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Permanent Injury Compensation Payouts And Amounts – How Much Could I Claim? – Personal Injury Claims Amounts

By John Bowes. Last Updated 3rd March 2021. Unfortunately, some accidents could cause permanent injuries. If you’ve been injured in the workplace, in a car accident or due to medical negligence, and you’ve sustained injuries that would not lead to a full recovery, you may be looking to make a permanent injury compensation claim if the accident was caused through a breach in the duty of care owed to you. We are looking at questions frequently asked about permanent injury compensation payouts. But how is permanent injury compensation calculated, and how could you make sure you receive all the compensation you are eligible to claim? This guide explains all you may need to know to make a permanent injury claim for injuries such as loss of bowel and kidney function, a permanent brain injury, or the loss of a limb, for example.

Permanent injury compensation payouts and amounts guide

Permanent injury compensation payouts and amounts guide

In the sections below, you can read about how such injuries could affect your life, and how to go about claiming compensation for them. We’ll also explain how the personal injury claims process works and explain how a personal injury solicitor could help maximise the compensation you could receive for your claim. If you’d like us to complete a free, no-obligation eligibility check on your case, or would like us to provide you with a personal injury solicitor to assist with your claim, then please don’t hesitate to contact our Legal Expert advisors on 0800 073 8804. We’d be happy to help you.

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A Guide To Permanent Injury Compensation Payouts And Amounts

Whether you’ve sustained permanent injuries in a road traffic accident, at work, in a public place or even through clinical negligence, if it was someone else’s fault, you could be eligible to claim compensation for your injuries. But if your injuries are permanent, how could compensation be calculated, and would it be enough to cover the costs of your ongoing injury care for the rest of your life? What happens if you cannot work again because of your injury, and what if you need daily care? Could the permanent injury compensation you receive go far enough to cover such costs? And how much compensation could you get?

This guide answers the question of ‘what is a permanent injury?’ and explains how permanent injury compensation payouts are calculated, and what you could be compensated for. We’ll explain the types of injury that could be permanent, how they could affect your life, and what future costs they could lead to. Then we will explain how you could be compensated for injuries such as a permanent brain injury, disfigurement and scarring, the loss of sight, hearing or other senses, and severe burns, to name a few examples.

What Is A Permanent Injury?

A permanent injury is an injury that will affect a person for the rest of their life. This could be a mental or physical injury and could involve conditions such as:

  • Quadriplegia
  • Paralysis
  • Severe burn injuries
  • Permanent organ damage
  • Significant loss of function of a body part
  • A traumatic brain injury
  • Loss of an arm or leg
  • The loss of a hand or finger
  • Loss of a foot or toe
  • The loss of a tooth or teeth
  • Loss of hearing
  • PTSD

Whether you have sustained a permanent injury at work, in a car accident, in a public place, or while receiving medical treatment, if it was due to negligence of those who had a duty of care to your health and well being, you could be eligible to claim permanent injury compensation. To do so, you’d have to prove:

  1. Someone had a duty of care towards you
  2. They breached this duty
  3. Their breach of the duty of care towards you caused you to sustain a permanent injury.

In the sections below, we describe some examples of permanent injuries and how they could affect your life. If you have sustained a different type of permanent injury than those mentioned below, we could give you further information about claiming permanent injury compensation over the phone and could assess your case for free. Our team can help assess permanent injury compensation payouts. 

Permanent Traumatic Brain Injuries

If you have sustained a traumatic brain injury, this could lead to you suffering from a range of symptoms for the rest of your life, such as loss of concentration, memory, seizures, personality changes, and vertigo, to name just a few examples. This could affect your ability to work and to enjoy the same quality of life you did before you sustained your injuries.

A traumatic brain injury (TBI), could happen as the result of almost any accident in which your head is subjected to a heavy blow or jolt.

Common causes of TBI could include:

  • Physical attacks
  • Falls
  • Vehicle collisions
  • Combat incidents, such as explosions
  • Sports injuries

You could also sustain a TBI if your skull is fractured or something penetrates the tissue in your brain. While some brain injuries could be considered mild, and would only affect your brain cells temporarily, others could cause bleeding, bruising, torn tissues and types of physical damage to the brain. In such cases, the effects could be more damaging and could cause permanent loss of cognitive function, as well as affecting other areas of the body. In some cases, a traumatic brain injury could lead to an injured party losing their life.

Claiming compensation for such an injury could involve claiming for ongoing care needs, future loss of earnings, and the pain and suffering caused by your injuries. A personal injury solicitor could help you fight for the maximum compensation possible for your case. If you’re considering claiming on behalf of someone who no longer has the mental or physical capacity to claim for themselves, a personal injury solicitor could help you claim permanent injury compensation for them as a litigation friend. We are experienced at securing permanent injury compensation payouts for people who have suffered TBI’s. 

A Permanent Back Or Spinal Injury

Whether you’ve fallen from a height, been in a serious car accident, or been injured at work, a permanent back injury could cause ongoing problems that last for the rest of your life. The back is a complex structure, and also protects the spine, so in some cases, a back injury could go hand in hand with a spinal injury. From lower back pain that causes you to be permanently affected in terms of the work you could undertake, to severe spinal injuries that lead to the loss of bowel function, or even paralysis, these could lead to future medical or care costs, a loss of income as well as pain and suffering that is ongoing.

Can You Claim Compensation For Trauma With A Permanent Spinal Injury Or Back Injury?

If the accident that caused your injury led to you fearing you were going to lose your life, then you could potentially claim compensation for the mental anguish caused by the accident. In addition to this, some people with severe, life-changing injuries such as back or spinal injuries could suffer from psychological trauma due to their injuries. Such trauma could be compensated for within a permanent injury compensation claim.

Permanent Paralysis Injuries

As we mentioned above, some spinal injuries could lead to permanent paralysis. If you are diagnosed with paralysis, this would mean that you would have lost the ability to move some, or all of your body. You could be paralysed in a wide variety of accidents, such as falls from heights, road traffic accidents and workplace accidents. Common causes of paralysis include brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. However, you could also be partially paralysed by a brachial plexus injury or by nerve damage.

If you have been paralysed in an accident that was not your fault, you may be eligible to claim compensation for the suffering and pain you’ve experienced, both mentally and physically. You may also be compensated for the costs of ongoing treatments, such as physiotherapy, mobility aids and more. A good lawyer could help you fight for the compensation that could make dealing with such an injury more bearable.

A Permanent Quadriplegic Injury

Unfortunately, some people who have been paralysed lose the use of both of their arms and legs. This is called quadriplegia and could result in a loss of sexual function, bowel function and more. The causes of quadriplegia could include:

  • A car accident
  • A fall
  • Violent assault
  • A botched medical procedure

Those who are diagnosed as being quadriplegic will be reliant on care for the rest of their lives, and this will come at a cost. For an injured party to have the best quality of life possible, they may have to pay for specialist medical treatments, aids and therapies. A compensation claim could not only compensate them for an inability to work because of their injuries but could also pay for the costs of ongoing care.

Permanent Injury Compensation Payouts For The Loss Of A Limb

The loss of a limb could be another example of a permanent injury. Whether you have suffered the loss of a toe, the loss of a finger, the loss of a leg or an arm, this could significantly impact your life. For example:

  • The loss of a toe could lead you to suffer difficulties with walking and balance
  • Losing a finger could cause your grip to be impaired
  • The loss of a leg could leave you with significant mobility issues
  • Losing an arm could lead you to be unable to perform a variety of day to day tasks

All of the injuries above could lead to effects on your ability to work and live as you did before the accident. They could also cause permanent pain. In some cases, phantom limb pain could have a significant effect on mental health as well as the physical health of the injured party.

Claiming permanent injury compensation for the loss of a limb would not resolve the injury you’ve suffered, but it could pay for the therapies, treatments, and aids that could help you to move forward after such an injury.

Severe And Permanent Burn Injuries

A burn injury could be complex to treat and could depend on the substance you were burned by, the thickness of the burns and the surface area affected. All these factors could affect your ability to recover from them. In some cases, severe burn injuries could lead to permanent damage to the skin and unsightly scarring that may not be reversible. It could also, in some cases, lead to permanent damage to the lungs.

Claiming compensation for both the pain and suffering caused by your injuries, as well as any psychological effects of such injuries could be something we could help with. Whether you’ve sustained chemical burns, electrical burns, or sustained burns in a fire accident that was not your fault, our solicitors may be able to get you compensated for your suffering.

Permanent Loss Of Sight

Loss of sight is something that could affect many aspects of a person’s life. Even if someone has lost sight in one eye, this may mean they have problems with balance and performing tasks once done with ease. If you have lost sight in both eyes, this could cause you to require a carer, a guide dog and you may need to make changes to your home in order to continue living independently. It could also have a significant effect on your ability to work and your mental health. Claiming compensation for such a permanent injury, whether it is caused by an accident at work, a road traffic accident, or through clinical negligence, could help you pay for the aids you need, as well as compensating you for the suffering you’ve borne from such an injury.

Permanent Loss Of Hearing

Whether you’ve suffered industrial deafness, or you’ve lost your hearing because of a road accident, workplace accident or an accident in a public place, claiming permanent injury compensation would not restore your hearing. However, it could help you come to terms with your diagnosis and help you move forward with your injuries. It could also help to cover the costs of counselling you may need to come to terms with such an injury.

Loss Of A Tooth Or Several Teeth

A loss of a tooth may not seem like a significant injury when compared to those that mean you’ll never walk again, but they could affect you permanently and significantly. Whether you’ve lost a tooth, or several teeth in a violent attack, due to dental negligence, or due to a work accident or road accident, this could lead to significant pain, as well as the loss of confidence in the way you look.

Not only could permanent injury compensation cover the costs of dental care, such as implants or false teeth, but it could also compensate you for the pain you’ve experienced, and the psychological damage you’ve suffered too.

Permanent Loss Of Bowel Function

Whether you’ve suffered severe toxicosis from food poisoning leading to a permanent functional impairment of the bowel, or you’ve suffered an injury to the bowel via a car accident, workplace accident or clinical negligence, this could be an injury that is difficult to come to terms with. Not only could it impact what and how you eat, but it could lead to effects on your general health, both physically and mentally.

The Permanent Loss Of Sexual Function

There are a variety of ways in which a person could lose their sexual function permanently. Whether you’ve sustained injuries due to a vasectomy gone wrong, you’ve suffered a brain injury or suffered a permanent nerve injury from childbirth negligence, this could have a significant impact on you.

There are reasons other than medical negligence that could lead to you suffering a permanent loss of sexual function, however. These could include:

  • Violent attacks
  • Car accidents
  • Workplace accidents

What Is The Average Payout For Personal Injury Causing Loss Of Sexual Function?

A permanent injury compensation payout for loss of sexual function could take into account your age and whether you had/wanted to have children. It could also take into account the psychological effects of your injury.

Permanent Organ Damage

Damage to the internal organs could be serious. In some cases, if you’ve had to have an organ such as a kidney removed, this could lead to permanent effects on your health. Even in cases where the organ is left intact, if its function is affected, you may need treatment for the rest of your life, and your life expectancy may be reduced as a result.

Claiming compensation for permanent organ damage would require you to provide evidence of how the permanent damage could affect the rest of your life. A medical assessment would need to be conducted with an independent medical expert, who could then provide a medical report detailing the long-term effects of your injuries, whether you would be able to return to work with them, what care or medical treatment you’d need going forward, and what effect such an injury could have on your life expectancy. Our experienced solicitors could use this evidence to fight for the maximum compensation possible for your specific injuries.

Disfigurement And Scarring

Whether you’ve been disfigured due to lacerations received in a car accident, physical attack, workplace accident or by way of medical negligence or burn injury, this may affect you emotionally as well as physically. It could also lead to you suffering nerve damage, sensitivity loss and pain.

If you have been affected physically or psychologically by your injuries, permanent injury compensation could pay for the costs of counselling to help you accept and move forward with your injuries, as well as corrective surgery that may not completely eradicate the disfigurement, but could lead to it being easier for you to live with.

Calculating Permanent Injury Compensation Amounts

Calculating permanent injury compensation amounts relies heavily on medical evidence. You may need to undergo specialist medical assessments so that your condition could be verified, and details of your prognosis could be recorded in a medical report that could be used to calculate how much compensation you could be eligible for.

How Much Money Do You Get From Pain And Suffering?

Below, we have created a permanent injury table. We have included this instead of a personal injury calculator to give you some insight into how much compensation could be applicable to your claim. The figures below come from the Judicial College Guidelines, which is a publication that could be used by solicitors to determine appropriate permanent injury compensation payouts. If your injury doesn’t appear below, please call us for further clarification.

Injury Notes Compensation Guideline Amount
Quadriplegia Also known as Tetraplegia £304,630 to £379,100
Paraplegia Assessed based on pain, degree of independence, life-expectancy, age, impact on sexual function, and depression £205,580 to £266,740
Brain Damage Very Severe £264,650 to £379,100
Brain Damage Moderately Severe £205,580 to £264,650
Total Blindness In the region of £252,180
Total Blindness and Deafness In the region of £379,100
Total Deafness £85,170 to £102,890
Damage or loss of both kidneys £158,970 to £197,480
Loss of spleen With risk of an internal infection £19,510 to £24,680
Loss of one arm Amputated at the shoulder Not less than £128,710
Loss of thumb £33,330 to £51,460
Loss of leg Amputation above the knee (one leg) £98,380 to £129,010

Special Damages For Permanent Injuries

The special damages for the permanent injuries you could claim would depend on the immediate and future expenses caused by your injuries. They could include;

  • Costs of care
  • Loss of income
  • Medical costs
  • Travel costs

No Win No Fee Permanent Injury Compensation Payouts

Making a claim with the help of a Legal Expert personal injury solicitor could be done under No Win No Fee payment terms. These types of claim require no fees to be paid upfront or throughout the claim. Instead, you’d be asked to sign a Conditional Fee Agreement. This document would set out how much, in terms of a ‘success fee’ you’d agreed to pay your solicitor from your compensation payout. The success fee is legally capped and is usually a small percentage of your compensation payout. It is only payable if your solicitor gets you compensation. If they don’t, the success fee, would not fall to you to pay.

If you’d like to learn more about how No Win No Fee agreements work, or you’d like us to provide you with a lawyer solicitor under these terms, please call our team and we’ll be glad to help.

Talk To Our Team

We hope this guide helped you learn more about permanent injury compensation payouts. We’re here to help you. You can reach us at any time, by:

Essential References

Permanent Injury Allowance NHS – You may be eligible for this benefit if you’ve sustained a permanent injury working for the NHS.

Personal Independence Payment – You could apply for PIP as well as making a personal injury claim if you’ve been left disabled.

What’s The Personal Injury Claims Time Limit? – This guide explains how long you may have to make your claim.

No Win No Fee – This guide explains how to make a No Win No Fee claim and the benefits of doing so.

Accident At Work? – Claims against employers for accidents at work are covered in this guide.

Car Accident Claims – Our updated guide contains new information on making a car accident claim.

Chemical Burn Injury Claims – Our updated guide on how to claim compensation for chemical burn injuries.

FAQs About Permanent Injury Compensation Payouts

Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

If you have become sick or have been disabled by a disease or accident you could be eligible to claim Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit. Those injured at work or when on an employment training scheme could be eligible. How much you could be awarded may depend upon your individual circumstances.

When are you eligible?

You could be eligible to receive Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefits in the following circumstances. These could include;

  • You were an employee when injured.
  • Those on approved training courses and employment training schemes.
  • You were injured in an accident at work in Great Britain (excluding NI).

Claims for industrial diseases

You could claim compensation if you suffered one of over 70 diseases caused by your workplace. You can find an extensive list of these here. Common diseases could include;

  • COPD
  • Asthma
  • Loss of hearing.

You could also claim damages for disease caused by or relating to asbestos. These may include mesothelioma and primary carcinoma of the lungs.

What benefits could be claimed?

How much your disability affects you will affect the benefits you were paid. A medical advisor will assess your disability. This will be graded on a scale from 1% to 100%. To get benefits you will generally have to be assessed as 14% disabled or more.

These figures are provided as example amounts.

Level of disability – Assessed out of 100% Amount paid weekly
100% £182
90% £163.80
80% £145.60
70% £127.40
60% £109.20
50% £91.00
40% £72.80
30% £54.60
20% £36.40

Guide By Jefferies

Edited BY Melissa.

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    • Patrick Mallon

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.