UK GDPR Salary Information Data Breach Claims Experts

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How To Make UK GDPR Salary Information Data Breach Claims

Have you suffered harm because of a UK GDPR salary information data breach? If your employer or another organisation failed to comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018, and you have suffered harm as a result, you may be able to claim.

Salary information data breach claims guide

UK GDPR salary information data breach claims guide

A personal data breach of your salary information can cause significant harm to both your psychological well-being and your finances. In this article, we will explain how to make a claim after suffering harm in these areas, and we will also discuss who could be eligible for compensation following a breach.

Following this, we will discuss how our No Win No Fee solicitors could help you start your claim. For more information or for any questions you may have that aren’t covered in this guide, get in touch with our team of advisors today by”

Select A Section

  1. What Is A Data Breach Of Salary Information?
  2. Is Salary Information Considered Personal Information?
  3. How Should Salary Information Be Protected?
  4. When Are You Eligible To Claim Compensation?
  5. UK GDPR Salary Information Data Breach Compensation Calculator
  6. Start A UK GDPR Salary Information Data Breach Claim

What Is A Data Breach Of Salary Information?

Your personal data is any information that could identify you. For example, your full name is personal data, and so is your postage address and your email address. As such, your salary information could also be considered personal data.

For example, if you work at a small company and earn an amount per year that is unique to anyone else at the company, then your wage could be used to identify you. Similarly, salary information can include your payslip, which could contain your phone number, national insurance number and date of birth.

If the integrity, availability, or confidentiality of this data is affected by a security incident, this is a personal data breach. We will discuss the criteria for making a claim further on in this article. Read on to learn more, or contact our team to start your UK GDPR salary information claim.

Is Salary Information Considered Personal Information?

As we have already mentioned, any information that could be used to identify you as a living person is personal information. As such, certain aspects of your salary information could be classed as personal data.

Some examples of salary information that could be protected by the UK GDPR and DPA include:

You may be able to make a UK GDPR salary information data breach claim if your personal data was involved in a personal data breach. To learn more, get in touch with our advisors.

How Should Salary Information Be Protected?

The UK GDPR and the DPA set out the steps that employers and other organisations should take in order to protect the data of UK residents. Those who handle personal data in this capacity are known as data controllers and data processors.

A data controller decides how they are going to use your data, as well as why. They are responsible for establishing a lawful basis for processing your data. Following this, a data processor will process your data by following the instructions of the controller.

One step that data controllers and processors must take to keep your personal data secure ensuring their cybersecurity policies are up to standard. If they aren’t, and this allows cybercriminals access to your personal data,  you may be eligible to claim.

Read on to learn more about claims for a UK GDPR salary information data breach, or get in touch to get started.

When Are You Eligible To Claim Compensation?

As we have already mentioned, in order to be eligible to make a compensation claim, your case must meet the criteria set out by the UK GDPR. This means that:

  • The data controller or processor must engage in wrongful conduct, which causes a personal data breach
  • This breach affects your personal data
  • You experience harm because of this

If your case meets the criteria above, then you may be eligible to star a personal data breach claim. However, you must ensure that you begin your claim within the relevant time limit. This is usually six years for a general personal data breach claim, but it is one year for claims that are made against public bodies.

To learn more about making a personal data breach claim, get in touch with our team of advisors. They can tell you if your claim could be valid and offer more advice surrounding the time limit.

UK GDPR Salary Information Data Breach Compensation Calculator

There are two areas of harm that you may be able to pursue compensation for in a claim: material damage and non-material damage. Material damage is the harm you suffer financially, and material damage compensation aims to address the financial impacts of a personal data breach.

For example, a breach of your salary information could result in criminals making illegal charges on your credit card or debit card or damaging your credit score.

We have formed a table using figures taken from the Judicial College Guidelines (JCG). This is a document that helps legal professionals value claims through guideline settlement amounts. The amounts above reflect the JCG brackets for non-material damage. Non-material damage refers to the psychological injuries you suffer as a result of the breach.

For example, if you suffer from anxiety due to a data breach, this could be covered by non-material damage compensation.

Injury Compensation Bracket Notes
General Psychiatric Harm (a) Severe – £54,830 to £115,730 A poor prognosis with severe symptoms that affect all aspects of daily life.
General Psychiatric Harm (b) Moderately Severe – £19,070 to £54,830

A more favourable prognosis than the bracket above but still representative of a significant disability.
General Psychiatric Harm (c) Moderate – £5,860 to £19,070

There is an improvement in symptoms by the time of trial.
General Psychiatric Harm (d) Less Severe – £1,540 to £5,860

The award bracket reflects how long the disabling impacts last and their effect on daily life and activities.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (a) Severe – £59,860 to £100,670

Severe and permanent symptoms affect the ability to function and cope with daily life.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (b) Moderately Severe – £23,150 to £59,860

An improved prognosis than the bracket above with professional intervention.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (c) Moderate – £8,180 to £23,150

A large recovery occurs, with any remaining symptoms being non-disabling.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (d) Less Severe – £3,950 to £8,180 A virtually full recovery, with only minor symptoms that persist past this point.

Please note that these figures are only guidelines. The actual amount of compensation that you could receive may vary. To learn more, or to get a free consultation, get in touch with our advisors today.

Start A UK GDPR Salary Information Data Breach Claim

If you are interested in making a UK GDPR salary information data breach claim, our advisors may be able to help. They could offer their services to you through a Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA). With the help of a CFA, you can access expert legal representation and advice to help you through the claims process, typically without paying any fees to your solicitor.

The only fee you are generally asked to pay to your solicitor under this type of No Win No Fee arrangement is a success fee. This is taken from your compensation as a percentage with a legal cap. But, unsuccessful claimants generally do not pay a fee to their solicitor.

In conclusion, why not get in touch to see how a UK GDPR salary information No Win No Fee claim could help you by:

Where You Could Read More

To learn more from our helpful guides, we recommend:

Or, for further resources:

Get in touch today to learn more about making a UK GDPR salary information data breach claim.

Written by Waters

Edited by Hampton

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