Rochdale Walk-In Centre Medical Negligence Compensation Claims Experts

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Rochdale Walk-In Centre Medical Negligence – No Win No Fee Claims

How To Claim For Medical Negligence At A Rochdale Walk-in Centre

If you’ve been injured as a result of something going wrong at a walk-in centre in Rochdale, you may be wondering whether you could make a Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence claim. This guide has been produced to answer this question and many more about making clinical negligence claims.

Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence claims guide

Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence claims guide

No matter whether you are treated or given advice at a walk-in centre by a nurse, doctor or another healthcare worker, you should expect to be given safe, effective care.

If this does not happen, and a medical professional breaches their duty of care towards you, you could suffer harm in a number of ways.

An illness or injury could get worse, become harder to treat or you could suffer for longer than you should. This guide gives an explanation as to what kinds of situations could arise from Rochdale walk-in centre clinical negligence, and how to go about starting a claim for compensation.

We also offer some insight into how we could provide free legal advice and support, along with providing you with a solicitor if you decided to go ahead with a claim.

We hope you find the information contained in this guide useful. If you have any questions about launching a claim, or would like to get started right away, please call our team on 0800 073 8804. We’d be delighted to help you.

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A Guide On Claiming For Rochdale Walk-In Centre Medical Negligence

If you’ve arrived on this page from a web search for ‘Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence’, you or a loved one may be been unhappy with the treatment or advice given and believe it may constitute medical negligence. This guide has been created to help you assess whether you could have a claim for compensation and shows you how to get started with such a claim.

Care provided by professionals working at a Rochdale walk-in centre should be safe and effective. If it is not, and you suffer a misdiagnosis, negligent advice or treatment, leading to a medical condition getting worse, or becoming harder to treat, this could lead to you being able to make a claim for clinical negligence.

In the sections below, we offer some examples of what could constitute negligent care and the unwelcome consequences of such negligence. We also explain how compensation for such cases could be calculated, and what evidence may be needed to support your claim.

What Is Medical Negligence At A Rochdale Walk-In Centre?

Before explaining what Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence is, we should first explain what a Rochdale walk-in clinic is. Essentially, this is a centre that you could walk into to obtain medical advice or treatment without an appointment. Services at a walk-in clinic could include:

  • Dental advice and treatment
  • Nurse-led clinics
  • Access to a doctor
  • Pharmacy services
  • Optometrist advice and treatment

What Is The Purpose Of A Walk-In Centre?

A walk-in centre is meant to provide access to primary care when you are unable to seek help from your usual GP, or you are not registered with a GP in the local area.

Can You Just Go To A Walk-In Centre?

While usually, you can just turn up and wait for someone to see you at a walk-in centre, during the COVID-19 pandemic, services might be by appointment only. It would therefore be wisest to check before you turn up.

What Is Rochdale Walk-In Centre Medical Negligence?

If you attend a walk-in centre for advice or treatment relating to a medical condition or minor injury, the medical professionals that see you hold a duty of care towards you. They should provide you with a standard of care that is both safe and effective, and if they do not do so, this could constitute a duty of care breach.

If you are harmed by such a breach, this could constitute clinical negligence, and you could launch a claim for compensation for the harm you’ve suffered provided you can evidence your claim.

How Do I Know Whether It Was Negligence?

Sometimes, your care could go wrong, and it may not be the doctor or nurse’s fault. Some medical conditions could be considered very difficult to diagnose or treat effectively, so this would come down to proving whether the medical professional had acted properly at the time of treating you.

To assess this, you could use the Bolam test. This measures whether the actions taken by the medical professional were considered acceptable by a body of medical practitioners.

If the actions that were taken are not considered to have been proper or responsible, and you are harmed because of the actions taken by a medical professional, then you could potentially have a claim for compensation.

Walk-In And Urgent Care Centres In Rochdale

There are a variety of different walk-in centres in the Rochdale area. If you search for ‘Rochdale walk-in centre’ on the NHS website, this could bring up a number of options for you. Here, we summarise some of your choices:

  • Bury walk-in centre – Here, you can obtain a variety of different health care services including minor illness and injury care. The clinic is open from 7 am to 3 pm daily.
  • Nye Bevan House – This clinic offers sexual health advice, including STI testing, as well as diabetes care clinics.
  • Rochdale Urgent Care Centre – This is a centre based at Rochdale Infirmary, which treats or refers patients with minor illnesses or injuries.

What Is The Purpose Of A Walk In Centre?

The purpose of a Rochdale walk-in centre is to provide care to those who require assistance outside of their GPs opening hours, or when they cannot get an appointment with their GP.

They could also help those not registered with a local GP to seek treatment when they are in the area. For example, you could visit a walk-in centre for advice and treatment relating to:

  • Bites and sting
  • Sexual health (including STI testing)
  • Burns and scalds
  • Wounds
  • Hayfever
  • Strains
  • Emergency contraception

You might have specific requirements, which could affect which walk-in centre you choose. For example, if you are looking for dental treatment then you might be wise to look for an NHS dental walk-in centre in Rochdale, or if you require testing for COVID, you might seek out a Rochdale COVID walk-in centre instead. Checking what services are offered by a centre before visiting could save you time in getting the right advice and treatment.

Can NHS Walk-In Centres Give Prescriptions?

In some cases, professionals at a walk-in centre may be able to prescribe medication for conditions that are not long-term or serious. If they cannot effectively or safely treat your condition, they should refer you on to someone who can. Failure to do so could be classed as Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence.

Minor Injuries And Walk-In Clinics

A minor injury is one that is not serious enough to require emergency care, but that could necessitate you seeking medical attention. Whether you attend the urgent care centre at Rochdale Infirmary or another Rochdale walk-in centre, you might do so because you are suffering with:

  • Minor cuts or bruises
  • Sprains and strains
  • Insect and animal bites
  • Minor head injuries
  • Scalds and burns

It is essential that you receive the right help and advice when seeking treatment for minor injuries. Walk-in clinics should take care to carefully assess and advise on such injuries. If they believe they cannot rule out a broken bone, for example, they should refer you to someone that could, instead of just sending you home.

Rochdale walk-in centre clinical negligence could include situations where:

  • Wounds are not cleaned properly before they are dressed, leading to infection
  • You are not referred to another Rochdale urgent care centre, or the hospital when you should have been
  • You are prescribed the wrong creams, ointments or medication to deal with your injury

These are just a few examples. If you can prove that you’ve been harmed by Rochdale walk-in centre negligence relating to minor injury treatment, why not call our team today to find out if you could claim.

Minor Illness And Walk-In Clinics

You might have conducted a web search for a ‘walk-in centre near me’ if you’re suffering symptoms of a minor illness. While walk-in centres are not set up to treat serious or long-term illnesses, you could get help with conditions such as:

  • Ear/nose/throat symptoms
  • Abdominal pain
  • Urinary tract infections
  • A rash
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vomiting

Whether you visit Rochdale infirmary walk-in centre or another walk-in centre in Rochdale, you would expect the doctor or nurse that conducts an assessment of your symptoms to do so effectively, so that you could get the right treatment or advice.

If they fail to refer you to other care services when they should, or you suffer a misdiagnosis, causing your illness to worse, you could have cause to make a Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence claim if you can prove their failings.

Sexual Health And Walk-In Clinics

If you’re visiting a Rochdale NHS walk-in centre because you have sexual health concerns or concerns about your pregnancy, you may be able to benefit from STI testing, family planning advice, emergency contraception or advice about your pregnancy.

It is essential that the care you are given, whether it relates to advice, testing or treatment is effective and safe. After all, it may not only be you that is affected if something goes wrong and you receive negligent medical advice or treatment. For example:

  • Negligent pregnancy advice – if you go to a Rochdale walk-in centre because you have concerns about your health or the health of your unborn child, and are given negligent advice or not referred to Rochdale infirmary urgent care centre, for example, this could risk the health of you and your unborn child.
  • Negligent sexual health advice – if you attend a Rochdale walk-in test centre for STI testing, and are mistakenly told that you do not have an STI, this could cause your infection to worsen, or it could even result in you passing on an infection to a partner.

If you believe you’ve been harmed by Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence relating to pregnancy or an STI, we could help you. For free legal advice, or to be provided with a solicitor to help you claim, simply call our team.

Medications And Walk In Clinics

If you attend a walk-in clinic with a minor ailment, in some cases, you may be able to get a prescription issued right then and there to help you treat what’s wrong. Walk-in centres are able to provide, in some cases, prescriptions for minor illnesses and injuries.

Like any medical service provider, they should ensure they provide you with safe, effective care when it comes to prescribing medication. If they don’t, you could suffer a number of unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • An overdose – if someone prescribes you too much medication, at too high a dosage, this could cause symptoms of an overdose.
  • Insufficient dosages – if you are not given enough medicine to treat your ailment, this may result in prolonged suffering. In some cases, it could make an illness or ailment more difficult to treat.
  • The wrong medication – if you are prescribed a different medicine than you should have been, this could result in not only your original ailment not being treated, but you could also suffer symptoms associated with taking medication you don’t need.
  • A drug interaction – if you are already taking medication, and the walk-in centre are aware of this, they should not prescribe medications that are known to interact with the medication you’re already taking. Drug interactions can range in severity but could cause a number of unpleasant symptoms.
  • An allergic reaction – if you are allergic to a certain type of medication (for example, penicillin) and are prescribed medication that includes this ingredient, this could cause an allergic reaction, which could be very unpleasant.

If you’ve suffered Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence relating to a prescription error or medication error, we could help you. For a free assessment of your case, to ask us any questions, or to start a claim today, simply call our expert team, and we’ll be glad to assist you.

Calculating Compensation For Rochdale Walk-In Centre Medical Negligence

Whether you’ve suffered Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence because of a medication error, misdiagnosis or some other act of negligence, you might wish to get an idea of how much you could claim before you go ahead and start the process.

Medical negligence compensation cases are all different in terms of the injuries suffered, the severity of the injury and the facts of the case. You would need to have an independent medical assessment as part of your claim in order for your injuries to be verified by a professional doctor, who would explain your injuries and your prognosis in a report. This could then be used to give an appropriate value to your claim, as well as evidencing the negligence.

Below, we have put together a table to give you some idea of how much specific injuries could attract. The figures in the table come from the Judicial College Guidelines, which is a publication that could be used by your solicitor and the court to value your claim. We could give you further insight into other injuries over the phone.

Class of Injury Remarks Payout bracket (Approx)
Men suffering lost sexual function as well as total impotence Younger men are commonly assessed in this bracket. As well as the injury, the psychological effects would also be taken into account, as would the effect on the claimant’s social/domestic life. Around £139,210
Men suffering lost sexual function as well as total impotence In this bracket, cases where middle-aged men with children have suffered such an injury could be considered. £40,370 to £73,580
Sterility in men Without impotence or aggravating features. £52,620 to £66,970
Female infertility resulting from injury/disease As well as pain and scarring caused by the injury, the psychological effects could also be measures, including anxiety and depression. £107,810 to £158,970
Female infertility resulting from failure to diagnose ectopic pregnancy This bracket could be appropriate if there have been complications. The more damaging the complications, the higher the payout. £31,950 to £95,850
Harm caused by a delayed diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy Usually, cases in this bracket could be considered where the fertility of the victim was unaffected. However, complications such as the patient requiring transfusions, the extent of the bleeding and the loss/removal of a fallopian tube would be taken into consideration. £3,180 to £19,170
Injuries causing damage or illness (which are not traumatic) Severe toxicosis. £36,060 to £49,270
Injuries causing damage or illness (which are not traumatic) Poisoning (Short lived but serious) £8,950 to £18,020
Injuries causing damage or illness (which are not traumatic) Poisoning that causes fatigue, alterations to the bowel function of the affected person and cramping. A full recovery could be made in 1-2 years. £3,710 to £8,950
Injuries causing damage or illness (which are not traumatic) Days or even weeks of suffering with cramps, pain and diarrhoea. £860 to £3,710

The figures above relate to the pain, suffering and loss of amenity that could be caused by Rochdale walk-in clinic medical negligence, but we should mention that in addition to this, you could also claim for expenses caused by your injuries.

These are often called special damages, and they relate to the quantifiable financial cost of the injury. Special damages could include:

  • Costs for care at home
  • Medical costs
  • Travel expenses
  • Income losses

It is crucial that you are able to evidence these costs if you intend on claiming for them. We would urge all claimants to keep documents such as pay slips, bank statements and receipts safe, so they could provide these to their lawyer when making their claim. That way, they could ensure they do not miss out on any costs they may be eligible to recover.

Can I Make A No Win No Fee Rochdale Walk-In Centre Negligence Claim?

If you’ve suffered harm due to clinical negligence and would like to make a claim for compensation, you might be relieved to know that you could do so—with the help of a Legal Expert solicitor—without having to pay any legal fees until your claim had finished and your compensation had been paid.

All Legal Expert solicitors work under No Win No Fee terms, which means you would only pay legal fees if they successfully obtained a compensation payout for you.

To begin a No Win No Fee Rochdale walk-in centre medical negligence claim, you’d need to read and sign a Conditional Fee Agreement, a document that would promise your lawyer a success fee in the event of a successful claim. This fee would be legally capped and would usually be calculated as a small percentage of your total compensation payout. Once your lawyer had received the signed agreement back, they’d begin work on your claim.

Once they had successfully negotiated a settlement for you, their success fee would be deducted from the total payout, with the rest being for your benefit.

If no compensation was recovered, you would not pay them the fee, nor would you have to pay for any costs they’d incurred during the course of your claim.

We recognise that you might like to learn more about No Win No Fee claims. We have written a dedicated guide for this, which you can access here. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to chat with us on the phone about No Win No Fee claims, we’d be happy to talk to you.

Talk To Us About Your Case

Whether you still have questions about making a Rochdale walk-in clinic medical negligence claim, you’d like to benefit from a free case assessment or you’d like us to provide you with a lawyer to help you make your claim, we’re here to help. To get in touch, simply:

Where To Find More Information

Birth Injury Claims – Here, you can find our dedicated guide to birth injury compensation. If you’ve suffered a birth injury due to clinical negligence, this guide could be useful to you.

Malpractice By A GP/Doctor – If a doctor has breached their duty of care towards you, and you have been harmed as a result, this guide could help you ascertain whether you could claim compensation.

Making A Misdiagnosis Claim – This guide covers misdiagnosis and clinical negligence in more detail.

The NHS Constitution For England – This constitution reveals the goals and principles behind NHS care.

The Royal College Of Nursing – You can read more about the principles that underpin nursing care here.

Never Event List– This list explains what could be classed as a never event, something that there are procedures in place to avoid, but that could potentially cause harm to patients.

Other Medical Negligence Claim Guides That May Be Helpful

Thank you for reading our guide to Rochdale Walk-In Centre medical negligence.


Guide by Jeffries

Edited by Billing

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