Bennetts Motorbike Insurance Personal Injury Compensation Information & Claims Solicitors

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Bennetts Motorbike Insurance Compensation Claims Guide

By Stephen Hudson. Last Updated 5th July 2022. Have you suffered an injury in an accident caused by someone on a motorbike? If so, and the person at fault was insured by an insurer provided by Bennetts motorbike insurance, you may be wondering how you could go about making a claim for compensation. 

Do you need to make a claim through Bennetts bike insurance? In the following sections, we’ll explain in detail how to find out if you’re eligible to make a personal injury claim after an accident and how the process behind such claims work.

We will also answer frequently asked questions regarding these claims, such as what you can do if an insurance company disagrees with your claim, whether you should accept an insurance settlement if you’re offered one, and what types of evidence you could collect to help build your claim.

If you require further guidance or would like to begin a claim today, you can get in touch with the Legal Expert team on 0800 073 8804.

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A Guide To Bennetts Motorcycle Insurance Claims

Bennetts motorbike insurance accident claims guide

Have you been injured in a motorcycle accident that was not your fault? If so, you could be eligible to claim against the insurer of the person who was at fault for the accident. Whether you have suffered minor injuries such as whiplash, or more serious injuries that include broken bones or head injuries, for example, compensation could help with medical costs, loss of earnings and could go some way towards making up for the suffering and pain you’ve experienced.

This guide looks explicitly at claims against insurers provided by Bennetts motorbike insurance and explains more about the insurer itself, and the claims process you may have to go through when undertaking a claim against them. We also include information relating to compensation amounts, how they are calculated and how much compensation could be appropriate for specific injuries that could relate to Bennetts bike insurance claims.

What Are Bennetts Motorcycle Insurance Claims?

Bennetts motorbike insurance claims are claims made against insurance providers that have been provided to motorcyclists by Bennetts, who acts as a broker.

Bennetts offers insurance from a variety of different underwriters and the certificate of insurance should show the insurer or Lloyd’s syndicate that has underwritten the policy. This is who your motorcycle injury claim would be made against, not Bennetts themselves.

An accident involving a motorcyclist insured through Bennetts motorbike insurance (as a broker) could involve:

  • A passenger on a motorcycle
  • Another road user
  • A pedestrian

To make a claim for injuries sustained due to a motorcycle accident, you would have to prove that the other party was at fault for the accident and that your injuries were caused by the accident. A personal injury solicitor could help you to do so.

When Could You Make A Claim On Your Motorbike Insurance?

If you have been in a motorcycle accident, there are several things you may be able to claim for from your own insurance company. These could include:

  • Damage to motor vehicles – this could include a scooter, moped or motorbike.
  • Your injuries – One of the most common types of injury in road traffic accidents is whiplash. This is often considered a relatively mild injury, although in some cases, it could be very painful. It could even lead to long-term symptoms. No matter whether your injuries were minor or severe, if someone else was at fault for the accident, you could claim for your injuries. In some cases, your injuries may be covered by your own insurance policy. This could be the case if you have fully comprehensive cover and the other road user is not insured. If you only have third-party insurance, your claim could be made through the Motor Insurer’s Bureau for your injuries if the other road user isn’t insured or is not traceable.
  • Someone else’s injuries – If you were carrying a passenger at the time of an accident they could claim for their injuries through your insurance company if you were at fault for the accident.

Do Bennetts Act As Insurance Brokers?

While you may assume that Bennetts insures drivers, they actually serve as a bike insurance broker. Your claim would, therefore, be against the insurer, and not Bennetts motorbike insurance itself.

What Do You Do If The Insurance Company Disagrees With Your Claim?

If you have submitted a claim against the insurer provided by Bennetts motorbike insurance and they have denied your claim, this may lead to your case having to be heard in court. While most motorbike injury claims are settled between the lawyers of claimants and the motorcycle insurance company involved, sometimes with a lot of negotiation, if an agreement cannot be reached in what is known as the pre-litigation period, it may lead to your personal injury lawyer issuing court proceedings.

Do I Have To Accept An Insurance Settlement?

If you are claiming against an insurer provided by Bennetts motorbike insurance for motorbike accident injuries caused by one of their clients, you may assume that receiving an offer means that you would not be able to challenge the amount. However, an offer is just that; an offer. If you disagree with the amount the insurer has offered you, your personal injury lawyer could challenge this amount, and provide evidence as to why they believe the offer is too low.

Could I Get A Higher Settlement With A Solicitor?

While some insurance companies may attempt to settle a compensation claim directly with you and could advise you that it may be easier to go ahead without a lawyer so that your claim does not become too complicated, we would not recommend you accept an offer of compensation or make a claim without getting legal advice first.

While some people may assume you would only benefit from a personal injury solicitor if the Bennetts motorbike insurance claim went to court, it could be that even without court, a lawyer could help you fight for the maximum compensation possible for your case. The Law Society recommends that claimants use the services of a personal injury solicitor when making a claim for compensation. They believe that a solicitor would have the capability to expertly present your case to the liable party and they could also ensure you have the appropriate medical evidence to prove your claim.

In our experience, not only could a lawyer help to explain legal terms to you without using jargon, but they could also have a good idea of how much compensation you could achieve for your case, so if you are made an offer by the insurer that is too low, they could advise you of this and could push for more compensation on your behalf.

What Documents Or Evidence Could Help My Solicitor?

While some insurance companies may attempt to settle a compensation claim directly with you and could advise you that it may be easier to go ahead without a lawyer so that your claim does not become too complicated, we would not recommend you accept an offer of compensation or make a claim without getting legal advice first.

While some people may assume you would only benefit from a personal injury solicitor if the Bennetts motorbike insurance claim went to court, it could be that even without court, a lawyer could help you fight for the maximum compensation possible for your case. The Law Society recommends that claimants use the services of a personal injury solicitor when making a claim for compensation. They believe that a solicitor would have the capability to expertly present your case to the liable party and they could also ensure you have the appropriate medical evidence to prove your claim.

In our experience, not only could a lawyer help to explain legal terms to you without using jargon, but they could also have a good idea of how much compensation you could achieve for your case, so if you are made an offer by the insurer that is too low, they could advise you of this and could push for more compensation on your behalf.

What Documents Or Evidence Could Help My Solicitor?

Collecting evidence to help prove your claim could be something your solicitor could assist with, but some forms of evidence can be collected by you after the accident that could help your case. Such evidence could include:

  • A written statement of the incident – If you can write down the facts of the accident such as the positioning of the vehicles involved, the road conditions and any road markings, for example, this could be useful. It may also help if you could write down how the accident has affected you in terms of your physical and any mental injuries you’ve suffered due to the incident.
  • Photographs of the scene – It could be a good idea to take photographs of the scene of the accident if you are able.
  • Witness details – The details of anyone who witnessed the motorbike accident could also be useful. Witnesses could then be contacted to give evidence in support of your claim.
  • Road users’ details – Not only would it be useful to take details of the other road users involved in the accident, but it could also be a good idea to take down the details of their vehicles, namely registration plates.

Your medical notes – It could be a wise idea to ask for a copy of your medical notes relating to the injuries sustained in the accident. You can find out how to do so here. Your notes could provide some evidence of your medical condition, but we should also mention that you would have to see an independent medical expert as part of your motorcycle crash insurance claim. This is so your condition and prognosis could be verified by an independent party.

Could I Also Claim Compensation For My Injuries?

If you were injured in an accident that was caused by someone insured by an insurer that Bennetts motorbike insurance provided, and you could prove that the other party was at fault for the accident, you could be eligible for compensation for your injuries. You would need to claim within the personal injury claims time limit applicable to your cases. In most personal injury claims, the time limit would be three years from the accident date, though there could be some exceptions to this, particularly if you are claiming on behalf of a child, or you lacked the mental/physical capacity to claim within the three year period.

Bennetts motorcycle insurance claims could result in compensation for the suffering, pain and loss of amenity caused by your injuries, as well as the financial harm your injuries have caused you.

If you have tragically lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident caused by someone insured through Bennetts, you could make a bike insurance death claim which could provide a bereavement award, compensation for funeral costs and could include compensation for family members for the loss of someone who they depended on financially.

What If I Was Partially At Fault?

If you were partly at fault for the motorcycle accident you suffered an injury in, you may still be able to claim compensation. However, the amount of compensation you could receive for your claim might be reduced to reflect your own involvement.

How Much Could I Claim Through Bennetts Motorcycle Insurance?

One of the common questions that surround personal injury claims is ‘How much compensation could I receive?’ Unfortunately, you would not be able to get an accurate answer to this question from a personal injury claims calculator. Each claim is assessed on its own merits and its own unique set of facts, and no two cases are the same. This makes it difficult to provide a compensation value in advance of a claim going ahead.

We know this may be frustrating to some people, which is why we’ve put together a table to show the guideline payout amounts for certain injuries that we believe could relate to claims of this type. If you cannot see the injuries you’ve received below, then please do call our team and we’d be happy to give you further insight over the phone. The figures you see below have been taken from the Judicial College Guidelines, a legal publication used by solicitors and the courts to determine how much your motorcycle accident claim could be worth.

Injury type Notes Guideline Compensation Bracket
Very severe ankle injuries Unusual injuries such as transmalleolar fractures with extensive damage to the soft tissues that lead to deformity. Future injury to the leg could lead to an amputation below the knee. Another example could be bilateral fractures to the ankle that caused degeneration in the joints, leading to a necessity of arthrodesis. £46,980 to £65,420
Severe ankle injuries Injuries in this bracket could lead to the need for a long period of treatment. Injured parties may need to spend a long period in plaster. Pins and plates may have been used and there could be a significant disability despite this. £29,380 to £46,980
Modest ankle injuries Simple metatarsal fractures, ruptured ligaments, puncture wounds and the like. Up to £12,900
Pelvis/hip injuries – Severe Fractures (extensive) to the pelvis that involve complications such as lower back dislocation, hip injury, or ruptured bladder, for example. Substantial residual disability could ensue. There could be issues with sexual function, bowel or bladder control or hip deformities. £73,580 to £122,860
Pelvis/hip injuries – Severe Slightly less severe than above but where there are features that distinguish them from the lower brackets. One example could include a fracture/dislocation of the pubic and ischial rami that leads to impotence. £58,100 to £73,580
Pelvis/hip injuries – Moderate These would include cases where there was a significant level of injury but where the permanent disability was not major. The risk for the future would not be great. £24,950 to £36,770
Severe neck injuries These could involve serious fracture or disc damage leading to disability of considerable severity. Permanent injury to the brachial plexus could be one example. £61,710 to £122,860
Moderate neck injuries Severe wrenching injuries or soft tissue injuries that lead to serious movement limitation, cervical spondylosis, recurring pain and the need for surgery, for example. £12,900 to £23,460
Minor neck injuries Soft tissue minor injuries that lead to a full recovery within 3 months Up to £2,300
Brain damage – less severe Where the injured party has recovered well and could have a normal social life and working life. Some minor persisting problems with concentration or memory could remain. £14,380 to £40,410

Special Damages Victims Of Motorbike Accidents Could Claim

As well as claiming compensation for the injuries you’ve suffered, you may also be able to get compensation for financial expenses that have been incurred as a direct result of your injuries. Costs you may be able to claim for could include:

  • Care costs – If you have needed someone to care for you due to your injuries, this may have come at a cost. Care costs could be included within your Bennetts motorbike insurance claim against the insurer that has underwritten the policy.
  • Loss of income – If the injuries you suffered in a motorcycle accident led to you having to take time off work, you may not have received your usual pay. Loss of earnings could be added to your claim, and if your injuries were so serious that you were unable to return to work, you could include future loss of earnings within motorcycle insurance claims against Bennetts motorbike insurance insurers.
  • Medical expenses – If your motorcycle injuries have led you to need physiotherapy, counselling or prescription medicines, for example, these may have come at a cost. Medical expenses could be claimed for as special damages.
  • Travel expenses – If you have paid for transport to your lawyer’s offices or to medical appointments, you could claim for the costs associated with these types of journeys.

To claim compensation for financial expenses caused by a motorcycle injury, you would have to be able to prove you incurred them. It could, therefore, be a good idea to keep safe payslips, bills, bank statements and receipts for these expenses so your lawyer could include them within your claim.

No Win No Fee Motorbike Accident Claims

If you are concerned that claiming compensation with the help of a lawyer would involve paying large sums of money upfront, you might be surprised and relieved to learn that with No Win No Fee claims, you would not be expected to pay anything at all until your claim was successfully settled. A No Win No Fee personal injury claim is conducted under a Conditional Fee Agreement, which is a document that agrees to pay your lawyer a small, legally capped success fee once they have successfully negotiated a payout for you. If your personal injury lawyer is unable to get compensation for you, you would not be expected to pay for the costs they’ve incurred while pursuing your claim and you would not be asked to pay the success fee either.

This method of claiming could offer the financial confidence for you to pursue your claim and allow a personal injury solicitor to fight on your behalf for the maximum compensation possible for your case. If you’d like to learn more about making No Win No Fee claims, or if you’d like us to connect you with a lawyer who could take your case forward on this basis, we’d be happy to help.

Contact Us About Your Motorbike Accident Claim

Are you looking to begin a Bennetts motorbike insurance compensation claim right away against an insurer provided by Bennetts? If so, we can offer you all the legal support you need, advising you on your case and supplying you with a specialist personal injury solicitor to help you There are lots of ways you can reach us.

We look forward to helping you in any way that we can.

Helpful Resources

You can also learn more about motorcycle accident claims below:

We hope that reading this claims guide has been useful for you. If you still have any questions about this subject, or you’re seeking advice on other types of claims, then you can contact our advisors here at Legal Expert. You are welcome to reach us online or on the phone using the contact details that are featured within this guide.

Written by Jeffries

Edited by Billing

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