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I Was Sexually Abused by A Teacher – Can I Claim Compensation?

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 3rd October 2024. On this page, you will find a guide containing advice and information about the legal process of making a personal injury claim for compensation if you were sexually abused by a teacher at school. Unfortunately, despite the best efforts of the Government and police, cases of sexual abuse at school, by a school teacher, still occur from time to time. This guide will help anyone who has suffered such abuse to learn about the claims process.

You may feel you are already at the stage where you want to start a claim and don’t need to read this guide. If so, call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 and we can walk you through the legal process of instigating and pursuing a claim.

Teacher sexual assault claims

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What Is Child Abuse In Schools?

Child abuse can take many forms in schools. The abuse can be purely physical, and psychologically damaging; there can be many different signs of sexual abuse by a teacher. However, the most serious of all abuse that a teacher might carry out on a child in their care is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse contains both a physical and psychological aspect and can affect the gild long into the future, potentially permanently. Although any physical damage may heal, the psychological damage can change the life of a person entirely.

Any child who has been sexually abused by a teacher, and also their parents, will be able to engage a personal injury solicitor to make a compensation claim. This is something of a catch 22 situation as well, as the claims process if it requires the child to give testimony, can cause additional mental trauma.

Any parent that suspects their child has been the victim of sexual abuse carried out by a teacher, can talk to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) for initial counselling at the website below:

NSPCC website

Legal Expert understands that this kind of sensitive claims case needs to be approached carefully, in order to reduce the trauma of making a claim as much as possible. Call us on the telephone number that is located near the bottom of this page to find out how we can help you and your child through this stressful time.

Statistics For Incidences Of School Sexual Abuse

teacher sexual assault statistics

Teacher sexual assault statistics

The graph above does a good job of showing how frequent abuse in schools takes place. One important takeaway here is that very frequently, a child who has been abused by a teacher at school, do not report the incident until they are quite a bit older. Children, especially young children, simply don’t understand what is going on and fail to report it to their parents. Therefore, most statistical studies into abuse in schools have questioned people over the age of 16.

Of all types of abuse in schools, sexual abuse occurs in a fairly low percentage of cases. Usually around 7% each year. Female students are 4 more times more likely to be sexually abused than male students.

Interestingly, the number of cases of school abuse reported goes up with age. As people get older, they tend to become better equipped to speak about their experiences. A more startling statistics is that around 42% of all people who have reported being abused at school, actually suffered more than 1 kind of abuse.

If you were sexually abused by a teacher at school, and now that you are older you believe you have a reason to claim compensation, then please contact Legal Expert by telephoning us on the phone number that you can locate towards the bottom of this guide.

How To Report Sexual Abuse By A Teacher

If you are a child who has suffered sexual abuse by a teacher, then the very thing you need to do is speak to your parents about it. If you do not feel you can speak to your parents, then you could call the NSPCC hotline.

As a parent of a child who has suffered child abuse in schools, the same hotline can be of help. However, you do have additional options such as:

  • Using the NSPCC online form for reporting child abuse, which can be found at this link.
  • Contacting the police to inform them about the child abuse.
  • Get in touch with the headmaster of the school, to breach the subject of one of their teachers abusing a child.

Whichever way you choose to report the sexual abuse to a child, you should also talk to Legal Expert by calling us in the telephone number down at the bottom of this guide, so that we can advise you legally on what you should be doing.

What Is Vicarious Liability In Cases Of Abuse In Schools?

Part of the process of making school sexual abuse compensation claims is considering the concept of vicarious liability regarding actions carried out by an employee of a school.

Vicarious liability sounds like a complicated legal term. In reality, it is quite easy to understand. Any school organisation that employs a person who sexually abuses a child, is deemed to be responsible for the employee’s actions whilst they are still employed. Therefore, when it comes to claiming damages, vicarious liability is a vehicle for pursuing the employer, rather than the employee for damages.

Legal Expert is well experienced in making compensation claims based on the concept of vicarious liability and we can assist you in yours. All you need to do is reach out to us using the telephone number located towards the end of this guide, and we will walk you through the claims process.

What Happens If The Schools Was Aware Of The Sexual Abuse By A Teacher?

If a school either knew about the sexual abuse happening or realistically should have noticed it was occurring, then the school could be seen to have been negligent in their duty of care towards the victim.

Some sexual abuse claims are bought against schools for this reason. While children are attending schools, the schools are ultimately responsible for the safety of the children under its care. As was explained in the previous section about vicarious liability, if a school fail in this duty, then it is the school and not the teacher who carried out the abuse that will be the defendant during a claim.

Legal Expert can be of help to you in pursuing damages from a school that either knew about your child being sexually abused or should have known about it. You can get in touch with us using the telephone number that you will find towards the bottom of this guide.

How To Go About Making A School Sexual Abuse Compensation Claim

The process of beginning a claim for sexual abuse victims compensation payments is straightforward. All you need to do is contact Legal Expert using the telephone number that is given towards the end of this guide. However, before you do this, you need to make sure that the case of sexual abuse to a child by a teacher, has been reported to the correct authorities, in most cases this will mean the police. Once you have done this, and contact Legal Expert, we are going to start by asking you some questions, so we can get a better idea of your case, such as:

  • How old is your child that was sexually abused by a teacher?
  • When and at what school did the sexual abuse take place?
  • Did your child suffer any physical injuries as a result of the sexual abuse?
  • Has your child developed any psychological problems due to the sexual assault?
  • Has the school and the teacher admitted that the sexual abuse took place?
  • Has your child had to take an extended time off school and miss a vital part of their education because of the sexual abuse?
  • Is your child a fit state to give testimony about the event?

Questions such as these help us to learn about your sexual abuse case so that we can evaluate what we believe your next legal move to be. Once we know this, we will let you know what you should do next.

Top Tips For Proving A Sexual Abuse At School Claim

Sexual abuse by a teacher or another member of school staff is grounds to make a claim. However, you must provide evidence that the abuse took place. Making a successful sexual abuse claim against a teacher or other staff member can depend on the level of evidence you have.

Some examples can include:

A report you made to the school – If a child or parent reports an incident of sexual abuse to the school, the school has an obligation to make a record of the report. They also must investigate it.

Police reports – A report can also be made to the police. A crime reference number will be assigned to the case.

CCTV footage – Cameras on school grounds may have captured footage that relates to the abuse. This can be used as evidence to support a claim.

Speak to our advisors today if you need more information.

What Can You Claim For In Incidences Of Abuse In Schools

In some very rare cases, where the school is not available as a legal entity to claim compensation against, for example, it has closed down, then the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) is available to claim against. However, CICA compensation amounts are generally identical to normal claim amounts.

Every settlement for a case of sexual abuse by a teacher will comprise of a number of different types of damages, which will fit into one of the two main categories of general damages and special damages, thus:

  • General damages – all of the physical effects of the sexual abuse:
    • Pain and suffering of the actual abuse.
    • Mental trauma caused by the actual abuse.
    • Long-term psychological conditions that developed because of the abuse.
    • Permanent effects of the abuse, such as physical scarring.
  • Special damages – all of the non-physical effects of the sexual abuse:
    • Medical costs if you have had to pay for treatment of your child, either physical treatment or psychotherapy.
    • Travel costs if you have had to travel whilst caring for your child or making the compensation claim.
    • Loss of earnings if you have had to take time away from work to get your child the treatment they need, or to deal with making a claim.

To get a much better idea of the types of damages a settlement for a claim for sexual abuse to a child committed by a teacher, you can contact Legal Expert using the telephone number towards the bottom of this guide.

Sexual Abuse By My Teacher – Compensation Examples

If your child has been mistreated by a teacher or sexual abuse has occurred, then compensation may be claimed.

If the school does not have the funds to compensate you, you may still be able to claim through the CICA, as sexual abuse is a criminal injury. They have their own tariff where injuries are assigned a set fee. There is a maximum of 3 injuries you can claim for through this scheme, and only the most valuable is awarded at its full rate. After this, the 2nd and 3rd more valuable are reduced to 30% and 15% of their respective rates.

Here are a few examples:

Awarded For Description Amount
Sexual assault When penile penetration results in severe mental illness £27,000
Sexual assault When the result is internal bodily injuries of a serious nature £22,000
Sexual assault When the outcome of non-consensual penile penetration includes moderate mental illness £22,000
Sexual assault When two or more attackers penetrate the victim’s mouth, anus, or vagina with their penis, without consent £13,500
Sexual assault When the penis of a single attacker penetrates the victim’s vagina, mouth, or anus without consent £11,000
Sexual assault Over 3 years of repetitive severe abuse of a non-penetrative nature £8,200
Sexual assault When one attacker (or more) commit frequent severe abuse on an individual for a period of up to 3 years £6,600
Sexual assault When there is a penetrative act, but not with a penis £3,300
Sexual assault When the assailant carries out a physical sexual act under the clothing of the victim, but there is no penetration £2,000
Sexual assault A physical sexual act over clothing that is not penetrative £1,000

If you wish to make a claim against a teacher or teachers for sexual abuse, get in touch today. Our advisors could potentially connect you with a specialised solicitor to help you claim.

No Win No Fee School Sexual Abuse Compensation Claims

Here at Legal Expert, we have come up with a core product offering that is designed to help victims of sexual abuse carried out by a teacher, to claim compensation in a financially risk-free way.

This is a No Win No Fee type of claims service, which we believe is the most straightforward and effective way to make such a claim. The only time we will ever ask you to pay your legal costs, is when you have actually been awarded a damages settlement, and not before.

Starting a claim is free, and even if your claim takes several months or more to complete, there will be no ongoing legal costs to pay. If, in the unlikely event that we fail to make a successful claim on your behalf, then you walk away without paying any legal costs.

Why Use Legal Expert If You Were Sexually Abused By A Teacher?

Legal Expert operates a national team of personal injury lawyer, who has a proven track record of winning considerable compensation settlements across a wide range of complex claims cases, we can do the same for you.

We always put the needs of our customers before our own bottom line. Our fees are driven by your claim settlement. Therefore, it is in our best interest to aim to get you the maximum level of compensation, without ever doing a single thing that could put your claim at risk.

Every time we take action on your behalf, we will keep you updated fully on what we are doing. If you have any questions about your claim, we are more than happy to answer them, using plain, easy to understand English and not complicated, confusing legal speak.

To find out how you can join the ranks of our happy clients, call us on the telephone number that you will find below.

Speak To Our Claims Team Today

Making personal injury claims for a child that has been the victim of sexual assault carried out by a teacher is a sensitive thing to approach. Legal Expert knows that we need to deal with such cases with kid gloves. Call us on 0800 073 8804 today so that we can help you begin making your claim, without causing any more trauma to your child than is absolutely necessary to make the claim.

Useful Links

Below you will be able to follow a link that will send you to a full guide to the process of making a claim for compensation for child abuse:

Below you will be able to follow a link that will send you to the UK Government website of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA):

UK Government website of CICA

Below you will be able to follow a link that will send you to a UK Government web page that gives an overview of how to report child abuse:

UK Government web page for reporting child abuse

You may also be interested in some of our other guides on criminal injury compensation claims:

We also have some other guides on sexual abuse compensation claims that you may find useful:

We hope this guide, which has addressed popular questions such as ‘can I claim for sexual abuse by my teacher?’, has been helpful for you. If you wish to speak to an advisor about sexual abuse by teacher claims, then you can choose to get in touch with Legal Expert using the contact information included within this guide.

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      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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