Navy Accident Claims Compensation Specialists

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Navy Accident Claims – How Much Compensation Can I Claim?

Whether you are currently serving in the navy, or you have since left or retired, you may be suffering from an injury that you gained during your service. This could have been during routine military exercises, training or whilst in combat.

Although working in the military and navy has its risks due to the nature of the job, special measures are in place to keep the recruits as safe as possible, but unfortunately, incidents do occur that can result in injury and psychological damage. Regardless of the military activity, you were carrying out, if you have been injured in the navy you may be able to claim navy compensation if the injury wasn’t your fault. This is something we can assist you with as our expert solicitors have years of experience securing navy injury claims. Please read on for more information about navy and military injury compensation.

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A guide to accident claims for navy accident navy claims

Welcome to our navy accident claims guide.

There are a variety of ways in which people may get injured when working in the navy and military. Injuries can range from mild to severe, life threatening, or even death and can have an enormous impact upon your life and those close to you. Not all injuries are physical, many current and ex-military personnel suffer from mild to severe psychological damage such as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD), which can be incredibly debilitating and have a long lasting effect for the rest of their lives. If this is something you are going through right now through no fault of your own, you will be able to claim compensation.

This guide will answer a lot of questions you may have such as information on the armed forces compensation scheme, how long does it take? What are the amounts of the armed forces compensation scheme PTSD payouts? How do you launch such claims? The answers, along with many more, are included in this guide.

What is a navy accident?

Before we look into how to make navy accident claims, let’s first understand what these accidents could look like.

A navy accident is an incident that may occur during military duties within the navy that result in harm coming to any person/s directly or indirectly involved. It could be caused by a huge variety of circumstances that result in injury and mental anguish.

A navy accident could range from someone being injured during routine training and military exercises, to being injured whilst aboard a ship that is involved in a collision or has a mechanical/technical fault causing some sort of failure. It would be impossible to list every single potential problem that could result in a navy accident as there are so many possibilities.

What to do if you are involved in a navy accident causing injury

If you have been involved in a navy accident and have suffered an injury as a result, It is vital to take the necessary steps to gather as much evidence as possible to support your navy accident claims, which may include the following:

  • Make notes about the navy accident – Write everything down that you can about the accident whilst it is still fresh in your mind. Don’t miss anything out as it could be important in supporting your claim.
  • Visit a medical professional – It is obviously very important to seek medical attention for health reasons after being involved in an accident, but it is also very useful in supporting your case. A report will be made of the type and severity of your injuries, suggested treatment and recovery period. This will be used to determine your navy injury compensation amount.
  • Get witness contact details – Having witnesses is a major advantage when making navy accident claims so you want to make sure you have their contact details in order to get statements from them. Witness statements can really help to strengthen your claim.
  • Proof of expenses – Keep proof of any expenses you may have incurred as a direct result of the accident. This may be travelling expenses to the hospital, prescription fees, counselling costs, childcare costs and so on. As long as they are due to the accident, you can reclaim the money back within your compensation claim.
  • Photos – If you or any of the possible witnesses managed to take any photos before, during or after the incident, depending on the circumstances, then you should obtain and keep a copy as these could be helpful in staking your claim. Also, any photos of injuries sustained due to the navy accident should also be taken. The photos could be attached with your armed forces compensation scheme claim form as back up to the information written on the form.

How to begin a navy accident claim

In this section, we’ll look at making navy accident claims.

If you have been injured in the Royal Navy, then you will be eligible to claim compensation. Military injury compensation is an area we specialise in and so can help you to launch your claim. All you need to do is to call us to get the ball rolling and we will strive to get the best compensation payout we can for you.

navy accident claims

navy accident claims

When we receive your call, we will give you a free consultation to determine the facts of your case and to give you the opportunity to ask us any questions or voice any concerns you may have. There is nothing to worry about, we have years of experience and so you will be in safe hands. We can also offer you, at no cost to you, a local medical if required.

We will then launch your case on a No Win No Fee basis, this means that you do not have to pay any legal fees upfront and will only be required to pay if your case is successful. There is more about the No Win No Fee payout scheme further on in the guide.

Making a navy accident claim

When making navy accident claims, there are two primary routes you can take:

  1. Claiming through the civil courts. This is possible for military injuries that have happened since 15th May 1987.
  2. Claiming through a government approved schemes such as the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) or the War Pension Scheme (WPS).

It would depend on the circumstances of the accident as to which route you would need to take to make your claim. The following explains the details of each and so outlines their differences:

Claiming through the civil courts

In order to make a successful claim through the civil courts, the following must be shown:

The claimant’s injury or illness has been caused by the negligence of the Ministry Of Defence (MOD).

In normal circumstances, the MOD has to follow the same health and safety rules and regulations as a civilian employer. If it can be proved that a particular health and safety rule has been broken, then negligence is almost always thought to be to blame. In this instance, normal rules for an accident in the workplace claim would apply.

Damages for the pain and suffering due to injury or illness directly caused by the accident can be sought. Also, expenses such as loss of earnings, travel expenses and medical costs can all be taken into account and recovered when claiming compensation.

Compensation for injuries sustained through combat cannot be claimed for through the civil court. There is a clause that prevents the MOD from being sued for injuries gained from being in a theatre of war situation.

Please continue reading for more information on making navy accident claims or get in touch with us today to receive a free consultation.

Claiming through a government compensation scheme

There are two compensation schemes, one called the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme, is for accidents that have occurred after 6th April 2005. The other is the War Pension Scheme and this covers any accidents before 6th April 2005. These schemes provide an alternative route for making a compensation claim.

They are ‘no-fault’ schemes where blame or fault does not need to be proved and so both of these schemes are ideal in such situations where there is not sufficient evidence to prove negligence.

For injuries incurred in combat situations, claims can be made to the AFCS.

Claims that are successful can have compensation payout amounts anywhere from £1,200 up to £570,000 depending on how bad the injury or illness is. However, with these compensation schemes, you cannot claim for other expenses such as loss of earnings or medical costs like you can when going through a civil court.

What is the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme?

If you’re wondering whether you could seek compensation as part of navy accident claims, you may want to know more about the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme.

This is a government scheme that was introduced on 6th April 2005 to pay compensation to any men or women that have been injured in the line of duty. A claim for injuries suffered on or after this date may be claimed for by any current or former UK military personnel or reserves.
It is a no-fault scheme and means that you do not have to prove that the accident that has left you injured or ill, was caused by someone else’s fault. Claiming against the AFCS does not stop you from making a claim against the MOD for negligence if you wanted to.

Armed Forces injury statistics

During the recent Afghan war, thousands of members of the armed forces sustained injuries whilst carrying out their military duties, and many are still suffering both physically and mentally.

From the opening of the UK field hospital in Afghanistan on 1 April 2006 until the closure of Op Herrick on 30 November 2014, 7,800 UK servicemen, servicewomen and civilians were admitted to a field hospital. 7,601 of these were UK Service personnel, of which 4,220 were the result of injuries. A large number also died of their injuries. Just under half of the patients admitted to the field hospital with injuries required the activation of the UK trauma team.

Almost half of the injuries sustained by UK Armed Forces trauma patients were to the extremities, with the majority of the injuries occurring to the knee and lower leg. Just under a fifth of the injuries sustained were to the head and neck areas. Open wounds, fractures and fragmentation/shrapnel wounds were the most common types of injury regardless of the body region affected.

Not all injuries sustained were physical. Since the Afghan war, the number of UK veterans and current serving men and woman that have been awarded compensation for mental issues has hit record numbers. An analysis of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme statistics show that payouts had increased by 379%. The veterans UK contact number allows UK veterans to make contact to initially seek help.

With the thousands of serving and ex- serving personnel suffering from injuries sustained whilst carrying out their duties, the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme tariff will have been set out as a guide to the many army compensation scheme payouts. Many people looking to make a claim may use an army injury compensation calculator to try to figure out what they might receive if they make a successful claim, but it would only be an estimate. However, this is something we can help you with.

If you need more advice on how to make a navy accident claims, please feel free to get in touch and our professional team will help you in any way that they can and begin launching your claim.

What can be claimed for after a navy accident causing injury?

If you have been injured due to a navy accident, you will be entitled to make navy accident claims. The main things you can claim for are as follows:

  • Medical expenses – This covers the cost of any medical diagnosis, treatments, counselling and prescription fees as long as they are as a direct result of being involved in an accident causing injury and / or illness.
  • General expenses – This refers to the amount of compensation you will receive for your injuries and any pain or suffering you have gone through and are going through.
  • Care claim – If you have needed help around the house while you are recovering, then the person helping you can file a care claim.
  • Loss of earnings – You may claim for any loss of earnings or future earnings as long as they are due to the accident and the injuries / illness it has caused you.
  • Travel expenses – Expenses such as travel to and fro hospital appointments, alternative transport arrangements or even vehicle adaptions can be claimed for.

The most common types of navy accidents

Navy accident claims can be made for injuries that are caused by a wide range of accidents such as the following:

  • Accidents that occur during routine training.
  • Naval ships, submarines and other military vehicles sinking or being involved in a collision.
    Explosions or fires causing burn injuries.
  • Carrier landing accidents.
  • Accidents where equipment has failed or has defects.
  • Accidents that happen on MOD land such as slipping, tripping and falling over.

If you develop a health problem, be it short or long term, and it has arisen from being in the navy, then claims can also be made. Some examples of such illness are:

  • Being exposed to hazardous substances that may cause cancer, lung diseases such as asbestosis, cancer and dermatitis and eczema.
  • Food poisoning from food obtained from the canteen or on board a navel ship.
  • Hearing loss may be due to loud noises such as weapons being fired, the sound of the ships engine pitch or engines revving.

Due to the vast amounts of possible accidents and injuries, making a claim against the armed forces can be daunting. With our years of experience and expert solicitors, we can help you to claim military injury compensation and get you the payout amount that you deserve.

How much compensation will I get after a navy accident causing injury?

One common questions we get asked regarding navy accident claims is ‘how much compensation will I receive?‘. As much as we’d like to give you an exact answer, unfortunately, it is impossible to know, as everyone’s circumstances are different. You may have looked online for armed forces compensation scheme rates or have looked online at an armed forces compensation calculator, but with these, you will only get an estimate, which can be incorrect due to their basic nature.

What we can do though is show you the average compensation payouts received for various injuries or illnesses you may have suffered from while serving in the navy to give you an idea of the potential compensation payout amount you may receive. If you need more information on this, please don’t hesitate to give us a call and we will endeavour to answer any questions you may have regarding navy injury claims.

Updated May 2021.

Reason for compensation Typical compensation amount Comments
Mental anguish £3,550 Fear of death and expectation of end of life.
Pain and suffering £1,000 – £200,000 How much the claimant will receive depends on the severity of the pain and suffering endured.
Severe psychological damage £41,675 – £88,000 The claimant will have obvious signs of problems with the ability to cope with work and life in general. Future vulnerability and family relations will be an issue. Their prognosis will be very poor
Moderately severe psychological damage £14,500 – £41,675 As with the above but their prognosis will be more positive
Moderate psychological damage £4,450 – £14,500 Although there will still be problems with the claimant’s future vulnerability and ability to cope, their prognosis will be good and there should be a marked improvement by the trial
Less severe psychological damage £1,170 – £4,450 The amount awarded will be dependent upon the length of the period of disability, and the extent to which sleep and daily activities have been affected.
Minor head injury £1,500 – £9,500 Damage to the head through injury that does not result in brain damage
Moderate head injury £12,500 – £200,000 Injuries that cause impaired mental ability, loss of moter function or change in personality
Severe head injury £215,000 – £300,000 Injuries where the person is unresponsive and in a vegetative state due to severe brain damage
Severe post traumatic stress disorder £45,000 – £50,000 In cases where the claimants ability to function in the long term is impaired
Moderate post traumatic stress disorder £17,000 – £19,000 In cases where the claimants ability to function in the medium term is impaired
Minor post traumatic stress disorder £3,000 – £6,000 In cases where the claimants ability to function in the short term is impaired
Loss of earnings £10,000 – £400,000 Earnings already lost will be taking into account as well as potential future earnings. There is the potential for a higher payout than the maximum based on the future earning potential of the claimant.
Loss of benefits £5,000 – £500,000 This payout is based on the actual income lost, and again, there is the potential for a higher payout than the maximum depending on the claimant’s current payscale.
Minor injuries £1,050 – £1,860 Recovery within three months
Minor injuries £525 – £1,050 Recovery within 28 days
Minor injuries Few hundred pounds – £525 Recovery within 7 days
Minor to severe Chest injury Up to £114,000 Damages for physical injury

These are just a few of many, many possible injuries. Don’t worry if yours isn’t on there, call us and we can help you find out what you would expect to receive when you place your claim.

No Win No Fee navy accident claims

We work on a No Win No Fee basis. What this means is that you will not be expected to pay a penny until your navy injury claim is made successful and your compensation will then easily cover the cost. In the unlikely event that your claim was unsuccessful, you do not need to pay us anything at all.

Claiming against the armed forces can be a long, drawn out process and if you choose to work with a solicitor who is paid by the hour, you could find yourself with some hefty legal fees and no guarantee of compensation being paid. With No Win No Fee you have nothing to lose. As our payment relies on your compensation claim being a success, you can trust we always do our best to ensure the maximum amount of compensation is paid out to you.

Why choose us as your claims service for a navy accident claim?

We are a professional, friendly and highly experienced injury claims firm that treats all of our clients with the utmost importance. We strive to get the best compensation payouts that our clients deserve in the most efficient and smoothest manner possible. We understand that you are having a rough time at the moment and will treat you with care and consideration and be considerate at all times.

We have been in the industry for many years and have had many extremely successful compensation claims with maximum payouts, and with our expert solicitors help and guidance, your claim will be a success too. We are honest and reliable and always put our clients first. Our reputation speaks for itself.

Call for free advice and to start a claim

Are you interested in beginning your navy accident claims?

navy accident claims

navy accident claims

If you have been involved in a navy accident and want to make a claim or have any questions, all you need to do is call us on 0800 073 8804. Your call will be answered by a member of our team who will be more than happy to help you in any way that they can. They can talk you through the claiming process so you are fully aware of what’s involved so there are no surprises.

We are a friendly and professional team and will treat you with respect and be empathetic to your situation. You can relax in the knowledge that we will fight your corner for you and get you the navy injury compensation you deserve.

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Navy Accident Claims FAQs

How long can I make a claim after an accident?

Personal injury claims have a general time limit of 3 years from the date of the incident in question. Exceptions apply, however, such as time limits which are effective from the date of knowledge.

Can I claim on behalf of someone else?

Yes, this is what’s known as acting as a litigation friend. You may wish to claim on behalf of your child if they’re yet to reach their 18th birthday or an incapacitated loved one that is unable to claim for themselves.

What damages could I claim?

Special damages allow you to recover any financial losses, such as loss of earnings or medical expenses, whereas general damages allow you to be compensated for any physical or psychological injuries.

How do I claim compensation after an accident?

Please get in touch with us today for a free consultation on whether you could have grounds to claim or not. We offer legal advice and support that could help you take the first step towards the compensation you deserve today.

Do I need a lawyer to claim for me?

There isn’t a legal requirement to have a lawyer but in acquiring one to handle your case, you could significantly increase its chances of success. What’s more, this can ease the claims process and allow you to focus on getting better.

Where can I find a lawyer?

Legal Expert has a panel of personal injury lawyers that always work on a No Win No Fee basis. They always

What happens if I lose my personal injury claim?

As all of our lawyers handle claims on a No Win No Fee basis, you won’t have to pay their legal fees if they don’t win your case for you. Therefore, this eliminates the financial risk from the claims process.

How can I contact Legal Expert today?

You can either call the number at the top of this page or chat with one of our advisors using the pop-up on your screen. For some alternative options, please refer to our contact section earlier in this guide.

Thanks for reading our navy accident claims guide.

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    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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