you harm.

Who can you claim compensation from?

When making an abuse compensation claim, you can claim those who engage with the abuser or claim against the abuser directly. The former is more common. When cases are made against the employer of the paedophile, the court will need to determine the extent to which the law will make the employer responsible. While sexual abuse compensation cannot take away what has happened to you, it can ensure you get the support and medical assistance you need for the rest of your life and that some justice is served.

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA)

You may be aware of the CICA. The UK Government set this up to pay out those who have been abuse victims. To make CICA personal injury claims, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Get a reference number from the police.
  2. Have a medical examination.
  3. Reach out to a solicitor.

We can help you with this, so please do not hesitate to call us. Don’t wait around because you do not want to exceed the CICA claim timescale.

Claiming For Physical Child Sex Abuse Injuries

When claiming compensation because of child sex abuse, you can, of course, claim for physical injuries. There are many different types of injuries that a sexual abuse victim can suffer from. The extent of your injuries is one of the main factors to consider when determining the payout you will get if you claim compensation against a paedophile.

Making A Claim For Psychological Child Sex Abuse Injuries

The vast majority of sex abuse victims also suffer psychological injuries. It is important to note that you receive damages for mental health issues when launching criminal abuse claims. Whether your relationships suffer or you find yourself unable to work, or you have a psychiatric disorder, you can make a claim. Psychological injuries are just as significant as physical injuries, and we will make sure you receive the maximum compensation possible.

Claiming If You Were Abused As A Child – Historical Abuse Cases

Can I claim for compensation for historical abuse such as abuse by a foster care? You may be wondering how to claim compensation against a paedophile if the incident happens many years ago. The good news is that you can most definitely make a claim, and our historical abuse solicitors can help you to do so. We know that the impact of such an incident can last for many years. Moreover, we also know that many people do not realise the impact until a large number of years pass.

What are the options that are available to you? Well, this depends on several different factors, including how old you are now, how long ago the abuse took place, whether or not there are time limits for taking a certain course of legal action. The best thing to do is give us a call, and we will shed further light on historical abuse claims for you and whether or not you have a strong case.

The Long-Term Impact Of Child Molester Cases

The impact of being the victim of a child molester can be severe, and it can impact people in many different ways. Some people find it hard to trust others again. Other people find that their relationships suffer, which means their social life and work-life are never the same. Some people have nightmares and flashbacks. No matter the circumstances, it is important to get compensation after suffering sexual harassment or abuse in any manner so that you can take a big step to get your life back. So speak to us if you wish to claim compensation against a paedophile.

How To Make A Claim Against A Paedophile

You may be wondering how to claim against a paedophile. What are the steps? The main step is to call us. You will speak to one of our friendly and experienced advisors. They will carry out a free consultation. This enables you to ask questions, and we will ask questions too. This is nothing for you to worry about; we want to make sure we know everything we can to provide you with the best possible advice. We can also help with arranging a local medical and anything else that you may need.

Once you have called us, we will take you through the entire claim process, guiding you every step of the way. Gathering evidence can certainly help to strengthen your case. Do you have messages the abuser sent you? Perhaps you know someone who knew what was happening to you? Writing down everything can help too. We know it is hard to relive these terrible moments, but it can help ensure you do not miss out on anything important. Moreover, you can rest assured that all matters discussed with us are 100 per cent confidential.

Claim Against A Paedophile – What Can You Be Compensated For?

It can sometimes be possible to claim against a paedophile directly. However, they first need to be identified and potentially caught, but they must also have the funds available to award to you. Because this is not a guarantee, claims can often be made through the CICA instead.

Each incident/injury is assigned a monetary value in the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012. This portion of your compensation is awarded depending on the nature of the incident(s) you endured. Generally speaking, the more severe the incidents and their impact on your life, the higher the payment tends to be.

You could also apply for a special expenses payment. These payments are intended to address the financial impact on your life. This could include home adaptions and mobility aids. You could also potentially claim for a loss of earnings payment if you have been unable to work for more than 28 weeks.

For more information on what can be included in a claim for sexual abuse compensation, get in touch with our advisors today.

How Much Compensation For A Claim Against A Paedophile?

One thing you will want to know before you launch a claim against a paedophile is how much compensation you will receive. Victims compensation payments do depend on the individual case. Every claim has an assessment, and you receive a payout via factors ranging from psychological impact to long-term prognosis. However, while we cannot give you an exact figure, we can explain the average payout for some of the most common injuries relating to paedophile claims. This is something you can view here in the table below.

Injury Typical payout Information
Less severe psychiatric damage £1,540 to £5,860 The exact payout will be determined by a number of different factors. This includes how the person’s sleep has been impacted, the extent to which daily activities have been affected, and the length of the period of disability.
Moderate psychiatric damage £5,860 to £19,070 By the time of any trial, the person should have a good prognosis and there should have been noticeable improvements.
Moderately severe psychiatric damage £19,070 to £54,830 While the prognosis will be a bit more optimistic than the most severe cases, there will still be significant problems with regards to future vulnerability, to person’s relationships with others, and their ability to cope with work, education and life in general.
Severe psychiatric damage £54,830 to £115,730 This is for the most severe type of psychiatric damage. The highest payout will be awarded and there will be a very poor prognosis.

If you cannot see the injury you have sustained in the table that has been present, don’t fret. You can still make a claim. All you need to do is give us a call, and we will be able to provide further information on how much compensation you may get.

No Win No Fee Paedophile Abuse Claims

When you make a claim against a paedophile with Legal Expert, you have the reassurance of knowing it will be handled on a No Win No Fee basis. This means that you will only need to pay us legal fees if your case is successful. If we do not secure compensation for you, you do not owe us anything in legal expenses. This means that there is no financial risk for you when making a claim. You do not have to fear the awful scenario whereby you have spent lots on legal services and got nothing in return. This can never happen.

There are some other benefits to note too. For example, there are no upfront payments, so your current financial standing is irrelevant to your chances of claiming. Also, you know our team will be working hard for your No Win No Fee claim. And we won’t waste your time if the evidence isn’t strong enough to claim compensation against a paedophile.

How Legal Expert Can Help You Make A Claim?

There are many law firms in the UK, but we soar above the rest. We can help you launch your claim, and we will do so while being very respectful of your situation. We always put our clients first. Your health and safety is our main priority. We have an excellent track record in the industry, having secured compensation for many clients over the years. Additionally, we have got extensive experience when it comes to paedophile cases specifically. And we will provide you with a solicitor with up to 30 years of specialist experience in the industry.

Call Us For Your Claim

If you are ready to make a claim or have some questions you need answered, we have a friendly team ready to assist. You can call us today on 0800 073 8804. This line is open seven days per week, from 9 am until 9 pm. You can find the rest of our contact details here. Please note we have a live chat option and a free call back service available on-site too.

Useful Links

We hope that this guide has been useful to you and that you have found all of the information you need regarding claiming compensation against a paedophile. However, if you still require further details, you may find the below helpful:

Childline Sexual Abuse

Childline is a charity. Do not suffer in silence. If you need to talk with someone if you suffer sexual abuse or know someone who does, you could contact Childline.

NHS on Abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault

This NHS link provides information on sexual abuse and domestic violence and rape. Find out how you can support a friend and recognise the signs of domestic violence and sexual abuse. 

Report a rape or sexual assault – GOV.UK

If you’re the victim of sexual assault or rape, the police and charities and other organisations are there to help. You could call 999 to report a rape or attempted rape, or sexual assault. After the crime as soon as possible.

Criminal Authority

This link takes you to the UK Government’s website for the Criminal Injuries British Compensation Authority (alternatively referred to as CICA). This is for people who have been either physically or mentally injured because they were the victim of a crime with violence in England, Wales, or Scotland.


This link below takes you to the NSPCC website, where you will find information on sexual abuse. This includes how they define child sex abuse and much more.

Citizens Advice on Child Abuse

This link takes you to the Citizens Advice website, where you will also find more information on child abuse. This includes plenty of information on how you can get help if you currently suffer abuse, if you worry that a child is suffering abuse, or if you suffer abuse as a child.

You may also be interested in some of our other guides on criminal injury compensation claims:

We also have some other guides on sexual abuse compensation claims that you may find useful:

Claim Compensation Against A Paedophile FAQs

When can you make a claim?

You can do so anytime after the abuse takes place.

How long do I normally have to make a claim?

You can make a claim anytime within 3 years of an injury in typical circumstances.

Are there exceptions for historical sexual abuse claims?

Yes. Many victims may feel unable to come forward for a long time, so time frame exceptions happen in such cases.

What role does the CICA play?

The CICA handles compensation payouts for criminal injuries due to sexual abuse.

What is a No Win No Fee claim?

This is a claim where you only pay your solicitor’s legal fees if your case wins.

And what if my No Win No Fee claim loses?

If for some reason, your case is unsuccessful, you don’t pay these legal fees.

How long do such claims take?

Due to the circumstances, the claim should resolve within 6-12 months.

And when do I receive my settlement?

The payment for settlements comes inside 28 days after the case ends.

Thank you for reading our guide about how to claim compensation against a paedophile.

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