Manchester Airport Accident Compensation & Injury Claim Specialists

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  • Specialist solicitors with up to 30 years experience
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Manchester Airport Accident Claims Guide

Manchester Airport is the third busiest airport in the UK and the busiest outside of the capital. For most customers, their time within one of its three terminals is comfortable and relaxing prior to their flight but if you have an accident it can ruin a business trip or holiday, so you may wish to make a compensation claim.

Manchester airport

Manchester airport

If you’ve been involved in an accident in Manchester airport as either a passenger, employee, contractor or visitor then Legal Expert may be able to seek compensation for you using our no win no fee service.

To begin your claim with us simply call 0800 073 8804 today and one of our team will assess your claim with you.

If you’d like to know more first, then please carry on reading this useful guide that will provide all of the information you’ll need.

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What Injuries And Accidents Can Happen At Manchester Airport?

When it comes to personal injury claims against an airport, or one of the retail units within it, you need to be able to prove the following:

  • That the company you are claiming against (the defendant) owed you a duty of care,
  • Then you need to show that they breached that duty of care and
  • Because of their breach, you had an accident which left you with injuries.

In most parts of the airport (those that you are allowed to be in) the airport or shop will automatically have a duty of care to ensure that visitors are safe. So, to make a successful claim you need to be able to prove that somebody did something, or failed to do something, that was caused your accident.

If you’ve had an accident that was somebody else’s fault, then we could help you to make a personal injury claim against them so please contact us. There is a three year time limit for most accident claims in the UK which you’ll need to bear in mind.

Aviation Accident And Injury Statistics

Many nervous passengers worry about airport disasters or crashes, but the truth is that in the UK and most of the western world flying itself is very safe and crashes are very rare.

You’re much more likely to be injured while on the ground in the airport than in a major incident in the flight. In fact, statistics released by the Health and Safety Executive shows that employees in airports are just as likely to be injured and in the last record that were released over 5000 injuries occurred at UK airports with nearly 40% being linked to lifting and handling injuries.

We cover how to make an accident at work claim later in this guide and provide information on why you may be eligible to claim against your employer.

Common Airport Passenger And Staff Accidents

Over the next few sections we’ll outline the most common types of accidents at airports that could lead to compensation claims. If you’ve been injured in any other type of accident, we can still help if it was caused by somebody else’s mistake or negligence.

Falls, Trips, And Slips When Boarding A Plane Or On Wet Floors

A slip or trip which leads to a fall can cause all sorts of injuries ranging from soft tissue damage to severe head injuries and can happen just about anywhere around an airport.

If the trip was caused because you weren’t paying attention, then you wouldn’t be able to seek compensation but if it was caused by somebody else and led to you being injured then you ought to be able to seek compensation.

For instance, if a floor is wet or slippery due to cleaning or a spillage and there were no warning signs in place then you could make a claim as somebody should’ve alerted you to the danger.

As we’ll cover later in this article, try to photograph the scene of the fall before anything is cleared away as this can be crucial evidence to prove why you were injured.

Airport Vehicle And Transfer Coach Accidents

Manchester Airport is a vast place and vehicles can be used to help getting around the airport. If you’re injured as a passenger, driver or pedestrian within the airport then you may be able to seek compensation.

The types of accidents at an airport which includes a vehicle include:

  • Accidents involving shuttle buses or taxis (to transfer you from the airport hotel to the terminal).
  • Accidents involving electric vehicles used within the terminal such as cleaning vehicles or electric vehicles used to move disabled people around the terminal.
  • Injuries caused by buses, trains and trams used to transfer you from the terminal to the plane or departure area.
  • Car crashes within the airport cark park.

How the claim is made will depend on who was involved and where the accident occurred, let us assess your claim and we’ll ensure your claim is lodged correctly.

Accidents Involving The Baggage Carousel Or Baggage Trolleys?

If you’re involved in an accident where luggage falls from a carousel or you’re involved in a collision with a baggage trolley, then you may be eligible to claim.

Injuries Caused By Luggage Accidents

The same is true if luggage (either large suitcases or hand luggage) has been left in an unsuitable place and causes you to trip over and injure yourself. It can be tricky to determine if somebody else was to blame so try to photograph the scene of the accident and contact Legal Expert for further advice.

Claims For Escalator Or Lift Accidents

Most UK airports have very good maintenance programs meaning that accidents involving lifts, travelators, escalators or stairs don’t occur too often but there are scenarios where you could become injured and need to use a personal injury lawyer to make a claim such as:

  • When another person is going the wrong way on a travelator or escalator which causes you to fall.
  • If somebody presses the emergency stop button (when it didn’t need to be) which means a lift, escalator or travelator stops suddenly.
  • When a handrail on a stairway is damaged and you lose your grip, which causes you to fall.
  • If you become trapped in a lift.
  • Or if a lift stops incorrectly and causes you to trip when leaving it as the door is not flush with the ground level.

Although these cases are rare, they can happen, and you could seek compensation if you’ve been injured because of them.

Restaurants, Cafes And Shops At Manchester Airport

For your information we’ve listed some of the shops, restaurants and bars that you’ll find in the 3 terminals in Manchester Airport


  • William and Henry’s
  • Paperhase
  • Rolling Luggage
  • Monsoon
  • WH Smith
  • Zoodle
  • Victoria’s Secret
  • Attitude
  • Bobbi Brown
  • Dune London
  • Fat Face
  • Dixons Travel
  • Clarins
  • JD Sports
  • Next
  • Pandora
  • Boux Avenue
  • Hugo Boss


  • The Nook
  • Kisoco
  • KFC
  • Frankie and Benny’s
  • Café Nero
  • Starbucks
  • Burger King
  • Spinning Jenny
  • Bar MCR
  • Cabin
  • Pork & Pickle
  • The Lion and Antelope
  • Upper Crust
  • Trattoria Milano
  • The Grain Loft

If you have an accident or become ill in any of these retail outlets, then we could make a claim on your behalf using our no win no fee service.

Manchester Airport Accident At Work Claims

Whether you are employed by Manchester Airport directly or by one of the many retail operations based there, you are still protected by the Health and Safety at Work Act in the same way as any other employee in the UK.

All employers within the airport have a duty of care to ensure their staff have a safe working environment and, if they fail to meet their obligations, we could make an accident claim for you if you’re injured because of their negligence.

All employers should:

  • Ensure staff receive full training for their duties and that this is refreshed regularly
  • Provide adequate safety equipment where needed
  • Ensure equipment and machinery is maintained properly
  • Repair any defects that have been reported to them in a timely manner.

If you’ve been injured because any of the above haven’t happened in your workplace then you could be eligible for compensation. Your employer can not instigate disciplinary action against you if you make an honest claim against them, so don’t let that put you off from making a claim.

Baggage Handler Accident At Work Claims

As we’ve mentioned elsewhere in this guide, manual handling and lifting make up a large portion of accidents within airports and one of the most common jobs that involve lifting is baggage handling.

As you’ll be moving lots (and sometimes heavy) of luggage, your employer should ensure that:

  • You know how to lift heavy items properly
  • You have been provided with the necessary safety equipment such has hard boots to protect your feet
  • You have adequate rest periods
  • You are trained fully in the use of any lifting aids or machinery

All of these things should happen to protect you as well as your colleagues from becoming injured. You could make a claim against your employer, even if it was a colleague who caused your injury so long as the cause was one of the above scenarios.

However, if you’ve been trained fully and you weren’t applying the skills that you’ve been taught then you wouldn’t be able to claim for any injuries that you sustained.

I Had Food Poisoning Or A Food Allergy At An Airport, Can I Claim Compensation

There are 2 common types of illnesses caused by food:

  • Allergic reactions (which in serious cases can be a fatal accident)
  • Food poisoning

If you suspect either of these has affected you, then you seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Food poisoning is caused by food being prepared or stored in an unhygienic area or when food is cooked or heated incorrectly. It can lead to serious stomach problems that may not present themselves immediately so you may not notice until after your flight.

Allergic reactions are caused when food contains an allergen which either goes unnoticed or the packaging didn’t highlight it. If that is the case then you could claim compensation against the restaurant or the airport.

How You Can Start A Manchester Airport Accident Claim

If you’re involved in an accident in Manchester airport and there’s a possibility that you would like to make a personal injury claim, then there are a number of things you could do at the time of the accident to make any claim easier:

  • Any compensation claim will usually be based on medical evidence so you should ensure you see a doctor following an accident. Firstly, you will receive any required treatment and secondly medical records will be created by the doctor which we can then use to show that you were injured and the severity of the injury.
  • Gather any witnesses contact details as we could contact them and gather witness statements to back up your claims. If they have time, you could ask them to write a brief statement of what they saw.
  • Photograph or video the scene of the accident before anything is cleared away. If you’re not able to, because of your injuries, ask somebody else to do so and try to include the root cause of your accident.
  • Report your accident to airport staff or retail staff if you’re in one of the outlets at the airport. They should record the details in an accident report so ask for a copy of what they write.

Any of the above that you can manage to complete will greatly improve the chances of successfully claiming compensation. Any evidence that you can retain will always be useful.

What Can My Manchester Airport Accident Claim Include?

Please include this standard section as well as any additional information on what can be included/ claimed for as part of a personal injury compensation claim. The types of compensation (generally) fall into these categories: General Damages, Medical Expenses, Travel Costs, Care Claim, Loss of earnings etc.

How Much Personal Injury Compensation Can I Claim For An Accident In Manchester Airport?

The amount of compensation you may receive is very often one of the first questions clients ask us, but the truth is, that until we’ve spoken with you and assessed your claim in full, it is very difficult to say.

What we can do at this early stage of your claim is provide the table below which shows the amount of compensation different injuries can be awarded:

Injury Severity Range Maximum Amount Of Compensation Notes
Ankle injury Minor to severe Up to £61,139 Injuries in this category can include lacerations, burns, then on to nerve damage including fractures or sprains to complete loss of function of the ankle
Foot injury Minor to very severe Up to £96,139 Injuries in this category can include soft tissue damage through to muscle and nerve damage and sprains and then on to amputation of one or both feet.
Leg injury Minor to severe Up to £119,239 Injuries in this category can include cuts and lacerations, through to fractures of the bones and muscle and ligament damage and in the most severe circumstance amputation or paralysis above or below the knee.
Hand injury Minor to serious Up to £54,299 Injuries in this category can include soft tissue damage then on to muscle and nerve damage and in severe cases amputation of one or both hands.
Arm injury Moderate to severe Up to £114,829 Injuries in this category can include soft tissue damage, then on to broken bones and muscle or ligament damage and in the most severe cases amputation above or below the elbow.
Thumb injury Minor to severe Up to £48,039 Injuries in this category can include soft tissue damage including cuts, bruising and lacerations , through dislocation and fractures and in worst cases the entire loss of one or both of the thumbs.
Back injury Minor to severe Up to £141,169 Injuries in this category can include cuts, burns and bruising, through to muscle damage, as then on to a fracture of the vertebrae. In severe cases the injury can include complete or partial paralysis of the back.
Neck injury Minor to severe Up to £130,079 Injuries in this category can include soft tissue damage then on to nerve and muscle damage, fractures of the vertebrae. Again, the most severe cases can lead to some form of complete or partial paralysis.

The main point that you’ll notice is that each type of injury has a range of compensation associated with it. The job of your personal injury lawyer is to prove, by using medical evidence, how severe your injury was so that the correct amount of compensation is awarded.

Legal Expert have a board of medical experts and specialists that we can call upon to verify medical evidence and provide expert evidence when required to support some claims.

No Win No Fee Manchester Airport Accident Claims

When you decide to launch a claim for compensation against an airport or business based in an airport there are two practical methods of making a claim with a solicitor:

  • You can employ a solicitor who charges an hourly rate and you’ll receive 100% of any compensation awarded
  • Or you can employ a solicitor who offers a no win no fee service but keeps an agreed percentage of your compensation to cover the cost for their service.

Both options will proceed in the same way legally, but the main difference comes when the case is unsuccessful. With the first option you’ll still have to pay the solicitor for their time (which can amount to a large legal bill with no compensation) or, if you’ve employed a no win no fee solicitor – you won’t pay anything at all for their services.

At Legal Expert we believe no win no fee is the fairest and most risk-free way of making a claim so it’s the only way we operate. If we win your case, then we simply retain our agreed percentage of the compensation and send the rest directly to you. You never have to send us payment for our service, win or lose.

How Legal Expert Can Help You Make An Airport Accident Claim

At Legal Expert, we have a team of personal injury solicitors who work purely on accident claims and so know what’s needed and what isn’t to mount a successful claim.

We work hard to ensure our clients get all of the compensation they deserve and work with them to ensure we’ve gathered all the relevant evidence prior to submitting the claim.

We are professional and friendly as well as open an honest about the chances of successfully claiming compensation for your injuries. If we don’t believe you’ve got a good chance, then we’ll tell you as we wouldn’t want to offer you false hope.

We have many positive reviews from previous clients who’d happily recommend us to new clients which we see as the best advert for our services.

How To Contact Legal Expert

Hopefully, now you’ve read this guide about claiming compensation for an accident in Manchester Airport, you’re ready to begin your own claim and you’d like Legal Expert to represent you. If so, you can contact us in a number of different ways:

  • Telephone: Call today on 0800 073 8804 and our team will guide you through the process of claiming.
  • Email: Send a message about your accident to and we’ll contact you at a time you specify.
  • Live Chat: Use our handy live chat feature to have any questions answered 7 days a week.
  • Online: Fill in this simple form to begin your claim. It should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

When you start your claim with us, we’ll assess your claim with you during a free initial consultation. We’ll be honest and advise you straight away if we believe you’ve got a good chance of successfully gaining compensation for your injuries.

Additional Resources

Now that we’ve provided you with all the information, you’ll need to decide about your own airport accident claim, here are some more useful documents which may help you further:

Food Safety Agency Regulations – The current range of legislation for food safety in the UK.

Airport Safety Guide – a guide to airport safety from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)

Package Holiday Claims – a guide to making claims while on a package holiday, including accidents that occur inflight.

Easyjet Flight Accident Claims – Easyjet are one of the airlines based at Manchester airport. This guide provides information on claiming against the airline directly.

Allergic Reaction Claims – a comprehensive guide about the causes of allergic reactions and how much compensation could be awarded.

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    Meet The Team

    • Patrick Mallon legal expert author

      Patrick is a Grade A solicitor having qualified in 2005. He's an an expert in accident at work and public liability claims and is currently our head of the EL/PL department. Get in touch today for free to see how we can help you.

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