Glasgow Prestwick Airport Accident Compensation & Injury Claim Specialists

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Glasgow Prestwick Airport Accident Claims Guide

Have you had an accident at Glasgow Prestwick Airport? If so this guide will explain how and when you could be eligible to claim damages via a no win no fee compensation claim.

Airports can be a very busy place, both for passengers in the public areas and airport staff working in restricted areas. It can be very easy for people to suffer accidents such as falls, trips, or slips and be injured.

Glasgow Prestwick airport

Glasgow Prestwick airport

If you think that the airport, a member of its staff, or a business at the airport was responsible for your accident or injury, you could claim compensation from the party responsible.

In this guide, we will look in more detail at Glasgow Prestwick Airport compensation claims, provide examples of what and how you can claim, and how our team can help you to do so.

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A Guide To Claims For Accidents At Glasgow Prestwick Airport

In this guide we will look at accidents at Glasgow Prestwick Airport in more detail. Our guide will include what these accidents actually are and what can cause them. We will look at some of the common forms of airport accident in some detail, before moving on to look at how you can claim compensation, what you can claim for, how much your personal injury claim may be worth, and how our team could help you.

What Is A Glasgow Prestwick Airport Accident?

The first thing to note when answering this question is to say that an accident in Glasgow Prestwick Airport does not have to be dramatic or involve a jet sliding off Glasgow Prestwick airport runway. Neither does it need to involve a fatal accident or injury. Put simply, it is an accident, injury, or illness such as food poisoning or exposure to foods you are allergic to which took place at the airport and for which the airport (or a business operating at the airport) is responsible for. In this guide, we will look in detail at some of the most common circumstances in which people could be hurt at an airport, but this will not be an exhaustive list. If the cause of your accident or injury is not listed, don’t worry. Just contact our expert team and see if we can help.

Airline Accident Statistics

Whilst there have been several notable incidents involving aircraft and Glasgow Prestwick Airport, few of these have happened in recent decades. The only ‘incident’ which has happened in the last few years has been a flight on an emergency which had to been diverted to the airport. There have not been cases of aircraft having accidents at the airport itself. On the whole, the UK’s airspace and UK airports are very safe places with excellent safety records.

The Most Common Accidents That Can Happen At The Airport

In this guide, we will not look at every type of accident which could happen in an airport as they are too numerous for a single article to explore. However, those we will look at are some of the most common types of airport accident or injury claim which we help people to make.

Common types of accidents at the airport may include;

  • Slips and falls.
  • Manual handling or other workplace accidents and injuries.
  • Airport vehicle accidents.
  • Food poisoning and/ or food allergy exposure.
  • Baggage accidents.

To find out more about other forms of accident you can claim damages for, please contact our expert team today.

Airport Trip/ Fall And Slip Accidents

Wherever you are one of the most common forms of accident and ways in which people can be injured is slipping over. Airport slip/ trip and fall accidents can be caused in a variety of different ways. In areas of high footfall, such as entranceways, by the gate or in airport lounges, people can trip over because of debris, slip in spills which have not been cleaned up or fall over because of damage to the floor. If any of these circumstances have happened to you and you suffered an airport personal injury, we could help you claim damages.

Airport Vehicle And Airport Shuttle Accidents

Airports are often spread over a large area and there may be multiple buildings which staff or members of the public need to get between. Airports often employ a range of transport vehicles for transporting passengers, as well as ground support vehicles to operate the airport itself and to service aircraft.

If these vehicles are not properly maintained, or if the driver does not have the correct training in how to operate such vehicles, people can suffer an accident in Glasgow Prestwick Airport. Some of the most common vehicles at an airport include an airport shuttle, baggage transport trucks, catering trucks, tugs to move aircraft to and from a terminal gate and emergency vehicles. If the improper usage of any of these vehicles, or their state of repair causes or contributes to a Glasgow Prestwick Airport accident contact our team to make your claim in the three-year personal injury claims time limit.

Baggage Carousel Accidents And Injuries

You can claim compensation for a Glasgow Prestwick Airport accident which happened because of an issue with or a faulty baggage carousel or baggage belt. Injuries can happen if part of your clothing becomes stuck or trapped in the carousel if luggage falls off the belt and injuries you, or in other ways.

However, you will not be able to claim damages if you yourself were the cause of the accident and injuries. If you behaved in a reckless way, such as climbing onto the belt and were injured, you would not be able to seek compensation.

Suitcase And Luggage Accidents

There are a variety of different ways in which both members of staff and the public can be injured due to luggage and suitcases. Having a suitcase with wheels and an extendable handle may be convenient to use, but they can also be easily pulled over and lead to people being injured. If members of staff leave suitcases laying around they can be a hazard to either other members of staff and to the public, leading to airport slip/trip and fall accidents. If you have sustained an accident due to luggage or because of a member of airport staff creating a hazard, you could claim compensation for the resulting injuries.

Lift, Escalator And Travelator Accidents

Have you experienced a stair, escalator, lift, or travelator airport injury? If so, you might be able to claim compensation from the airport in which it happened. These types of accidents can often be caused by a lack of maintenance or poor lighting. They can be suffered both by staff at an airport or by members of the public. If you fell at the airport whilst travelling between floors via stairs, a lift or an escalator, you could be able to claim compensation for your injuries. Talk to us today to find out more.

Shops, Eateries And Hotels At Glasgow Prestwick Airport

As well as in the airport itself, you can also suffer a variety of airport injuries whilst in the shops, hotels, or restaurants which are attached to the airport. If you fell at the airport and were injured in a shop or other business, either the airport as a whole or the individual business may be at fault and maybe the party you make a claim against. Businesses at Glasgow Prestwick Airport include;

  • Airport Information Centre,
  • McIntyres – Food and Drink landside,
  • Elvis Presley Bar,
  • The Food Village,
  • WH Smith,
  • Nuance Tax & Duty-Free,
  • Change Group,
  • Avis Car Hire,
  • Ritazza.

Remember, if you had an accident at Glasgow Prestwick Airport in any of these businesses and wonder “can you sue an airport for damages”, get in touch with our team.

Glasgow Prestwick Airport Workplace Accident Claims

Every employer in the UK has a duty of care to ensure that their staff are kept safe. This means that employers, such as an airport or the business contained therein, must have adequate health and safety measures in place. They must also provide employees with appropriate training and any safety equipment or specialist materials which are necessary for an employee to carry out their job in a safe way.

Examples of how an employer can be at fault may include;

  • Failing to provide you with up to date health and safety training.
  • The failure to provide you with information and guidance on manual handling.
  • Not giving you sufficient breaks.
  • The failure to maintain or repair equipment.
  • Failing to provide initial and any necessary ongoing training.

Not meeting general health and safety requirements for the air transport industry as set out by the Health and Safety Executive can lead to injury and you being able to sue an airport or another employer. You can find out more in this guide to air transport industry health and safety by the HSE.

Personal Injury Claims For Baggage Handler Accidents

Baggage handlers can find that they are under a lot of pressure to either unload or load an aircraft’s luggage areas in as short a time as possible. This could lead to people having to, or even being asked to, cut corners in terms of safety and being hurt as a result. Those working in baggage handling might also find that they suffer manual handling injuries because they have not been given the right or up to date safety training or protective equipment. This could lead to people suffering injuries trying to lift heavy items causing strains, sprains, or more serious injuries.

Baggage handlers also work in potentially dangerous environments on the ‘airside’ of an airport and there are various other ways in which members of staff can be injured, such as in vehicle accidents. If you have been hurt in such an injury please get in touch with our team.

Airport Food Poisoning Or Food Allergy Exposure Claims

Whilst we may not expect to have a gourmet meal on a flight or at the airport, we should expect that we do not suffer food poisoning while travelling because the food served or bought at an airport was either contaminated or contained unlabelled allergens. There are many different ways in which you can suffer food poisoning because of food and drinks either bought and consumed at the airport, or that you eat later on a flight.

If you have become ill after eating food bought at an airport or if you need to make an airline food poisoning compensation claim, you can contact our team. You can also find out more about this type of illness and how you can claim compensation in this guide.

How To Start Your Glasgow Prestwick Airport Accident Claim

Making a claim for an accident, such as a slip and fall at an airport, does not have to be stressful or difficult. The easiest and best way to start your case is to get in contact with a specialist personal injury solicitor. They will be able to help you by investigating your claim, organising a medical examination of your injury or illness, and compiling evidence against the person or body who is responsible if you were injured at the airport. They can also contact the defendant and notify them that you intend to make a claim, your grounds for doing so, and any other relevant information. To start your airport accident claim, please get in touch with our team today.

What Can I My Airport Accident Claim Include?

Now that you have looked at the different ways in which you could be injured at an airport, you might be wondering both what you can include in a Glasgow Prestwick Airport personal injury claim, and ultimately how much you may be eligible to claim. We will look at examples of how much people can claim in the next section.

If you have suffered an airport injury, such as having suffered a slip and fall at an airport, there are several things which you can claim compensation for. These include any income or earnings which you would have otherwise earned. You will need to provide proof of this lost income. You can also claim for damages to your personal property, the costs of additional travel, help with medical costs, and even compensation for the loss of enjoyment on your trip. If you could not take your holiday or trip, you could also claim these costs back as well.

The best way to find out exactly what you could claim is to get in touch with a personal injury lawyer or a solicitor who can review your losses in detail.

Glasgow Prestwick Airport Accident Personal Injury Claim Calculator

If you are making any form of personal injury claim, such as a Glasgow Prestwick Airport personal injury claim, one of your first questions may well be asking how much you would be able to claim. If you search online you will see that there are lots of personal injury claims calculators available. We usually recommend that you do not look too much at these. Because each and every injury is slightly different, your compensation for an injury at the airport will be correspondingly different. Therefore, you will always need to see a solicitor and medical expert to have your individual circumstances assessed.

In this personal injury claims calculator below we have included some examples of common injuries which people can suffer, and how much these injuries might be awarded. Again, we do remind you that these figures are here just to illustrate how much you could claim.

Injury Notes Settlement
Neck injury – severe Serious injury such as those affecting the soft tissues, dislocated joints, or a fracture. £36,240 to 44,630
Neck injury – moderate Moderate levels of injury to the bones or the soft tissues. May require a fusion in the neck bones. £19,920 to £30,690
Neck injury – minor Minor injuries from which you will recover from in one year or less. £1,950 to £3,470
Back injury – severe (iii) Injuries to the spinal discs. May include a lesion or a fracture. Such injury can lead to chronic injury. £30,910 to £55,590
Back injury – moderate (i) This includes a diverse range of different injury symptoms. They may affect the bones or the soft tissues. £22,130 to £30,910
Back injury – minor Might include a strain or a strain. £6,290 to £9,970
Food poisoning/ illness Leading to short but serious illness symptoms. These may last between two and four weeks. £7,600 to £15,300
Food poisoning/ illness A significant but short term illness. You might have to go to hospital. £3,150 to £7,600
Foot injury – serious Serious levels of injury. £19,920 to £31,250

No Win No Fee Glasgow Prestwick Airport Personal Injury Claims

After establishing both who is responsible if you were injured at the airport and finding a solicitor to handle your case, you might then wonder what payment structures are available to you to make use of. People often wonder how they would be able to pay what they think will be high legal costs. Our team can offer you something a little different. We can handle your case through a no win no fee agreement. This means that your personal injury solicitor will not ask for any payment unless and until you win your case. If you are not successful in pursuing compensation and are not awarded compensation, you will not be sent a bill. This means that as a claimant seeking damages, you are not taking any risks at all.

If you do win your case, your legal fees will typically be settled through your settlement. There is a maximum level or percentage which can be taken by the solicitor and this is capped at 25% of the settlement. The amount taken in a no win no fee claim will vary, but solicitors will always fight to secure you the highest possible amount of compensation for your injury.

Why Make Your Claim With Our Experts

We appreciate that when it comes to making a personal injury claim, you have a lot of choices about which personal injury solicitor, legal firm, or lawyer you choose to work with. So, why choose Legal Expert to help you claim compensation for an accident at Glasgow Prestwick Airport?

Our team is experienced in helping people, whether they are members of the public, passengers, or staff at an airport who have suffered an accident, injury, or illness such as food poisoning. We have the experience and expertise you need to get compensation, whilst at the same time offering you services through a no win no fee agreement.

Getting In Contact With Us

When you are ready to start your claim the expert airport accident solicitors at Legal Expert are ready to start your claim. There are several ways you can get in touch with our team, including by phone, email, and via a contact form.

Call us on 0800 073 8804
Email us at
Send a message via our contact form here.

Additional Links

If you have been involved in an accident at Glasgow Prestwick Airport there are other guides across our site where you can find out more about making a personal injury claim. We have also included pointers to trusted external resources.

Aviation Safety
A look at aviation safety in the UK through this page with the Civil Aviation Authority, including information on wider air safety in the UK’s airspace.

Claims For Airport Accidents
In our airport accident claims guide we look at how you can claim damages for an accident at airports across the country.

Claims For Accidents On A Flight
Have you had an accident on a flight to or from an international airport in the UK? If so, you could claim compensation. Find out how to do so in this guide.

Was Your Flight Delayed?
If so, you could be eligible to make a no win no fee personal injury claim. Find out the best way to do so in this comprehensive guide.

TUI Flight Accident Claims
If you were harmed in any way on a TUI package holiday flight, find out how to claim compensation for the injuries suffered in this explanatory guide.

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    Meet The Team

    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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