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Aberdeen Personal Injury Solicitors

Welcome to our guide on claiming with Aberdeen personal injury solicitors. If you live in Aberdeen and have been the victim of an accident or suffered injuries as a result of a mishap you may be entitled to compensation. Our network of personal injury solicitors are waiting to help you navigate the legal maze and to assist you in claiming your compensation.

Aberdeen personal injury solicitors

Aberdeen personal injury solicitors

Working on a No Win No Fee basis, Legal Expert’s injury lawyers have handled many personal injury claims. A simple, no obligation, telephone call is all it takes for you to find out an estimate to how much compensation your injuries could be awarded. We have included a guide below to this type of claim, explaining the ins and outs of making a claim and finding a solicitor to help you do so – but if you dial 0800 073 8804 you can ask us any questions that might be on your mind concerning your own specific situation. Whether you want to know if you need Aberdeen personal injury solicitors, or how much in terms of compensation you might get, we can assist.

Do I qualify to make a claim?

There are many different types of injuries and illnesses which could be eligible for compensation, and much legislation exists to determine the type and amount of compensation which you may be eligible for.

Claiming compensation is a complex legal process which aims to determine who, or what, contributed to your injury or illness and to set a level of compensation appropriate to the inconvenience the injury or illness has caused you and the effect it will have on your future.

In order to do this, it needs to be shown that:

  • the defendant owed you a duty of care;
  • and that this duty of care was breached by their actions;
  • and that those actions caused your injury or illness.

For most claims there is a time-limit from when the incident occurred, however some illnesses, such as hand-arm vibration syndrome, may be the result of actions which happened many years previously. In some cases, the countdown will begin after the accident or the date of knowledge or diagnosis of the condition. We can help to clarify whether this type of limit applies to your individual circumstances.

Even so, delaying can mean that your claim is not as strong as it otherwise would be. For example, once a wound has healed it can be difficult to describe the severity of it if photographs and measurements have not been taken. Likewise, if witnesses are sought, their recollection of the injury occurring or the accident that caused it might be a little less reliable.

How do you choose the right No Win No Fee solicitor?

For personal injury solicitors, Scotland is a unique area to work in, with its own laws and customs, so it is essential that your claim is handled using experienced solicitors. However, if you have an accident in Aberdeen, you don’t necessarily need Aberdeen personal injury solicitors, as we’ll explain below. Complex cases can take months, if not years, to decide so you should find a personal injury lawyer who you has experience in cases like yours, and who you are happy to work with. Compare the customer service levels in areas such as what pursuing your case will cost, how easy it is to get information about the progress of your case and how much experience they have in cases like yours before choosing who will represent you.

What should you think about when reading personal injury lawyer reviews?

As a rule of thumb satisfied clients are less likely to take to their keyboards than dissatisfied ones, and also that the bigger a company is the more reviews they are likely to attract. When reading reviews of solicitors you should also bear in mind the difference in success fees and insurance premiums charged through Conditional Fee Agreements (also known as “No Win No Fee” arrangements).

Ultimately, you will probably find there is a benefit for picking up the phone and discussing your case with a personal injury lawyer.

Do you need to make a claim with a local Aberdeen solicitor?

There is no longer any need to restrict yourself to the expertise of your local law firms, so you don’t have to choose Aberdeen personal injury solicitors. For example, if in Aberdeen, you would not necessarily need a personal injury lawyer in your local area. In the digital era, there is no longer any need for a client and solicitor to be able to meet physically. Modern technology means that you can remain in contact with your legal representatives, whenever and where ever you are. Legal Expert work across the whole of Great Britain, allowing you to access the expertise you need for your claim, even if that expertise isn’t located on your doorstep.

In some claims, further medical assessment may be desirable. For example, lawyers for serious injury claims may wish you to undergo a medical exam to formally document the nature of your injuries. In turn, this can allow them to more precisely determine the amount of compensation that you are entitled to. You may think that not choosing a local solicitor will mean that you need to travel, something that you may be unwilling to do if you are injured or ill.

One benefit of choosing a nationwide company to handle your compensation claim means having access to medical experts in all parts of the country, ensuring that you won’t have to travel far if a medical exam is required. In some cases, your solicitor may even be able to arrange for someone to visit you at home.

Aberdeen personal injury claims we can handle

There are many different types of injury, illness and disability caused by mishaps and accidents. It would be pointless to attempt to create an exhaustive list of the cases we can handle. If your situation doesn’t seem to fit into any of the main categories detailed below, then simply give us a call and talk us through your claim and we can advise how much you will be eligible for.

Road traffic accidents, industrial incidents (both accidents and illnesses), slips and falls, and medical negligence are among the most frequently seen types of personal injury claim that we deal with. The types of injury seen can vary from minor damage, which results in no long term impact, to serious injuries – the most serious of which result in paralysis, loss of mental capacity or even death.

Compensation amounts vary depending on the impact of the injury, and will be calculated based on the severity of your injuries and how much inconvenience they create. Other things which may be taken into account are loss of earnings as a direct result of the injury (time off work, cost of attending medical appointments, cost of physiotherapy etc) as well as the impact on your future earnings. Nursing, medical appliances, prosthetics and house alterations may also be taken into account.

Any compensation offered to compensate directly for your injuries is considered compensation for general damages. Compensation offered to cover specifically for any financial losses or relevant expenses is categorised under special damages. In personal injury claims, you will need to be eligible to receive compensation for general damages before any compensation for special damages becomes possible.

Claims for industrial disease compensation

If you have a medical condition or disorder which is the result of your employment you may have a work related illness. In some cases, the condition may be pre-existing but exacerbated by working conditions.

Conditions such as white finger or mesothelioma/asbestos cancer are almost certainly the result of improper working practices and even if the employment was some time ago you may still be able to claim if your diagnosis has only occurred recently.

Claims for medical negligence compensation

When we go to the hospital we expect our condition will improve, but sadly for some people mistakes occur and they become ill or injured as a result. If your treatment can be shown to be substandard you may have a medical negligence claim. This could be because of a delay in diagnosis, wrong diagnosis, mistakes during treatment or even from injuries caused while being moved. If you are not sure if your case might be due to clinical negligence then why not ask a legal expert to take a look?

Claim compensation for an accident at work in Aberdeen

Many industries are risky for their workers and you should be provided with adequate risk assessments, safety equipment and training. Even when PPE is needed and used your employer should take steps to ensure that risks are identified and minimised as much as possible.

Even if your job isn’t obviously dangerous, working at a desk as a secretary or in a call centre perhaps, your employer has a duty of care to ensure your health and well-being. This includes making sure you have a comfortable and safe working environment, and that you are not asked to perform manual tasks for which you have not been given training.

If your employer has failed to provide you with a safe environment, then you may be entitled to compensation if you have an accident at work.

Claims for slip and fall compensation

It only takes a second for a slip to turn into a life impacting injury. In fact, slip, trip and fall accidents are among the most common type of cases that our Aberdeen personal injury solicitors see. Whether it happens at work, or in a public place, you may have a claim if you were not at fault and not able to avoid the incident.

Claims for serious injury compensation

Even small accidents can result in serious injury. A simple trip or fall could damage ligaments, tear tendons or even break bones resulting in long periods of convalescence, and in the most severe cases, they can be quite literally life changing. When considering compensation amounts, a serious injury is one which incurred a risk of death or unconsciousness. Victims may be left with disfigurement, and/or impairment of their abilities. Such claims will take into account your future care needs, including such areas as prosthetics, nursing care and mobility aids, as well as earnings lost directly due to the accident and any impact it has made on your future earning potential.

It is important that any Aberdeen personal injury solicitors you hire have experience in serious injury cases, as they can be complex and lengthy.

Aberdeen road traffic accident claims

A personal injury claim for a road traffic accident is perhaps the first thing many people will think of if they are asked what they know about No Win No Fee lawyers. Undoubtedly, there are many road traffic accidents every year, as annual statistics published by the Department for Transport (DfT) shows.

Road traffic statistics (killed or seriously injured)

According to its provisional results report for the year 2020, there were a total of 115,333 road casualties reported on UK roads during this particular year. 1,472 of these casualties were fatalities. 23,486 of the road casualties were reported as killed or seriously injured (KSI).

No Win No Fee Scottish injury claims

Whatever injury you have suffered, Legal Expert’s national panel of No Win No Fee lawyers are here to help you navigate the legal landscape. Working to a No Win No Fee basis, more properly known as a Conditional Fee Agreement, gives you the security of knowing that you will only have to pay your solicitor when compensation is awarded. The amount you will pay, and what it covers, will be detailed in your exact agreement.

Compare this style of obtaining legal representation against the traditional high street solicitor’s model. They need to meet their overheads even if your case is dismissed, so they need to work on a per hour or per case basis. Which could lead to you being out of pocket if it becomes apparent you aren’t eligible for compensation or don’t receive the amount you expect.

Is my claim really No Win No Fee?

All the claims handled by Legal Expert are taken on a No Win No Fee basis. Your first step is to get in touch and discuss your claim with us fully. Then, we can advise you on how much compensation you could be able to claim and how much solicitors’ fees will be. Based on our extensive experience we can advise you if your claim is likely to lose, in which case we will not take your case on and you will not have to pay out a single penny. If we take on your case and your case was to lose you do not need to pay a penny as it’s No Win No Fee.

Start your No Win No Fee claim today

We know that to have got this far you must have undergone a turbulent emotional time. Our highly trained team of staff are waiting for your call in order to help you come to terms with your accident and to get the compensation you are entitled to, so that you can move on with your life.

Calls to our phone line are free, and if you think you would like to start a claim for compensation then call 0800 073 8804 or contact us via the LegalExpert.co.uk contact form. If you prefer you can request a callback from one of our personal injury specialists who can discuss your case in full before you take further action.

Helpful contacts across Aberdeen

If you have been involved in an accident you may wish to contact some of these organisations to assist you. The website addresses and all contact information is included for ease of reference. We do hope you find this useful.

  • Legal Expert

Tel: 0800 073 8804
Web: www.legalexpert.co.uk/how-to-claim

  • Aberdeen Police Station

Queen Street,
AB10 1ZA
Tel: 101
Web: www.scotland.police.uk/your-community/north-east/
Opening hours:
Mon: 00.00 – 22.00
Tues, Wed, Thurs: 07.00 – 22.00
Fri, Sat, Sun: Open right through from 07.00 on Fridays until 22.00 Monday

  • Local Sheriff Court

Castle Street,
AB10 1WP
Tel: 01224 657200

Web: www.scotcourts.gov.uk/the-courts/court-locations/aberdeen-sheriff-court-and-justice-of-the-peace-court

Opening Hours:
Mon – Fri 09:00 – 13:00, 14:00- 16:30
Switchboard Mon – Thu 09.00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 17:00, Fri 09.00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 16:30

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
AB25 2ZN
Tel: 0345 456 6000

Web: http://www.nhsgrampian.org/nhsgrampian/gra_display_hospital.jsp?pContentID=114&p_applic=CCC&p_service=Content.show&

Opening hours: 24 hours, visiting times vary

Thank you for reading our guide on claiming with Aberdeen personal injury solicitors. We hope you found it useful.

Meet The Team

  • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

    Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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