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Faulty Broken Furniture Personal Injury Claims Guide

By Cat Song. Last Updated 21st February 2023. In this broken furniture claims guide, we explain what kind of issues may lead to personal injury claims of this type and how you could be eligible to claim. Have you been injured because of faulty furniture? If negligence by another party contributed to your accident and injuries, then you may have grounds to claim compensation. At Legal Expert, we can offer advice and potentially other support on these types of injury claims, such as with the following examples:

  • Workplace injuries due to a broken office chair.
  • Injuries in a hotel room caused by faulty furniture.
  • Furniture included within a rented property that is faulty and has caused you injuries.
  • Injuries due to a faulty product purchased from a furniture store, such as a broken gaming chair.

Call Legal Expert today to see if we can handle your broken furniture accident claim. We’re a first-class personal injury claims firm with excellent No Win No Fee solicitors to handle your claim. Our personal injury solicitors have up to 30 years of experience, so your claim will be in a safe pair of hands. What’s more, your solicitor will push to win you the maximum amount of compensation that you are owed, so there’s no chance of you getting short-changed.

If you believe that you are owed a broken furniture compensation or a broken chair injury settlement, call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 for your free personal injury claims consultation. One of our advisors will be happy to assess your case, and if you have been injured because of faulty furniture in an accident that was not your fault, a solicitor will start working on your claim right away. Call us today to see if you are entitled to chair collapse compensation. We’re looking forward to hearing from you to handle your broken furniture claims.

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A Guide To Broken Furniture Personal Injury Claims

Broken furniture injury claim

Broken furniture injury claim

There are many ways that people can be injured by faulty furniture. For example, a faulty chair can collapse under the weight of someone sitting on it, causing them to become injured. Chair collapsing accidents often cause back injuries, which can be quite debilitating.

Other examples of faulty furniture causing injuries can include people getting their fingers trapped and crushed between two parts of a faulty chair or bench or a heavy item such as a bookcase collapsing and hitting or crushing someone. Railings also count as furnishings, so a faulty railing on a staircase or platform could cause someone to fall if they put their weight on it and it comes away beneath them.

If you have been injured because of broken furniture, you could have the right to make a personal injury claim against the party responsible. In this guide, we will define what a furniture injury is, look at common examples of faulty furniture injuries and explain the process of claiming compensation for your injuries. We will also explain the benefits of making a No Win No Fee furniture claim and have included our personal injury claims calculator, which could help you estimate how much compensation you may claim.

Remember, you could be owed a large sum of money for your injuries, so call Legal Expert today to enquire about making a broken furniture accident claim. We will provide an excellent personal injury solicitor to handle your broken furniture claims if you have legitimate grounds. So, please call today to see if you can claim.

What Is A Broken Furniture Accident?

Employers have a duty of care towards their employees. Similarly, establishments such as restaurants, public transport providers have a duty of care towards customers. Landlords also have a duty of care towards their tenants. This means that these parties are legally obliged to provide the people that use their premises with a safe and hygienic environment. Manufacturers have a duty of care towards people who buy and use their products, similarly meaning that they are obliged to ensure that their product is safe to use.

This means that if any of these parties neglect their duty of care towards their customers, employees or tenants, the person is injured. As a result, the injured person could be entitled to claim compensation for the damages caused. Therefore whether you have had an accident at work involving a falling shelf or broken office chair, have been injured because a chair collapsed beneath you in a restaurant, or have experienced any other type of negligence involving broken furniture, you deserve compensation for your injuries.

Call Legal Expert today to speak to us about your broken furniture accident. If you have legitimate grounds to claim, an excellent personal injury solicitor will start working on your claim right away.

How Long Do I Have To Claim For Injuries Caused By Broken Furniture?

There is a personal injury claim time limit in which you must formally begin your claim. This is generally either:

  • 3 years from the date you suffered an injury due to broken furniture
  • 3 years from your date of knowledge of your injury – which can be the date you received a medical diagnosis or were made aware of the cause of your injury

The time limit is different for those under 18. A person who was injured by broken furniture whilst under the age of 18 will not face a time limit until their 18th birthday. They will then have three years to start a claim. Before this point, a claim can still be made, but a litigation friend will be required.

For those with limited mental capacity, the time limit is also suspended. Unless they make a recovery, a litigation friend will need to claim on their behalf. If the claimant recovers, they will then have the usual 3-year time limit apply.

This is all according to the information found in the Limitations Act 1980

If you have any more questions about personal injury claims time limits, then please reach out to one of our advisers.

Common Injuries Caused By Broken Furniture

Here is a list of injuries that can be caused by broken furniture or faulty furniture. These sorts of injuries can range from moderate to serious to severe. This is not an exhaustive list, but these are common examples of falling of chair injuries and broken furniture injuries.

  • Back injuries and spinal injuries. This can include a hernia, a slipped disc or a fractured tailbone.
  • Whiplash injuries.
  • Injuries to the arms or wrists including fractures, broken bones and soft tissue injuries.
  • Any injuries to the legs, ankles or feet, including fractures, broken bones and soft tissue injuries.
  • Pinched fingers and hands.
  • Crushing injuries caused by a heavy item of furniture such as a bookcase falling on the victim.

If you sat on a chair and it broke or have been injured by faulty furniture in any other way, you could be entitled to claim compensation. Call Legal Expert today to begin your broken furniture accident claim.

We will now look at how people are injured because of broken furniture negligence in more detail below. And any of these may lead to successful broken furniture claims for you.

When Can Furniture Be Considered Faulty?

Furniture manufacturers have a duty of care towards their customers. This means providing furniture that is safe to use in the home. Unfortunately, there are incidents where people can experience a product manufacturing injury due to a faulty product in the home. Faulty product rights enable you to sue if you are injured due to an unsafe product you have purchased, such as a faulty chair.

Here are some examples of how furnishings can be classed as faulty:

  • Design defect: The product is inherently faulty due to a problem with its design.
  • Manufacturing defect: The product is faulty due to an issue in the manufacturing process.
  • Misrepresentation: The product’s purpose has misrepresentation. For example, a bookcase does not have adequate instructions about how much weight it can take, causing it to collapse.
  • Negligent assembly: the product doesn’t receive a proper assembly by the retailer.
  • Failure to warn and instruct: The product did not have correct instructions for proper use or adequate warnings about improper use.

If you suffer due to an unsafe product in your home, such as faulty furnishings, call Legal Expert today. According to faulty product rights, you could make a broken furniture accident claim for compensation. If you have the right to claim, one of our excellent personal injury solicitors will start working on your product manufacturing injury claim right away.

Workplace And Office Chair Injuries

As we have already stated, your employer is responsible for providing you with a safe and hygienic working environment. If you are injured in an accident at work caused by negligence on the part of your employer, such as providing you with a broken office chair, you could be entitled to make an accident at work claim for compensation.

How can workplace furniture and office chair accidents happen? Office chair injuries can happen when an employee sits on a broken chair at work, causing the chair to collapse beneath their weight, which can commonly cause back injuries, injure the hands, wrists or fingers, or cause other common chair tipping injuries. Another type of office chair injury can happen if there is a fault with the chair’s back, causing back pain over time. Employees can also suffer from a piece of shelving coming loose from the wall and striking them.

If you’re the victim of an office chair injury, call Legal Expert. If you have a right to sue for chair collapse compensation, contact us, and we can handle your broken furniture claims.

Broken School Furniture Injuries

If your child suffers an injury at school because of broken school furniture, you could claim compensation on their behalf. The money will provide the child with any treatment they may need. And they will be able to use the remaining funds after they are 18 years of age. Alternatively, if you suffer an injury at school, you can claim up to three years after your eighteenth birthday.

To claim compensation for an injury caused by broken school furniture, you will need to be able to prove that the injury was either entirely or partially caused by faulty furniture, not by misjudgement on the part of your child (for example, swinging their chair back). Your personal injury solicitor can gather evidence when building up your case. Call Legal expert today to begin a broken furniture personal injury claim on your behalf.

Faulty Furniture Personal Injuries At Home

If you rent a furnished property from a landlord, it’s their responsibility to provide a safe and hygienic living environment. This includes furnishings that are safe for purpose. If any furniture breaks and could put a tenant or guest at risk, this is disrepair.

Landlords are responsible for ensuring no potentially harmful disrepair before they rent a property to the tenant. Of course, if a piece of furniture becomes broken because of faultiness during your tenancy, the landlord may not be aware, so it is the tenant’s responsibility to report the faulty or broken furnishings to their landlord.

If the landlord is aware of the faulty furniture and willfully ignores the problem, fails to provide replacements or provide adequate repair, and a tenant or guest is injured. As a result, they could be held liable for the person’s injuries. In this case, the injured person would be entitled to claim against a landlord for disrepair for their injuries.

Call Legal Expert today if you need to claim against a landlord for disrepair because of faulty furniture. Your personal injury lawyer will work tirelessly to win you compensation for your broken furniture claims.

Injuries Due To Unsafe Furniture At A Restaurant Or Cafe

The most common injury from unsafe furniture at a restaurant or cafe is a chair breaking. In fact, many clients tell us that the chair breaks after they sit on it. These injuries can include: falling off chair injuries, chair tipping injuries, rolling chair injuries, amongst other types of broken chair accidents. Patrons can also be injured by other types of broken furniture, such as a faulty handrail that comes away under their weight, causing them to fall down the stairs, as an example.

Remember, restaurants and cafes have a legal duty of care towards their guests, so if you have been injured because of broken furniture at a restaurant or cafe, you could be entitled to claim chair collapse compensation or another type of broken furnishings claim. Call us today to begin your claim for a broken chair injury settlement or another type of furniture claim.

Broken Hotel Furniture Injury Claims

If you suffer an injury in a hotel, you could claim a hotel injury settlement. Examples of hotel accidents involving broken furniture can include a dining chair coming apart beneath the weight of a guest, causing the guest to fall, a handrail collapsing, causing a guest to fall from a mezzanine or platform, or a heavy item like a cupboard or bookcase which has not been properly secured to the wall, coming loose and falling.

If you experience a hotel accident, call us today to see if you can sue the hotel. If you have the right to claim, we will provide you with an excellent personal injury solicitor to handle your claim for a hotel injury settlement.

Any Broken Seats On Public Transport

Public transport providers are responsible for inspecting their vehicles to ensure no health and safety hazards on board. If a passenger reports faulty furnishing, such as a loose handrail, the public transport provider must repair and fix the issue.

Examples of accidents on public transport caused by broken seats include: a seat collapsing, injuring a passenger, a protruding screw or nail sticking out of a seat, stabbing a passenger, or a broken seatback causing a back injury. Faulty handrails can also cause an injury if they come loose when a bus brakes firmly or goes around a sharp corner, causing the passenger to fall.

Call Legal Expert today to enquire about making a broken furniture accident claim for compensation.

Broken Seats In Public Places

Your broken furniture personal injury claim may be against the local council for a bench, park or outdoor square. Call Legal Expert today to enquire about making a public injury claim, such as potential broken furniture claims. If you have the right to claim, we can provide you with an excellent medical negligence solicitor.

Compensation For A Personal Injury Claim

You may be wondering what you could receive in a successful broken furniture personal injury claim. The two heads of compensation that you could potentially receive are called general damages and special damages.

All successful claimants will receive general damages, which covers the pain and suffering your injuries cause you, as well as any loss of amenity. When solicitors calculate this head of claim, they can refer to guideline brackets set out by the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG).

You could also receive special damages. This head of claim allows you to claim back any financial losses that you suffer as a result of your injuries. For example, under special damages, you could recoup the cost of:

  • Medical bills
  • Prescriptions
  • Home adjustments
  • Mobility aids

Read on to learn more about compensation for personal injury claims, or get in touch with a member of our team to start your broken furniture injury claim today.

Broken Furniture Personal Injury Compensation Calculator

We have a personal injury claims calculator to estimate how much you could receive in general damages for your injuries.

Additionally, the table below contains some example figures from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This is a publication that legal professionals use to assist in the process of valuing your claim alongside medical evidence.

Medical evidence is important in highlighting how severe your injury is, the future implications of the harm you sustained and the impact it may have had on your quality of life. All of these factors are taken into consideration when valuing your injuries.

The figure awarded for your injuries is known as general damages. Please only use the figures in the table as a guide because your actual settlement will vary.

Injury Severity Amount
Neck injuries Severe (i) In the region of £148,330
Neck Injuries Severe (ii) £65,740 to £130,930
Neck Injuries Severe (iii) £45,470 to £55,990
Neck Injuries Moderate (i) £24,990 to £38,490
Neck Injuries Moderate (ii) £13,740 to £24,990
Neck Injuries Moderate (iii) £7,890 to £13,740
Back Injuries Severe (i) £91,090 to £160,980
Back Injuries Severe (ii) £74,160 to £88,430
Back Injuries Severe (iii) £38,780 to £69,730
Back Injuries Moderate (i) £27,760 to £38,780
Back Injuries Moderate (ii) £12,510 to £27,760

Your reading will not include any special damages that you could receive or consider your personal circumstances. So, you may wish to call Legal Expert for a more personal estimate. One of our advisors can accurately estimate how much compensation you could receive. And we can also advise further on how to claim to begin with.

No Win No Fee Broken Furniture Compensation Claims

If you suffered faulty furniture injuries in an accident that was not your fault, you could make a No Win No Fee claim for compensation. No Win No Fee means that your solicitor will not charge you upfront for their services. Instead, you will only have to pay your fee on the condition that your claim is successful. In the unlikely circumstances that you do not win your claim, you will not have to pay your fee. This means that there is no financial risk for making a No Win No Fee claim.

Alternatively, call Legal Expert today on 0800 073 8804 to start your broken furniture claims. Or, contact us online about your claim.

Contact Legal Expert Today

If you suffer an injury due to furniture breaking, call Legal Expert today for your free consultation. If you have the right to make a broken furniture personal injury claim, we will provide you with an excellent personal injury lawyer who will start working on your case today. Remember, you could receive a large sum of money for your injuries. So, call now to see if you can claim.

Additional Guides

We have lots more guides on personal injury claims which you can browse below: 


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    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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