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Sexual Abuse Compensation Claims

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 20th June 2024. The sexual abuse compensation claims process exists to provide victims with some financial support for the wrongs committed. It also serves as a means of standing up to perpetrators and securing justice.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the eligibility criteria for sexual abuse claims, such as the time limits involved and whether you can claim for historic abuse.

We’ll also examine how to report abuse, the role of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and examine some compensation examples.

We also have lots of links to some of our other guides, which you may find useful.

If you have any questions or if you’d like to enquire about making a claim for sexual abuse compensation, you can:

  • Call us on the number at the top of this page
  • Chat with the Legal Expert team now using the live chat box
  • Or write to us about your claim online

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Can I Make A Sexual Abuse Compensation Claim?

To make a claim for sexual abuse compensation, it’s necessary to meet a number of different criteria. These include:

  • You must have suffered an injury as a result of a violent crime.
  • That you reported the crime to the police. The crime reference number they provide is necessary for a sexual abuse claim.
  • You must begin the process within the criminal injury claim time limit. This is 2 years from the date of the crime, or 2 years from the date you reported the crime to the police in cases such as historic abuse (which may have a justifiable delay in reporting the crime).
  • You must co-operate with the investigations of the police once the crime has been reported.
  • The incident must have happened in England, Scotland or Wales.
  • The injuries must be serious enough in the eyes of the CICA.

If you’re at all unsure if you meet these requirements or if you’d like us to check your eligibility over the phone, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Can I Claim Compensation For Historic Sexual Abuse?

Historic sexual abuse, also known as non-recent abuse, is where a child or young adult suffered sexual abuse in the past. A minor under the age of 18 cannot raise a sexual abuse compensation claim. Furthermore, it may not be possible for someone to report a crime if they are still living under the same roof as the offender.

The CICA can take this into account when considering a historic sexual abuse claim. With this in mind, it is important to report the crime as soon as is reasonably possible, and then start a claim within 2 years of that date. However, you must meet the same eligibility criteria discussed above. 

If you’re unsure whether you can claim for an incident that happened in the past, you can call us for a free and confidential evaluation.

How To Report Sexual Abuse

If you’ve been the victim of sexual abuse, you can report what happened and get justice, help and support. Below, we’ve included some of the best ways to report sexual abuse, including that of a historical nature:

  • For a recent incident of sexual abuse, you can speak to the police by calling 999. The police advise keeping hold of and not washing all clothes that you were wearing at the time as this may prove vital in identifying the perpetrator.
  • You can report historic abuse to the police by calling 101.
  • You can also visit your local police station.
  • If you’d rather not speak to the police, you can contact charities like the NSPCC.
  • You could also speak to Victim Support (for women) or for men here.
  • Rape Crisis is also an option for women

What Is The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) And What Role Does It Play?

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (otherwise known as the CICA) is a government-funded body that exists to compensate the victims of violent crime.

Unlike other types of claims involving insurance companies, a CICA claim is not adversarial in nature. Working with a criminal injury solicitor, you’ll put together an application that sets out what happened, the injuries sustained and how severe they are.

Do I Need Evidence To Make A Sexual Abuse Claim?

To support an application, evidence is required. This could include:

  • Police or crime reference number – given when you report the crime to the police
  • Medical records – if you attended an accident or emergency room or visited your GP, the entries in your medical records will help prove your injuries and the cause
  • Medical evidence – as part of your claim, your lawyer will obtain specialist evidence to support your case and determine the extent of your suffering.

Our sexual abuse solicitors can help with all aspects of CICA claims, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch for free advice and claims support.

How Much Compensation Could I Get For Sexual Abuse?

If you’re able to make a successful CICA claim, then your sexual abuse compensation will include a payment for the physical and psychological injuries you’ve suffered. The details of the potential awards they can provide are contained in their Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme 2012 injuries tariff.

For ease of reference, we’ve included some of these compensation tariffs that are relevant to sexual abuse claims in the table below. Don’t worry if you can’t see your own injuries listed here; we could still help. You are welcome to contact us for more advice on potential payments when making a claim for sexual abuse.

Sexual abuse plus extra damageThis includes other injuries, special expenses and compensation for loss of earnings.Up to £500,000
Non-consensual penile penetration of one or more vagina, anus or mouth Serious internal injuries with a permanent, severe disabling mental illness £44,000
Serious internal injuries and a permanent, moderate disabling mental illness £33,000
Permanent, disabling and severe mental illness £27,000
Serious internal bodily injuries.£22,000
Moderate mental illness but permanently disabling. £22,000
Two or more attackers £13,500
One attacker £11,000
Sexual assaultSevere mental illness£27,000
Serious internal bodily injuries.£22,000

Learn How to Make A No Win No Fee Claim

If you meet the eligibility criteria to claim sexual abuse compensation, you may like to have a criminal injury solicitor to help with your case. One of our solicitors could provide legal support. They typically do so under a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA).

A CFA is a type of No Win No Fee arrangement. When a solicitor offers their services under one, they:

  • Don’t take a payment upfront for their work on your claim.
  • Also won’t collect fees as your claim is ongoing.
  • Won’t ask for you to pay for their services if your claim fails.
  • Only collect a success fee if your claim succeeds. This is a legally limited amount deducted from the compensation awarded to you.

Direct any questions about claiming compensation for sexual abuse to a member of our advisory team. They can also help assess your claim and if it is eligible, you could be connected to one of our criminal injury solicitors.

To discuss sexual abuse compensation:

  • Call 0800 073 8804
  • Fill out our claim online form and an advisor will call you back.
  • Ask about criminal injury compensation in our live chat.



Two solicitors discuss a historic sexual abuse claim.

Learn More About Criminal Injury Compensation Claims

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